Seaside Hotel

Seaside Hotel 2013


At Andersen’s Seaside Hotel by the North Sea dunes, meet three young people as they try to emancipate themselves from the plans other people have made on their behalf.



Klovn 2005


Klovn is a Danish sitcom, which first aired on the Danish TV channel TV2 Zulu. It focuses on the life of the main character Frank and Casper. The show builds its comedy around quiet everyday situations, social awkwardness, uncomfortable silences and general faux pas. Klovn usually gets compared to the American sitcom Curb Your Enthusiasm by Larry David. It’s also shot handheld, in a pseudo-realistic style. Some have also mistakenly compared the theme to Curb Your Enthusiasm’s, despite it being a direct reference to Jacques Tati’s Mr. Hulot movies. The poster for the first film can be seen in Casper and Frank’s offices throughout the series. Klovn initially ran 6 seasons on TV2 Zulu from 2005-2009 and was renewed with an additional 3 seasons that aired from 2018-2022.


X Factor (DK)

X Factor (DK) 2008


X Factor is the Danish version of The X Factor, a show originating in the United Kingdom and is created by talent show judge and record and TV producer Simon Cowell.


Live from Bremen

Live from Bremen 2009


Live from Bremen has been described as the successor to Casper and the Mandril Agreement, as the show has the Mandril Agreement's Lasse Rimmer and Lars Hjortshøj as permanent fixtures, as well as Casper Christensen as lead author and man of ideas. The show is broadcast live from Bremen, the former Private Theater in Copenhagen, and is followed by Casper Christensen's talk show ALOHA! sent from the same place. Live from Bremen is inspired by the American sketch and satire show Saturday Night Live.



Rita 2012


Independent, outspoken and adored by her students, private school teacher Rita fares less well with adults.


Skibet i Skilteskoven

Skibet i Skilteskoven 1992


Sømanden Otto (Brandenburg) har bugseret sit gode skib ”Julia” ind i Skilteskoven. Her nyder han freden og roen, alene med sin trofaste følgesvend, papegøjen Bounty (Søren Thorup), og ugentligt besøg af Landhandelens Karen-Marie (Karin Jagd), indtil borgmesterens datter ”Henry” (Amalie Ihle Alstrup) farer vild, og søger nattely på skibet… Duftforhandleren Viggo Velva (Axel Strøbye) har dog ikke tænkt sig, at Otto skal blive i granskoven. Han forsøger, på alle (lovlige og ulovlige) måder, at overtage skoven, for at kunne brænde den ned, så han kan bruge duften af afbrændt gran til sit nyeste projekt ”Jul på Dåse”. I bunden af skibet ”Julia”, det sted Otto kalder Sumpen, bor de tre nisser; Kogle, Multe og Stub (LINIE 3). De gør alt hvad der står i deres magt for at hjælpe Otto, Henry og Karen-Marie mod Velvas miljøfjendske planer. Og det bliver ikke lettere, da Velvas nevø, popsangeren Willy Vox (Tommy Kenter), dukker op…



Sex 2020


After an innocent kiss, Cathrine is struck by confusion and lust, and suddenly she is split between the confident love of Simon and an exuberant crush.



Stormester 2018


Danish version of the British “Taskmaster” panel show in which comedians, actors and musicians (the contestants) must solve weird challenges in weird ways.


Location, location, location

Location, location, location 2014


With all their experience and expertise, the experts Sara Lygum and Christian Borregaard help Danes looking for a home to find their dream home.