Devil Survivor 2: The Animation

Devil Survivor 2: The Animation
The countdown to extinction begins on Sunday with the arrival of the Septentriones, otherworldly invaders set on the eradication of mankind. Caught in the crossfire, Hibiki Kuze and his friends join in the war for humanity's survival by signing contracts with demons to become "Devil Summoners." Soon, their abilities attract the attention of JP's, an underground agency led by Yamato Houtsuin. Once recruited into JP's, Hibiki and his friends fight and bond alongside other ordinary citizens who are Devil Summoners. However, with each new day, another Septentrione appears to wreak havoc upon Japan. Even if many lives are lost in the process, before that night ends, the young summoners must defeat the invaders at all costs.
TitleDevil Survivor 2: The Animation
Genre, ,
Cast, , , , ,
Crew, , , , ,
Alternative TitlesDevil Survivor 2, 惡魔倖存者2 The Animation, Devil Survivor 2 - The Animation, 데빌 서바이버 2, 데빌 서바이버 2 디 애니메이션, 데빌 서바이버 2 the ANIMATION, Выжившие среди демонов 2, Наследник Дьявола, Devil Survivor 2 The Animation
Keyword, , , , , , , , ,
First Air DateApr 05, 2013
Last Air dateJun 27, 2013
Season1 Season
Episode13 Episode
Runtime24:14 minutes
IMDb: 7.90/ 10 by 41.00 users


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