
Actress 2024


Theodora Remundová’s documentary portrait looks at Iva Janžurová’s dramatic and comedic roles in both film and theater, as well as the roles she has played in her family and in social and political life. The director (Janžurová’s daughter) has created a film filled with the truthfulness, sincerity, and capacity for self-reflection of a woman who has devoted her life to acting. The use of clearly staged scenes is combined with an openly acknowledged effort to avoid the kinds of clichés usually found in biographical documentaries to create an organic whole that provides an overview of Janžurová’s pivotal roles while also sharing highly personal and intimate moments from her life. Vít Kořínek (


Nomad Meets the City

Nomad Meets the City 2020


Currently Mongolia’s capital has 1.5 million inhabitants - half the population of the country. 50-year Tumurbaatar is only one of many coming to the city to fulfil their dreams of a better life.



Humanity 2024


Dark comedy about something we all do - we hate other people for trivial reasons. Life is hard even without having to tolerate other people's annoying habits. The problem is you can't kill somebody just because they chew too loudly. But in this animated world, you can make all your dark visions of fatal revenge a reality.


Atirkül in the Land of Real Men

Atirkül in the Land of Real Men 2023


In the vast plains of Kyrgyzstan, men have been cultivating a group sport with a long tradition. The aim of the game buzkashi is to steal the trophy of a dead goat from the rival team of riders, all while staying on horseback. Into this tough masculine world enters Atirkül, a woman with an enterprising spirit and a sense of humour. The film follows the everyday life of the headstrong horse lover Atirkül, whose ambition is to build her own buzkashi team of local young men to preserve the heritage of her native region. The ethnographic perspective alternates with a purely personal one, gradually revealing the possibilities of overcoming gender roles


Adam Ondra: Pushing the Limits

Adam Ondra: Pushing the Limits 2022


Adam Ondra is the best. Born in 1993, the Czech climber has broken a series of records and is widely recognised as the most accomplished in his discipline. No mountain or wall can resist him. But who is this young man who knows no fear and never seems to encounter failure? Jan Šimanek and Petr Záruba deliver an intimate portrait, beyond the usual sensationalism of sports headlines.


Traces of a Landscape

Traces of a Landscape 2021


Jan Jedlička is one of the best kept secrets in the world of art. He was born in Prague in 1944 where he studied painting at the academy before immigrating to Switzerland in 1969. Petr Zaruba conveys through cinematic and formal choices the complexities of Jedlička’s creative strategies. An intertwined dialogue between two artists.


I, Actor

I, Actor 2024


A detailed probe into the rehearsal process of the theatre production of I, Feuerbach, based on the play by successful German playwright Tankred Dorst, presents Ivan Řezáč in the leading role of an aging master of acting. This documentary about the preparation of a production based on the principle of theatre on the stage uses filmic means to explore the meaning of the art of theatre and, in the civilian conversations among members of the ensemble outside their roles, reveals that even the actors themselves often grope for the meaning of their profession. In the process, the sometimes humorous and sometimes critical moments during the preparation of a theatrical piece reveal the many pitfalls of collective work in contemporary society.