Jan A. P. Kaczmarek Three of Hearts Kayıp Ruhlar Düşler Ülkesi Aimee & Jaguar The Courageous Heart of Irena Sendler Shot in the Heart Misafir Dead Girl Total Eclipse Quo Vadis Mahşerin Dört Atlısı Białe małżeństwo The Officer's Wife The Officer's Wife The Time Being Pinocchio Passchendaele Çılgın Aile Hachi: Bir Köpeğin Hikayesi Kto nigdy nie żył... Η Πόλη Της Σιωπής Gospel According to Harry Karamazovi Büyük Sır Marta Jan Bohun i Kmicic A halálraítélt Śmierć Zygielbojma Magnezja Magnezja Magnezja Śmierć Zygielbojma Śmierć Zygielbojma Paul, Apostle of Christ Paul, Apostle of Christ Paul, Apostle of Christ Tajemnica Westerplatte Tajemnica Westerplatte Tajemnica Westerplatte Efekt Motylka Efekt Motylka Wskrzeszenie I'll Find You I'll Find You La habitación Dancing Before the Enemy: How a Teenage Boy Fooled the Nazis and Lived Ayrı Dünyalar Joanna Joanna Edward i Stefan Michał The Happy Worker Valley of the Gods Hania Gün Batımı Sadakatsiz Edges of the Lord A Mother's Fight for Justice Sıcak Tuzak Empty Cradle Do domu Pale Blood Jeździec na ogniu Washington Square Üçüncü Mucize The Courageous Heart of Irena Sendler Doppelganger Soldier's Girl Leonie Mahşerin Dört Atlısı ...i w Ostrej świecisz Bramie Katastrofa Drzewa Bliss