Aurelio Crugnola ในความทรงจำ...ความรักอยู่ได้ชั่วนิรันดร์ Mahogany Navajo Joe House of Cards Storia di una donna ในความทรงจำ...ความรักอยู่ได้ชั่วนิรันดร์ Gli onorevoli Un fiume di dollari นักฆ่าผานรก Starcrash Le massaggiatrici ไต่ระห่ำนรก อาชาเพื่อนยาก Diciottenni al sole Diciottenni al sole I motorizzati 5 เดนนรก The Cassandra Crossing Vanille fraise The Story of William Tell Leoni al sole Leoni al sole James Tont operazione U.N.O. Marco Polo L'inafferrabile invincibile Mr. Invisibile Che? The Adventurers The Black Stallion Returns I motorizzati Snow Job Il magnifico avventuriero Sahara Cross King David โหดหุ้มเหล็ก Maciste nelle miniere del re Salomone Sistemo l'America e torno Ashanti James Tont operazione D.U.E. Year of the Gun It Happened in Athens I maniaci Su e giù Blood Tide Il ponte dei sospiri Sacco e Vanzetti The Ballad of Hector the Stowaway Dog Bolidi sull'asfalto a tutta birra!