Ölüm Kartı 2024
Bir grup arkadaş, Tarot fallarının kutsal kuralını pervasızca ihlal ettiğinde, bilmeden, lanetli kartların içinde hapsolmuş, anlatılamaz bir kötülüğü serbest bırakırlar. Birer birer kaderle yüzleşirler ve ölümle yarışırlar.
Bir grup arkadaş, Tarot fallarının kutsal kuralını pervasızca ihlal ettiğinde, bilmeden, lanetli kartların içinde hapsolmuş, anlatılamaz bir kötülüğü serbest bırakırlar. Birer birer kaderle yüzleşirler ve ölümle yarışırlar.
Bir kral tarafından denize hapsedilmiş beyaz, tek boynuzlu atlar, bunların denizden kaçmasına engel olması için görevlendirilmiş kızıl boğa ile ve şans eseri son boynuzlu at ı bulup kendini bu atları kurtarmaya adamış komik bir büyücüdür.
Bağdat Cafe 'de olaylar, Mojave Çölü'nün ortasındaki kuş uçmaz kervan geçmez bakımsız bir motel-cafe'de geçiyor. Filmi izlerken, esen sıcak rüzgarları, tozu ve ıssızlığı hissediyor insan. Burası, bütün umutların tükendiği bir yer. Yaz sıcağında, klimalı arabanızda mutluluk içinde yol alırken yol kıyısında gözünüze bir an çarpan, sonra kayıp giden görüntülerden biri.
Tarot kartlarının gizemine inanır mısınız? Joe Strombel isminde bir gazeteci, kamuoyunda "Tarot Kartı Cinayetleri" olarak bilinen bir seri cinayet olayını araştırırken gizemli bir şekilde öldürülür. Bu ölümle birlikte derinleşen araştırma da bir kenara itilir ve olayın esrarı aydınlatılamaz.Joe Strombel'i tanıyan ve başarılı bir gazetecilik öğrencisi olan Sondra, olayın bu haliyle kalmasına müsade etmez ve araştırmaya kaldığı yerden devam eder. Bu araştırma sırasında içine daldığı sihir dünyası, oldukça ilgisini çekmiştir. Gösterisini izlediği Sid Waterman ismindeki bir sihirbaz, farkında olmadan ona bu cinayet davası ile ilgili önemli bir bilgi verir. İpuçlarının gösterdiği tek bir isim vardır: aristokrat Peter Lyman! Sondra, bu son derece yakışıklı adamın peşine düşer ama duygularını olaylara karıştırmamayı başaramayacaktır.
Abby, sıkıntılı bir geçmişe sahip olan genç bir kadındır. Büyük bir yıkıma uğramasına neden olan annesinin ölümünün ardından Abby, memleketine geri döner. Çocukluğunun geçtiği yere geri dönmesi, Abby’nin ardında bıraktığı bir gizeme yeniden çekilmesine neden olur. Yirmi beş yıl önce ormanda bir çocuğun kaçırıldığına şahit olan Abby, o zaman üstü kapanan gerçekleri gün yüzüne çıkarmaya karar verir. Bu süreçte Abby’nin kendisi ile de yüzleşmesine neden olur.
Bir zamanlar bütün spotlar sıradışı akıl hocası Buck Howard (John Malkovich) için yanıyordu.Bir yanına Hukuk Fakültesinden ayrılan ve yazar olmak isteyen Troy Gablen (Colin Hanks) bir yanına da öfkesi burnunda yayımcı Valerieni (Emily Blunt) alan Buck,Amerikan bilincine çıkartma yapmak üzere hazırlanmaya başlar ..
Amazing magic performed by cutting-edge illusionists and escape artists in front of a live audience with performers in each episode display skills ranging from perplexing interactive mind magic to hilarious comedy routines.
Illusionists Penn & Teller throw down the gauntlet to aspiring magicians to perform their most mystifying trick - and fool Penn and Teller. Penn & Teller have no prior knowledge of either the performers or the planned trick. They sit in the audience just like everyone else, watching every move the guest magicians make. If any illusionist fools the professionals, they win a five star trip to Las Vegas to perform as the opening act in Penn & Teller's world famous show at the Rio Hotel & Casino.
Criss Angel Mindfreak is a show that aired on A&E Network. It debuted in 2005 and ended in 2010. It centered on stunts and street magic acts by magician Criss Angel.
The Masked Magician returns to television to defy his fellow conjurers and disclose the tricks that have captivated audiences for centuries. Nowhere else has a magician dared to expose the secrets behind the world's most mystifying illusions.
Mindf * ck does away with the classic image of magic glitter curtains and sawn assistants. The viewer gets an insight into underlying psychological principles such as non-verbal communication, deception and influencing the subconscious. Are we in control of our own choices and can we really trust our perception?
Tipped as the most exciting British magician to emerge in decades, Dynamo: Magician Impossible is the story of an ordinary boy from Bradford living an extraordinary life. The series sees the 28-year-old travelling the globe as the unassuming anti-hero who just happens to astound everyone he meets, whether it's an international footballer or Hollywood actor. Throughout the series, Dynamo: Magician Impossible will take viewers on his magical journey before stunning them with incredible, headline-grabbing stunts beyond the realms of possibility.
The Best of Magic was a British magic show produced by Thames Television for the ITV network that aired from 13 September 1989 to 19 September 1990. The show was hosted by Geoffrey Durham, Simon Mayo, and Anthea Turner, with frequent guest appearances by Arturo Brachetti and Max Maven.
Come to Paul Daniels exclusive nightclub and be his guest as he showcases the latest magicians and variety acts.
Penn & Teller's Magic and Mystery Tour is a 2003 television documentary miniseries starring Penn & Teller. The program was created by the CBC in association with Channel 4 Film. The show focuses on street magic, and the subjects of each of the three shows are China, India, and Egypt. Unusually for Penn and Teller, Teller speaks in the Egypt episode, even though part of their trademark performance is that Penn does all the speaking.
DMC explores the world of illusion, where perspective and perception converge to fool the brain into perceiving an alternative reality.
THEM was a short-lived TV series. On the show, a gang of street magicians set up various scenarios to lure unsuspecting targets. After the team bewildered their victims, they would reveal themselves to the target as one of T.H.E.M.
This fascinating program unravels the mysteries of magic-making by exploring the use and development of emerging technologies to create wholly believable illusions. Through historical footage and interviews with modern masters, you'll learn about some of the earliest special effects -- including light, shadow and incense -- and how magicians harnessed their power to leave audiences breathless.
The Secret Cabaret was a magic-based television programme that ran for two series, of six episodes each, on Channel 4 in the UK during the early 1990s. It was conceived and fronted by British magician Simon Drake and was praised for giving a new and shocking twist to the presentation of illusions. In addition to various magicians the show featured sideshow acts and presentations by experts on fraud and confidence tricks, all interspersed with vintage archive footage of freak shows and daredevil stunts. It was nominated for a Royal Television Society Award.
Derren Brown: The Events features the illusionist Derren Brownin a series of four highly-complex one-hour specials, which Brown has described as "some of the most incredible feats to date." Each event has its own theme, but Derren's aim is always the same: to confuse, to confound, and, of course, to control. The show consists of a mixture of pre-recorded location pieces connected by theatre-based segments, with each of the four programs building up to a major stunt performance. The first trailer broadcast included Brown speaking in reverse but walking forwards with events around him happening forwards. Seemingly cryptic messages were also hidden in the advert such as links to a "Manchester United" website. The advert was later played forwards (although now with Brown moving in reverse), and revealed the premise of the shows. Brown explains that he will be revealing the "inner workings" of his tricks and "showing you how to get away with it."
The magician Vincent C plays tricks on unsuspecting celebrities and members of the public.