Centralna Wytwórnia Programów i Filmów Telewizyjnych „POLTEL”
Bohun and Kmicic 1984
A unit of the People's Army celebrates the moment of liberation of the country. They remember the times of occupation, the actions they took, and their fallen colleagues.
Na odsiecz Wiedniowi 1983
Film about the famous Battle of Vienna and the events surrounding it.
The Master and Margarita 1990
The Master and Margarita (Mistrz i Małgorzata) is a four-part Polish television production based on the novel by Mikhail Bulgakov.
Sprawa osobista 1986
Customs officer Andrzej Lechicki is arrested on charges of smuggling antiques. The defense of the accused is undertaken by attorney Sokor.
Jest mi lekko 1983
A story of two young people - Marcin and Renata, who one day meet on the train when Marcin tries to steal money from Renata.
Virtuti 1989
Niedziela pewnego małżeństwa w mieście przemysłowym średniej wielkości 1977
The Milewskis are a middle-aged couple. Witold and Magda, both occupied with careers in managerial positions, create a solid, well-matched relationship. They have no children - this is Magda's decision, who preferred to pursue a career rather than take care of diapers. However, little remains of the bond they had at the beginning. Each Sunday, each of them cheats on their partner, and they both know nothing about it. Everything changes when Witold's younger brother Franek, a handsome geologist, shows up at their place.
Sceny nocne 1990
Warsaw elites meet at a ball in Baron Neman's palace, where they discuss the political situation in Poland.
Terrarium 1981
During the holidays, a famous actress gets into an affair with a student.
Marta 1984
Marta comes to Lublin as a captain of the Polish Army. She is looking for information about her son - Stefan, whom she last saw years ago, when she went with her husband to fighting Spain.
Mała sprawa 1980
A few hours before the official visit of the communist party representative, the management of the visited factory learns about it. Everything must be prepared to show the guest how well the place is being managed.
Michał 1984
Michał is among the soldiers quartered in a village near Lublin. By accident, he goes to the palace and visits the magnificent building, where he meets a widow Maria. Meanwhile, local peasants do not want to wait for the start of land reform. They appoint their own committee and want to deal with the division of property themselves.
Polowanie na Króla Lira 1993
A couple of Warsaw actors come to a small town to play in a play staged there. When one of them disappears, the theater director begins a private investigation.
O rany, nic się nie stało!!! 1987
Roberto is a young Cuban who is visiting Poland. And times are not merry - the Cuban conflict is about to begin. His stay is not successful, so Roberto returns to his country.
Wcześnie urodzony 1986
A dying man, influenced by a neighbor in the hospital room, decides to enjoy his life.
Bariery 1986
A radio journalist is having a heart attack. This event becomes a pretext to summarize life.
Racławice. 1794 1980
The document describes the preparations and organizational problems related to the outbreak of the Kościuszko Insurrection and the initial phase of the fighting to the Battle of Racławice. He also devotes a lot of space to the peasant question.
Powstanie listopadowe. 1830 - 1831 1980
Most important events of November Uprising in Poland.
Stacja 1987
The 8th Plenum of the PZPR is underway. Passengers waiting for a train learn that their traffic has stopped.