Kalit so'z World War I
Moʻjiza ayol 2017
1917 2019
Twelve Monkeys 1995
2035 yilda mahkum Jeyms Koul er yuzidagi deyarli barcha aholini qirib tashlagan va omon qolganlarni er osti jamoalariga majburlagan halokatli virusning kelib chiqishini aniqlash uchun o'z vaqtida qaytarib yuborilishini istamay ko'ngilli qildi. Ammo Koul xato qilib 1996 yil o'rniga 1990 yilga yuborilganida, u hibsga olinadi va ruhiy kasalxonaga qamaladi. U erda u psixiatr doktor Ketrin Reyli va qotil kasallikni yo'q qilish uchun mas'ul bo'lgan 12 maymunlar armiyasining sirli firibgar guruhining kalitiga ega bo'lishi mumkin bo'lgan mashhur virus mutaxassisining o'g'li bemor Jeffri Goines bilan uchrashadi.
Legends of the Fall 1994
Lawrence of Arabia 1962
Cold Skin 2017
The Lost City of Z 2017
Doctor Zhivago 1965
The Cursed 2021
The Great Dictator 1940
War Horse 2011
Paths of Glory 1957
Flyboys 2006
Der rote Baron 2008
The African Queen 1952
Waterloo Bridge 1940
Blackadder 1983
Black Adder traces the deeply cynical and self-serving lineage of various Edmund Blackadders throughout British history, from the muck of the Middle Ages to the frontline of the First World War.
Hetalia 2009
In a time filled with wars, environmental concerns and issues, there lives a gaggle of beautiful boys that are the personification of the world's countries. Japan, England, France, Finland, Germany and the rest of the boys attend the World Conference and tackle issues like global warming with a heavy dose of fun. Through multiple world wars the gang will traverse deserts, build mecha U-boats and solve the world's problems together!
Sworn to Secrecy: Secrets of War 1998
Secrets are divulged and stories of espionage, conspiracy, murder, sabotage and greed are uncovered.
Dastardly and Muttley in Their Flying Machines 1969
Dick Dastardly and his snickering canine co-pilot Muttley plot to stop Yankee Doodle Pigeon aboard their World War I flying machines.
The ABC Murders 2018
1933. Hercule Poirot, older and greyer, receives letters threatening murder. The sender signs themselves only as “A.B.C.” When he takes the letters to the police looking for help, Hercule finds all his old friends have moved on. But soon there is a murder and the once-great detective must take matters into his own hands.
Rote Erde 1983
Löwengrube 1989
"Löwengrube – Die Grandauers und ihre Zeit" is a German television series first aired between 1989 and 1992, created by Willy Purucker and directed by Rainer Wolffhardt. It is set in Munich and follows the lives of Ludwig Grandauer and his son Karl, both policemen, covering the years from 1897 to 1954. The TV show is based on Purucker's radio play series Die Grandauers und ihre Zeit (‘The Grandauers and their time’). The series’ main title "Löwengrube", meaning ‘Lions’ Den’, refers to the address of the Munich Police Headquarters inaugurated in 1913.
The Great War and the Shaping of the 20th Century 1996
The Great War and the Shaping of the 20th Century is a 1996 documentary series that aired on PBS. It chronicles World War I over eight episodes. It was narrated by Dame Judi Dench in the UK and Salome Jens in the United States. The series won two Primetime Emmy Awards: one for Jeremy Irons for Outstanding Voice-Over Performance, the other for Outstanding Informational Series. In 1997, it was given a Peabody Award.
Parade's End 2012
The story of a love triangle between a conservative English aristocrat, his mean socialite wife and a young suffragette in the midst of World War I and a Europe on the brink of profound change.
The House in the Woods 1971
During World War One, in a small rural French village far away from the front, a gamekeeper and his wife take in children displaced by the war.
The Road to Calvary 2017
Swept up in political unrest during World War I, two sisters in St. Petersburg cope with turbulent romances as Russian history is made around them.
Hotel Adlon 2013
The mini-series follows the construction and history of the famous Adlon hotel in Berlin, as seen through the eyes of Sonja Schadt, the youngest member of the wealthy fictional Schadt family who are friends with the Adlons.
Apocalypse: World War I 2014
Colorized historical footage in ascending order of World War 1. Not only the relatively known Flanders and France battles, but also the generally unknown Italian-Austrian, German-Polish-Russian, Japanese-German, Ottoman Empire- Allied and African German Colonies, and other unknown or forgotten fronts and battles.
The Great War 1964
A milestone 26-part history of the First World War, conceived to mark the 50th anniversary of its outbreak.
Rebellion 2016
A group of young men and women in Dublin in 1916 are embroiled in a fight for independence during the Easter Rising. The story begins with the outbreak of World War I. As expectations of a short and glorious campaign are dashed, social stability is eroded and Irish nationalism comes to the fore. The tumultuous events that follow are seen through the eyes of a group of friends from Dublin, Belfast and London as they play vital and conflicting roles in the narrative of Ireland's independence.
The First World War 2003
This ten-part docuseries tells the comprehensive story of the First World War, featuring excerpts written by Winston Churchill, Karen Blixen, Georges Clémenceau, David Lloyd George, Siegfried Sassoon and Rudolf Hess.
The Passing Bells 2014
At the outbreak of World War I, two teenage boys - one German and one British - defy their parents to sign up. An epic historical drama spanning the five years of the First World War, as seen through the eyes of two ordinary young soldiers.
Birdsong 2012
As an English soldier fights in the horrific trenches of northern France, he is haunted by the memories of his forbidden love affair with a French woman.
The Great War: The People's Story 2014
Through original diaries, letters, and memoirs, this unforgettable documentary tells how the lives of regular British men and women were transformed by the Great War.
Wings 1977
The trials and tribulations of a daring group of young pilots in the Royal Flying Corps as they prepare for battle in World War I. The lead character joins the RFC without being the right class for some of his fellow pilots.