Ноттінґ Гілл

Ноттінґ Гілл 1999


Випадкова зустріч власника книжкової крамнички Вільяма Текера й голлівудської зірки Анни Скотт перетворюється на несподіваний роман.


Завжди кажи «ТАК»

Завжди кажи «ТАК» 2008


Депресивний головний герой завжди і всім казав "ні" - наприклад, друзям, якщо вони його кудись кличуть. Але одного разу він вирішив відповідати згодою абсолютно на всі пропозиції і подивитися, куди це може його завести.



Сабріна 1995


У сім'ї Лерабі відбудеться важлива подія - весілля молодшого брата. Придане нареченої дозволить братам стати монополістами на ринку комунікацій. Але всі ці плани рушаться, коли з Парижу повертається красуня Сабріна - донька шофера сім'ї, що стала супермоделлю.


Місто привидів

Місто привидів 2008


Бертрама Пінкуса ніхто не назве ввічливою чи доброю людиною, і пережита клінічна смерть не зробила його характер кращим. Але після неї він почав бачити привидів, більше того — усі вони приходять до нього з якимись проблемами, вимагаючи їх вирішення. Особливо надокучає Френк Герлігі, який вимагає, аби Бертрам завадив удові Френка одружитися вдруге.


10 побачень

10 побачень 2020


Мати-одиначка двох дітей Ебігейл вагітніє після одиничного побачення з Беном. Несподівана звістка підштовхує Ебігейл і Бена спробувати завести серйозні відносини.


Плоть від плоті

Плоть від плоті 1993


Коли Арліс був дитиною, на його очах його батько жорстоко розправився з цілою родиною, будинок якої вони разом грабували. З тих пір цей випадок не виходив у Арліса з голови. Він намагається не думати про маленьку дівчинку, якій вдалося вижити в тій страшній м'ясорубці, влаштованій його батьком. Якось Арліс зустрічає Кей - молоду жінку, в яку закохується. Арліс і Кей починають жити разом, і чоловік думає, що нарешті знайшов свою тиху гавань. Але минуле і не думає так просто його залишати ...


Undead Unluck

Undead Unluck 2023


Andy, a Negator with the ability "Undead," has been long in search for someone with the ability to give him a 'real death.' Fuko Izumo brings misfortune to those around her due to her ability "Unluck." The two decide to join the Union, an organization which aims to control and protect the world from unidentified phenomena. The two uncover the mystery of the world as they search for the "greatest death ever."


Love Between Fairy and Devil

Love Between Fairy and Devil 2022


When a low-ranked fairy accidentally resurrects a powerful demon, their fates become cosmically entangled as the world is thrown into turmoil.


The Princess a Little Cute

The Princess a Little Cute 2021


Liu Xiangxiang, trapped in a dream, is tasked with assassinating Prince Mu Chunshen in the Kingdom of Chu, with four chances before facing death by poison. Disguising herself in various roles within the prince's mansion, her attempts are repeatedly thwarted by unforeseen events. As she gets closer to Mu Chunshen, she discovers his kindness and falls in love, while uncovering the hidden truth behind her assassination mission.


Second Love

Second Love 2015


Taira Kei has a talent for contemporary dance since he was young and went to study in Germany to join a dance company in his teens. He has won several international competitions and was referred to as a “prodigy”. However, he encountered a setback in the middle and got frustrated. He returned to Tokyo and takes a part-time work while he tries to re-capture his dream. Nishihara Yui is a Chemisty teacher in her 30s, working at a prestigious high school. Even while continuing a love affair with a married colleague, she was still lonely until she meets Kei and gets swallowed in passion.


Perfect Mismatch

Perfect Mismatch 2023


Shi Huahua, a wild girl from the countryside, is skilled in martial arts. On her way to the mountains alone for training, she promised her master to do "98 good deeds." When she first enters the big city, she becomes the spokesperson of a company by mistake and saves the two-faced boss, Zhou Zhifei. The boss is caught in a family feud and his inner trauma has relapsed. A seemingly coincidental yet is actually a story full of fate thus unfolded. The two people's contrasting upbringing, attitudes and lifestyles are brought together and the two of them gain healing from each other. Surrounded by family, friendship and love, both of them eventually realize the end goal of their life and achieve a beautiful love that best suits each other.


To Ship Someone

To Ship Someone 2023


Pessimistic novelist Ji Shu, known for tragic endings, clashes with optimistic screenwriter Song Yan Qi, who wants to adapt his work with a happy ending. When they are pulled into his novel, they must rewrite the story while navigating their growing feelings—unsure if their own tale will end in joy or heartbreak.


The Legendary Life of Queen Lau

The Legendary Life of Queen Lau 2022


Everyone thought that fate played an unbelievable joke - the foul-mouthed woman from the village who can beat a brawny man with her bare hands has become queen! She will be the one to help her "weak chicken" husband in a story full of laughter and warmth. Liu Jin Feng was abandoned by her own father. Growing up in a small alley, she and her mother only had each other to depend on. The entire court laughed when she married into the imperial family. Even her husband, the King , was suspicious of her and repeatedly tried to test her loyalties. Duke Qi has been manipulating government affairs, the young king has always had lofty ideals for the future of his kingdom. Jin Feng's chubby appearance is unlike the fair and slender maidens in the inner court. With her around, life in the palace has become less boring and more chaotic. As the newly weds get to know each other, the most "mismatched" king and queen become the most perfect couple.


A Class Apart

A Class Apart 2007


A working class single mother appeals to send her son to the best state school in her area. When the headmaster of a local private school hears of her campaign, he is intrigued, and offers her son a place at his school, betting that he can turn the boy's life around.


The Love Equations

The Love Equations 2020


Zhou Xiao is a big fan of detective novels. Zhao Fanzhou is a student of forensic science who is talented in the field. The two fall into a sweet romance, yet their story ends in a heartbreak when Zhao Fanzhou breaks up with Zhou Xiao. One day, they meet again.