
Kobane 2022


Despite being outnumbered and outgunned, a female Kurdish fighter guides her fellow fighters in the resistance to defend their city, Kobanê, from the deadly threat of ISIS. A real story of war, sacrifice, love and hope that kept the whole world on tenterhooks.


Blackberry Season

Blackberry Season 2021


Back in his hometown after his university studies, Servan is witness to the burning down of his village and a series of other atrocities which eventually lead him to join the Kurdish resistance. In the ranks of the Kurdish liberation movement, he is seriously injured in clashes with the Turkish army. In order not to slow down his comrades and allow them to escape, Servan insists that he be left behind. Against all odds, he survives, enduring several days of acute pain. However, his friends cannot come back to pick him up, the area being surrounded by Turkish soldiers. As the soldiers approach, Servan decides to leave his hide away in spite of his serious injuries. He sets out to find his friends, overcoming countless obstacles in the forest, but nevertheless helped by Kurdish villagers throughout his journey. However, he is hunted down by death squads and village guards.


Tearing Walls Down

Tearing Walls Down 2023


Peoples' Democratic Party(HDP), which had been founded under the leadership and with initiation of the Kurdish political movement, entered the parliament with a landslide election victory. HDP won many city and district municipalities in Kurdistan and has become a great hope for communities and peoples of Turkey. After the peace process came to an end, many lawsuits were filed against HDP and its MPs within the framework of a lawsuit for closing and banning HDP. Hundreds of politicians were arrested and sent to prison, including Figen Yuksekdag, the former co-chair of HDP, Gultan Kisanak, the co-mayor of Diyarbakir Metropolitan Municipality, and Aysel Tugluk, HDP MP. Furthermore, many were forced to go abroad and started to live in exile. Aysel Tugluk got dementia while she was in prison and it was only after the protests that she was released. In this documentary, the first-degree relatives of Figen, Gultan and Aysel tell the process of going to and coming from the prison.


Red Pages

Red Pages 2021


The Story of Nûjiyan Erhan.



Berfin 2019


Berfin is a young female guerrilla who has had to grow fast within Kurdistan war. As she tries to adapt to her new life at mountains peaks, she dives deep in her inner world seeking answers for her past. House raids, non-return leavings, the dead in the village square, the endless whispering of the elders and a mother who left her behind … Between her losses and the war in her country, Berfin takes the roads to pursue both her memories and her mother. A story of quest, war and longing; love, loss and struggle of a female guerrilla fighter of Kurdistan.