Ramin Bahrani Gadające głowy 2021 Hayatın Kendisi Strangers Blood Kin Blood Kin Goodbye Solo Goodbye Solo Goodbye Solo Goodbye Solo Man Push Cart Man Push Cart Man Push Cart Man Push Cart Amnesty Amnesty Strangers Strangers Strangers Strangers Chop Shop Plastic Bag Plastic Bag Plastic Bag Ailem İçin Ailem İçin If Dreams Were Lightning جوائے لینڈ 7 Tutsak 99 Ev 99 Ev Chop Shop Chop Shop Lemonade War 2nd Chance 2nd Chance 2nd Chance Dogs A Little Prayer If Dreams Were Lightning 99 Ev 99 Ev 99 Ev Fahrenheit 451 Fahrenheit 451 Lemonade War Lemonade War Blood Kin The End Sócrates Fahrenheit 451 Beyaz Kaplan Beyaz Kaplan Sigur Rós: Valtari Film Experiment Backgammon Luzzu Beyaz Kaplan Lift You Up Plastic Bag Plastic Bag Lift You Up Lift You Up 11’09”01—September 11: India Ailem İçin The Oscars The Oscars The Oscars The Oscars The Oscars