Açar söz Communist Propaganda
Vlny 2024
Im Strahl der Sonne 2015
불가사리 1985
Propaganda 2013
Шестая часть мира 1926
Одиннадцатый 1928
Годовщина революции 1918
Чапаев 1934
Советские игрушки 1924
Stalin: Man of Steel 2003
Шагай, Совет! 1926
Блэк энд уайт 1932
Le Parti du cinéma 2021
Thirty Cases of Major Zema 1976
Thirty Cases of Major Zeman is a Czechoslovak action-drama television show intended as a political propaganda to support the official attitude of the communist party. The series were filmed in the 1970s. Each episode encompasses one year, and investigations are stylized to that year. Most are inspired by real cases. The series follows the life of police investigator Jan Zeman during his career from 1945 to 1975.
Faith of the Century: A History of Communism 1999
Communism spread to all of the continents of the word, lasting through four generations and over seven decades. Hundreds of millions of men and women were affected by this political system, one of the most unjust and bloodiest in history. Using newly discovered propaganda films and archival photos, these four episodes explore the mysteries of this totalitarian political machine that lured its share of important followers into the fold. Known as the red church, communism seduced its ardent followers like some earthly religion.