Lanet Takım

Lanet Takım 2009


17 Ağustos 2006'da yayınlanan İngiliz yazar David Peace'in aynı adlı romanından uyarlanmıştır. Kitap basıldığı anda futbol üzerine yazılmış gelmiş geçmiş en iyi roman olarak adlandırılmıştı. İngiliz futbol tarihinin en iyi hocalarından olan ve 2004 yılında hayata veda eden Brian Clough'un Leeds United'ın başında, sadece 44 gün süren teknik direktörlük dönemi anlatılır...


Büyük Patron

Büyük Patron 1971


Cheng (Bruce Lee), Bangkok'ta yeni bir hayat kurmak için kuzenleriyle beraber bir buz fabrikasında çalışmaya başlar. Amcasına bir daha asla dövüşmeyeceğine dair annesi üzerine yemin etmiştir. Kuzenlerinin bir kısmı, fabrika müdürü ile yaptıkları görüşmelerden sonra, gizemli bir şekilde ortadan kaybolunca, nedenlerini araştırmak Cheng Chuan'a düşer. Fakat karşı karşıya kaldığı gerçekler onu yeminini bozmaya iter. Büyük Patron'dan kuzenlerinin intikamını almak için onu ölümcül bir yol beklemektedir.


İnsan Kaynakları

İnsan Kaynakları 1999


Franck işletme fakültesi mezunu genç bir adam olarak ailesinin yaşadığı küçük kente döner. Babasının 30 yıldan beridir çalışmakta olduğu fabrikada yönetim bürosunda stajyer olarak görev alır. Franck, haftada 35 saat çalışma konusunda sendikanın değil tek tek işçilerin görüşlerini almak üzere bir referanduma gidilmesini önererek ilk hatayı yapar. Üst düzey yönetim, onun bu çalışmasının sonuçlarını, işçilerin bir kısmını işten çıkarmak için bahane olarak kullanır. Bu yalnızca işçiler ve işverenler arasında değil baba ve oğul arasında da büyük bir çatışmaya yol açar.


Management of a Novice Alchemist

Management of a Novice Alchemist 2022


For a lonely orphan, there is almost only one career path to success. That is to get a national qualification as an alchemist. After graduating from the Royal Alchemist Training Academy, which requires nothing but ability, Sarasa is presented with the rights to a store by her master. After being sent off by her generous mentor, Sarasa sets off on her journey, dreaming of a slightly elegant life as an alchemist, but upon arrival, she is shocked to find that the countryside is even more rural than she had imagined. However, even in such a place, she has to manage a store somehow to make a living.



Eyes 2005


Eyes is an ABC television series starring Tim Daly as Harlan Judd. Eyes follows the firm of Judd Risk Management which uses marginally legal means to investigate individuals and crimes where law enforcement would fall short. With the help of high-tech gadgets, Harlan Judd and his employees recover money for victims as well as investigate individuals for clients but still manage to keep plenty of secrets from one another. In May 2005, having rescheduled the sixth episode twice, ABC announced that they would not be airing the remaining episodes until June at the earliest. They later announced that it would not be picked up for a second season and that the remaining episodes would remain unaired. New Zealand television station TV2 picked up this show and aired the complete series, all twelve episodes, in the second half of 2005. These episodes appeared online via BitTorrent soon after. The show was also partially aired on Singapore television station Mediacorp Channel 5, with the pilot episode and episodes #106 to #112 being skipped. Episode #111 was an exception, and was aired as the fifth episode. The show was also aired in full on France cable television station Canal Jimmy in 2006. In the beginning of 2008 the show was aired in full on Polish television station TVN 7. The series was shown on the Nine Network in Australia in 2007.


My High School Business

My High School Business 2017


Rosuke Narumi works at a trading company and he is pretty good at his job. He dates Satoko Matsubara. The trading company has a business relationship with a private high school experiencing some difficulties. One day, Rosuke Narumi is appointed as the principle of the private high school. Rosuke Narumi soon discovers how different the work environment is from his previous job. So the school can run in the black, Rosuke Narumi implements cost cutting measures. School staff members including Chihiro Mashiba oppose his plan.


Reincarnated as a Neglected Noble: Raising My Baby Brother With Memories From My Past Life

Reincarnated as a Neglected Noble: Raising My Baby Brother With Memories From My Past Life 1970


The story follows Ageha, who is born into the world as the disliked son of a corrupt count. Ageha possesses all of the knowledge of his previous life, and learns that his half-brother Regulus will eventually attempt to kill him and take his title. Even with this awareness, Ageha decides to use all of the skills from his past life to raise his little brother.