The Lord of Sipan

The Lord of Sipan 2009


The tombs of the grand lords of Moche civilization - one of Peru's most important pre-Hispanic civilizations -- are in constant danger from grave robbers, but archeologist Walter Alva has managed to find some priceless treasures and recreate the lives of this ancient people of northern Peru.


La Joya and the Warriors in the Mist

La Joya and the Warriors in the Mist 2014


A people who lived on the brink of the abyss and buried their dead on sheer cliffs, defying all logic. The Chachapoya culture flourished between 800 and 1500 AD in northern Peru, at an altitude of more than 3,000 meters. No one knows for sure whether the Chachapoyas came out of the jungles or the mountains, but they settled in a place that seems impossibly difficult to live in: the mountainous fringes of the Peruvian jungle.


Millennial Peru: The Unexplored History

Millennial Peru: The Unexplored History 2014


In the Formative Period 4,000 years before the Incas and the arrival of the Conquistadors, Peru’s earliest civilizations - the Chavín, Caral, Ventarrón, Sechin, Cupisnique, and Cajamarca cultures - built centers of learning and technological achievements, including the largest work of hydrological engineering in the ancient Americas: the Cumbemayo canals.


The Moche Route

The Moche Route 2014


Starting from the colonial city of Trujillo, this documentary reveals natural and archeological features along the north coast of Peru, where the Moche culture thrived from the 1st Century BC to the 6th Century AD.


The Kingdoms of the Himalayas

The Kingdoms of the Himalayas 2010


Himalayan Kingdoms is a journey in search of the roots of Buddhism. A journey through the most mountainous region of the planet, among Nepal, China and India. It is the Kingdom of the inaccessible nature, where rivers like the Ganges or Indus are born, where people still retains their old customs and where it is still possible to find groups of nomads who drive their herds of yaks through fantastic scenarios situated at the foot of the ceiling of the world.