Reggie Bannister Виконавець бажань Wolfsbayne Двічі звернений Бабба Хо-Теп Satan Hates You Phantasm Spring Break Massacre The Mangler Reborn The Rage Sigma Die! Psychic Experiment Dead Things Phantasm II Phantasm III: Lord of the Dead Phantasm IV: Oblivion Ворота на цвинтар Doctor Spine Bloody Bloody Bible Camp The Horror We Make Acts of Death One for the Road Kenny & Company The Ghastly Love of Johnny X Primitive Killer Waves 2 Phantasm: Ravager Silent Night Deadly Night 4: Initiation Jim, the World's Greatest The Quiet Ones Abolition Disaster Wars: Earthquake vs. Tsunami Carnies The Demolitionist Journeyman Fallen Angels Up Against Amanda The Ball Is Back! The Making of Phantasm II Phantasmagoria Phantasmagorical Mystery Tour Bonejangles Small Town Saturday Night That Little Monster Metal Man Text Боротьба за виживання Sawblade Not Another B Movie It Came from Trafalgar The Obsidian Curse Gangs of the Dead Sigma Die! Bloody Bloody Bible Camp Bloody Bloody Bible Camp Small Town Saturday Night Bloody Bloody Bible Camp L.A. Law Трансформери: Прайм