Die Reichsautobahn - Strassen des Führers 2000
They were not only the largest construction project of the Nazi era, but above all the most popular: 80 years ago, work began on the Reichsautobahnen, whose myth still resonates today.
They were not only the largest construction project of the Nazi era, but above all the most popular: 80 years ago, work began on the Reichsautobahnen, whose myth still resonates today.
Four documentary scenes with subtitles document the year 1917 as the beginning of a new era. In addition to the military situation and the supply situation in Germany, the intervention of the USA and the events in Russia are shown in particular.
The National Socialist community "Kraft durch Freude" was a political organization with the task of organizing, monitoring and standardizing the leisure time of the German population. It is known today mainly as a vacation organization that practically brought mass tourism to Germany for the first time. The documentary shows private footage of travelers, film sequences from the Ministry of Propaganda as well as material from Eva Braun's film archive and thus provides a comprehensive insight into how vacations were organized in the Third Reich.
Rare documentary footage from around 1900 depicts the mood of life in Berlin at the turn of the century.
A documentary on the development and evolving situation in Berlin from 1945 until the early 1960s from both a political and human perspective,
Occupied Estonia on its way to freedom. Demonstrations, public discussions, a "singing revolution". Goal: more self-determination and autonomy. At a time when almost 50% of the population is Russian, Estonians are fighting to rediscover their nationality. There are protests against Russian paternalism, Estonian is to become the national language again. Relations between the peoples shall normalize in order to enable peaceful coexistence.