Ван-Пiс: Червоний

Ван-Пiс: Червоний 2022


У центрі сюжету аніме «Ван-Піс: Червоний» постає чудова дівчина Ута — найпопулярніша співачка у світі. Відома тим, що приховує свою особистість під час виступу, її голос став описуватись як «потойбічний». Тепер, уперше в історії, Ута покаже себе світу на живому концерті. У міру того, як зал заповнюється всілякими фанатами Ути — схвильованими піратами, що пильно спостерігають за військово-морськими силами і піратами «Солом'яними капелюхами» на чолі з Луффі, які просто прийшли насолодитися її звучним виступом. Всі причаїлися, ось-ось зазвучить голос, на який чекав увесь світ. Історія починається з шокуючого факту, що вона є «дочкою» Рудого Шанкса.


Монстри футболу

Монстри футболу 2022


Четверо юних футбольних фанатів об’єднують зусилля, щоб допомогти своїм кумирам повернути здібності після того, як злий учений поцупив їхні таланти.


Найкраща гра

Найкраща гра 2005


П'ятирічний Френсіс Віміт зустрів легендарного Гаррі Вардона. Відомий чемпіон подарував хлопцеві його першу ключку та любов до гольфу. Хто знав, що через 15 років хлопець претендуватиме на нагороди неперевершеного чемпіона...


Дракон і Принцеса з Ластовинням

Дракон і Принцеса з Ластовинням 2021


Дівчина-підліток Судзу втратила матір та виховується одним батьком. Вона навчається у старшій школі, але не проводить вільний час з друзями, а воліє занурюватися у віртуальний світ U, де вона живе яскравим насиченим життям під ніком красуні та успішної співачки Белль, яку люблять мільйони користувачів. З ранніх років Судзу має неймовірно красивий і сильний вокал, але після смерті мами вона перестала бути впевненою в собі і тепер співає лише під виглядом особистості Белль. Якось у світі U жахливий дракон зриває концерт Белль і це стає початком доленосної зустрічі двох сердець. Белль прив'язується до чудовиська, але гадки не має хто ховається за цією особистістю.


Смерть та життя Джона Ф. Донована

Смерть та життя Джона Ф. Донована 2019


У центрі сюжету — зірковий американський актор Джон Донован, який вступив у листування з 11-річним хлопцем з Англії, що спровокувало бурхливу реакцію громадськості і призвело до фатальних наслідків в житті та кар’єрі обох.


Парний удар

Парний удар 1992


Беррі не користувався авторитетом у однокласників. По-перше, він не був фізично сильним через астму, яка мучить його страшними нападами. По-друге, духом теж був слабенький, не завжди наважуючись відповісти кривдникові. А по-третє, він був мрійником, стаючи в своїх мріях першим помічником Чака Норріса, борця за справедливість.



PriPara 2014


Laala Manaka is a 5th-grader at Paprika Academy. Like most girls, she admires the world of PriPara, a sport that tests idol girls on song, dance, and fashion. Unfortunately for her, her school does not allow elementary school students to participate in PriPara. However, through miraculous circumstances, Laala passes the audition to become a PriPara idol.


Kiratto Pri☆chan

Kiratto Pri☆chan 2018


PriChan is a channel where anyone can become an idol! Every girl dreams about producing her own sparkling, exciting channel and becoming a popular PriChan Idol! First-years at Kirarigaoka Middle School, Momoyama Mirai and Moegi Emo, end up making their own PriChan debut out of a feeling of rivalry towards their classmate, the PriChan Idol Akagi Anna. Bringing the knowledgeable straight-A student Aoba Rinka into their group, they begin to craft their new channel while dreaming about becoming PriChan Idols!



Amachan 2013


Amachan is the 88th 2013 NHK asadora written by Kankuro Kudo (Tiger and Dragon, Unobore Deka). It's about Amano Aki (Nounen Rena), a 16 year old girl from Tokyo who goes to her mother's former home in Sodegahama, a fishing village in Kitasanriku, Iwate prefecture for the summer break. She falls in love with the sea and its people, and decides to stay on to become an Ama (women divers who fetch clams and sea urchins for tourists) just like her grandmother, Natsu (Miyamoto Nobuko). Her decision is welcomed wholeheartedly by Natsu and the other locals. However, her mother Haruko (Koizumi Kyoko) does not like the idea at first. She has a strained relationship with Natsu, and her extreme dislike of the sea, diving and the countryside is one of the reasons why she left her hometown 24 years ago. Eventually, she decides to stay in Sodegahama with Aki, considering that she is contemplating on getting a divorce anyway and does not want to go back to her husband in Tokyo. She also notices that it might be good for Aki for she seems livelier and happier in Kitasanriku than in Tokyo. The road towards becoming a full-fledged Ama-san is tough for Aki as she encounters tests and hurdles. One day, a video of her as an Ama gets uploaded in the city's tourism website, transforming an ordinary high school girl into an overnight Internet sensation. Suddenly she is called upon to use this opportunity to attract tourists to a city suffering from depopulation.



Aikatsu! 2012


Ichigo Hoshimiya is a regular, ordinary middle school girl. But when her best friend Aoi invites her to join the idol training academy, Starlight Academy, her whole world is turned upside down. As she encounters all kinds of rivals and learns what it takes to be an idol, she uses her Aikatsu Cards to challenge countless auditions.


Oshi No Ko

Oshi No Ko 2023


Dr. Goro is reborn as the son of the young starlet Ai Hoshino after her delusional stalker murders him. Now, he wants to help his new mother rise to the top, but what can a child do about the dark underbelly of the entertainment industry?


Lovely Runner

Lovely Runner 2024


Right after Ryu Sun-jae, a top star, ends his life, Im Sol, his top fan, somehow ends up at a time when they were in high school and tries to protect him. A fantasy romance unfolds where people who missed each other in time finally meet.


Behind the Scenes

Behind the Scenes 2019


Media student Bu Xiao Gu has a dream: she is determined to become an outstanding producer. Her idol is Chun Yu Qiao, who is a top-notch producer at Xintian production company, and Xiao Gu manages to enter the company as an intern. But Yu Qiao’s unreasonable personality makes Xiao Gu feel great disappointment. With her hopes shattered, Xiao Gu is asleep at the wheel and not only causes a live broadcast accident which makes her lose her job, but also misses the deadline for her master thesis. However, Yu Qiao takes on the sole responsibility for the accident and thus saves Xiao Gu’s career. Xiao Gu finally recognizes Yu Qiao’s true personality and the two start to work and fight for their dreams together.


iDOLM@STER Xenoglossia

iDOLM@STER Xenoglossia 2007


107 years ago, the Moon was destroyed in a massive cataclysm that shattered Earth's former satellite into 81 quintillion tons of orbital debris. However, thanks to super-science, the Earth itself was saved and today no one really thinks much about that century-past disaster. Which is why when teenage Haruka Amami auditions for something called the Idolmaster Project, she THINKS she's trying out to be a singing idol. Instead, Haruka finds herself at a secret school run by the Mondenkind Agency, living with a group of other girls who have also been selected as candidates to pilot an iDOL - an advanced robot specifically designed to intercept falling chunks of moon rock. Except, the people who run the Mondenkind Agency aren't exactly knights in shining armor. And then there's the question of whether the iDOLs are really JUST robots. Because from almost the first moment, Haruka starts to feel emotions resonating from within the iDOL called Imber.


Love Live! School Idol Project

Love Live! School Idol Project 2013


Otonokizaka High School is planning to close within three years. However, nine female students come together with one thing in mind—form a pop idol group to revive the school’s popularity and keep it from shutting down. 'In order to protect our beloved school, there’s only one thing we can do...become pop stars!'


Legendary Idol Eriko

Legendary Idol Eriko 1989


Eriko, a young girl with a natural gift for singing, is the only daughter of a famous music producer and a singer, whose death will be a hard setback for her.


Record of Youth

Record of Youth 2020


In a cutthroat world where the life you’re born into decides your success, three aspiring youths are determined to change that perception as they fight for their dreams.





Hands clasped, hearts alight, our idols take flight! Watch as our wannabe idols band together to forge friendships and pursue their dreams, each with their own unique personalities that light up the screen just as much as the breathtaking visuals and novel storytelling. Embark on a dazzling and heartwarming tale about chasing a shining world.


Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon

Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon 2003


Usagi Tsukino is a clumsy teenage girl who becomes a Magical Girl named Sailor Moon after meeting a cat named Luna, who tells her she is a destined warrior who must find the reincarnated princess of a lost kingdom. Along the way, she meets other reincarnated warriors who join her group known as the Sailor Senshi who fight the forces of the evil mastermind behind the Dark Kingdom.



UniteUp! 2023


Akira Kiyose, a high schooler who loves to sing, gets recruited by a talent agency called sMiLea Production. Akira learns that the legendary idols “Anela”, who shocked the world with their sudden retirement, are behind the agency developing talent. Together with Banri Naoe and Chihiro Isuzugawa, also recruited by the agency, they form an idol group as they chase their dream towards super stardom alongside other idol groups “LEGIT” and “JAXX/JAXX”.


You and Idol Precure ♪

You and Idol Precure ♪ 2025


Middle school student Uta Sakura loves to sing any chance she gets. But music becomes more than a hobby when she meets Purirun, a fairy whose hometown has plunged into darkness. The Chokkiri Gang took over her land and began stealing her people's sparkle. Determined to help, Uta is transformed into the legendary protector Cure Idol and vows to return their sparkle through song.


Aikatsu Stars!

Aikatsu Stars! 2016


Yume Nijino aims to become a top idol, and she enrolls in the Yotsuboshi Gakuen (Four Stars Academy). This academy has a special group called the S4, who are the top four active idols in the school. Yume and the other first-year students aim to become a part of the S4.



Doona! 2023


A college student navigates life and school while dealing with a unique predicament — he's living with a beautiful former K-pop sensation.


Himitsu no AiPri

Himitsu no AiPri 2024


The main characters, Himari Aozora and Mitsuki Hoshikawa, enter Paradise Private Academy. Himari, who aspires for AIPRI, dreams of making 10,000 friends! But for the shy and anxious Himari, it might be a bit difficult... Himari unexpectedly makes her AIPRI debut!? She has a "secret" she can't even tell her best friend, Mitsuki! But it seems that Mitsuki has a "secret" of her own... Secret-bearers Himari and Mitsuki's AIPRI begins!!


Aikatsu Friends!

Aikatsu Friends! 2018


Aine Yūki is good at making friends, and is enrolled in Star Harmony Academy's general education track. She befriends Mio Minato, the school's top idol, and becomes an idol herself.