Bret Iwan Mickey's Tale of Two Witches Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Super Adventure! Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Minnie's The Wizard of Dizz Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Minnie's Winter Bow Show Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Mickey's Monster Musical Mickey and Minnie Wish Upon a Christmas Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: A Goofy Fairy Tale Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Mickey & Donald Have a Farm Mickey and Friends: Trick or Treats Mickey Saves Christmas Mickey: The Story of a Mouse Mickey in a Minute Mickey and Minnie’s Christmas Carols Mickey and the Very Many Christmases Mickey's Christmas Tales Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Mickey Mouse Funhouse Mickey Mouse: Hot Diggity Dog Tales Mickey and the Roadster Racers Me & Mickey Chip 'n Dale's Nutty Tales Chip 'n Dale's Nutty Tales