电锯惊魂10 2023
患病而绝望的约翰·克莱默(托宾·贝尔 Tobin Bell 饰)前往墨西哥进行一次危险的实验手术,希望能奇迹般地治愈癌症,却发现整个手术都是场骗局,旨在欺骗最弱势的群体。抱持着全新目的后,“竖锯”,这位臭名昭著的连环杀手重操旧业,开始对付起这些骗子。
患病而绝望的约翰·克莱默(托宾·贝尔 Tobin Bell 饰)前往墨西哥进行一次危险的实验手术,希望能奇迹般地治愈癌症,却发现整个手术都是场骗局,旨在欺骗最弱势的群体。抱持着全新目的后,“竖锯”,这位臭名昭著的连环杀手重操旧业,开始对付起这些骗子。
从严格意义上来讲,《奎迪》也许不能算是《洛奇》的续作,而是另一部衍生作品。故事将以曾被洛奇打败的重量级拳王阿波罗·奎迪的儿子为主角,影片的片名也源于此。这位出身上流社会的年轻人具备与生俱来的拳击天赋,立志成为拳王的他却遭到家人的反对。他于是找到了已经退出拳击界并且无意回归的洛奇 来担任自己的教练。
海泽尔(谢琳·伍德蕾 Shailene Woodley 饰)是一名十六岁的美丽少女,正处在黄金年代的她本该和其他同龄人一样尽情享受生命和青春带来的快乐与希望,但无情的病魔找上了海泽尔,她是一名肺癌患者。 尽管最近病情有所好转,但海泽尔的心情却并没有因此而轻松半分,癌症随时可能复发的阴影和无法中断的治疗如影随形,让海泽尔对生命几乎失去了所有的热情和希望。一次偶然中,海泽尔在癌友互助会中结识了名叫奥古斯都(安塞尔·埃尔格特 Ansel Elgort 饰)的英俊男孩,他所患的是骨癌。两个境遇相似的年轻人很快就越走越近,他们在一起,探索着上帝留给他们的小小的一片世界,海泽尔也因此看到了未来和希望。 ©豆瓣
莉娜(娜塔莉·波特曼 Natalie Portman 饰)除了工作就是整天想着自己的丈夫凯恩(奥斯卡·伊萨克 Oscar Isaac 饰),因为凯恩在执行任务中已失踪了一年。没有想到凯恩一年后从一个高度机密的军事任务中回来后,莉娜高兴坏了,不过她很快发现,丈夫连简单的问题都不能回答了,生命也出现了危险,在去医院的路上,她们被一个军事小组拦下。当莉娜醒来之后,发现和文崔斯博士(詹妮弗·杰森·李 Jennifer Jason Leigh 饰)在一起,文崔斯告诉她,一种神秘的能量从黑水国家公园里传出,被称为微光。三年前一次无法解释的光脉冲导致了微光,并且它正在缓慢扩散。但是关于微光起源的更广阔的真相和本质是什么,仍不得而知。莉娜志愿和其他三名专家队员——乔西(泰莎·汤普森 Tessa Thompson 饰)、安雅(吉娜·罗德里格兹 Gina Rodriguez 饰)、卡斯·谢泼德(图娃·诺沃妮 Tuva Novotny 饰)一起,跟随文崔斯博士的脚步,去往那个被限禁的区域,搞明白之前消失的队员都遭遇了什么,以及微光对于人类来说意味着什么。
转眼30年过去,往日的荣光渐渐不再。曾经的传奇拳王洛奇(西尔维斯特·史泰龙 Sylvester Stallone 饰)生活平淡乏味,心爱的妻子亚德里安(Talia Shire 饰)因癌症去世,自己与儿子的关系又分外紧张,他终日坐在所开的小餐馆里追忆往昔,谁也不会想到这位拳王退休后的人生竟如此落寞。 是时,新一代的拳王横空出世,年轻的梅森·迪克逊(Antonio Tarver 饰)统治者重量级冠军的头衔。在体育频道工作的波利(Burt Young 饰)突发奇想,策划了一场新老两代拳王的世纪对决。梅森渴望在比赛中向拳迷们证明自己的实力,洛奇则希望在此感受万众欢呼呐喊的狂热气氛,他们怀着各自的心愿重返拳台……
英格丽(朱丽安·摩尔 Julianne Moore 饰)和玛莎(蒂尔达·斯文顿 Tilda Swinton 饰)年轻时是好朋友,她们曾在同一家杂志社工作。后来英格丽成为了一名小说家,而玛莎成为了一名战地记者,她们渐行渐远。失联多年后,她们重新开始了联系。
兰顿·卡特(夏恩·韦斯特饰)生活在北卡罗莱纳州的一个海港小镇,是镇上首富的独生子,他是典型的坏小子,不好好读书还整天和镇上几个吊儿郎当的家伙一起疯玩疯闹。一次,兰顿和他的几个哥们儿恶作剧地诱骗一个新来的插班生跳进水泥厂的大池子里,没想到黑暗的池子里堆放着废弃的钢管,结果插班生满身鲜血地爬了上来。意识到玩笑开大了的男孩们全都吓跑了,只有兰顿多留了一会儿安慰受伤的孩子,于是,他成了唯一被抓住的“凶手”。 虽然侥幸逃脱了牢狱之灾,但兰顿还是被判罚做义工——给邻近小学的学生作家教并且参加学校的春季汇演,这对他来说简直比蹲监狱还难受。可是,就是这个偶然事件,让兰顿结识了他这一辈子都不会忘记的女孩--杰米·苏利文(曼迪·摩尔饰),杰米是镇上牧师的女儿,是个典型的乖乖女,她经常利用课余时间自愿作义工,自然认识了兰顿,起初,他对这个差点儿害死一条人命的家伙嗤之以鼻,渐渐地,她发现兰顿并不像她想象的那样坏。随着两人逐渐深入的交往,他们竟然不可思议地坠入了情网,这让简直所有熟悉兰顿和杰米的人都大跌眼镜。 杰米的真诚、善良、纯洁和她对生活的热爱每天都在感染、改变着兰顿,他慢慢地厌倦了自己以前的那种生活,开始追求自己的理想和信仰,但在这时,杰米的父亲却扮演了棒打鸳鸯的角色,不相信像兰顿这样的孩子会真正爱上自己的女儿。兰顿到底该如何向女友的父亲证明自己的真爱呢?这段灰姑娘与坏小子的恋爱会如何收场呢?
为了让罹患血癌的凯特(苏菲亚·威希涅瓦 Sofia Vassilieva 饰)能够活下去,父母通过基因技术“制造”了与凯特的基因完美配型的小女儿——安娜(阿比吉尔·布莱斯林 Abigail Breslin 饰)。安娜感觉自己只是姐姐凯特的“药罐子”,11年来,凡是在凯特有需要的时候,无论是脐带血还是白血球、肝细胞、骨髓,她都得源源不断的向凯特提供。然而,即使有孤注一掷的妈妈(卡梅隆·迪亚茨 Cameron Diaz 饰)、无可奈何的爸爸,以及身边所有人的爱,凯特的情况还是越来越糟,肾功能的衰竭必须要年仅11岁的安娜捐献出自己的一个肾。这一次,安娜选择了拒绝,并且寻找到律师坎贝尔把母亲告上法庭,她要捍卫自己的身体。然而,法庭上哥哥杰西却吐露了另一番真相…… 本片根据美国当代畅销书女王朱迪·皮考特(Jodi Picoult)的同名小说改编。
在女儿谋杀案过去几个月仍未找到肇事者之后,女主人公Mildred Hayes决定走出一招险棋:制作了三块广告牌立在通往她居住的小镇道路上,牌上标语径直向当地警察局长William Willoughby发问“为什么还没有抓到凶手?”而当局长的二把手Dixon——一位有恋母情结、不成熟且有暴力倾向的警官参与调查这桩案件后,女主角同Ebbing小镇执法部门之间的战斗则愈演愈烈。
女演员Laura Franco(梅丽莎·巴雷拉 Melissa Barrera 饰)被男朋友甩掉后心碎消沉、怀疑自我,此时,她在自家衣柜里碰上了住在那里的一个可怕又古怪、迷人的怪物(汤米·杜威 Tommy Dewey 饰)。
洋溢着青春浪漫气息的哈佛大学校园中,富家子弟奥利弗(瑞安·奥尼尔 Ryan O'Neal 饰)遇见了聪敏可爱的女生詹妮弗(艾丽·麦古奥 Ali MacGraw 饰),他被女孩的机智俏丽深深吸引,两人迅速坠入爱河。然而,当有权有势的奥利弗家族得知——儿子的未婚妻竟然出身于一个烤甜饼的家庭,他们极力反对这桩婚姻。深爱着詹妮弗的奥利弗不顾家庭反对,毅然与爱人成婚,并不惜与家族断绝关系。婚后生活虽然拮据而艰难,但是充满了爱情的甜蜜。奥利弗在爱妻的支持下完成了硕士学业,顺利拿到律师执照。正当生活向着美好的未来走去时,病魔选中了詹妮弗。为了治疗爱妻的绝症,奥利弗低头向父亲求救。然而,一切哀求都无法阻止无情的病魔,詹妮弗最终离开了人世。然而,这段真挚的爱情故事却获得了永恒。 本片获得第43届奥斯卡最佳配乐奖,以及其它6项目奥斯卡提名奖。
曾在纽约建筑界享有极高声誉的富豪马丁·戴米恩(本·金斯利 Ben Kingsley 饰),而今饱受癌症折磨,不得不面对即将在半年后去世的事实。除此之外,他与女儿克莱尔的关系始终处于冰封状态,这令他不仅慨叹金钱的无力。不久前,马丁与菲尼克斯生物科技公司取得联系,对方声称使用最先进的脱换技术可以帮助马丁重获新生,简而言之就是将他的意识或者灵魂注入一具更加年轻健康的躯体内再生。经过慎重的考虑,马丁以爱德华·基德纳(瑞恩·雷诺兹 Ryan Reynolds 饰)的身份复活。此后的一段时间里,爱德华尽情享受重返青春的乐趣。 与此同时,这具陌生躯体背后所隐藏的秘密,则让他渐渐感到不安……
老富翁爱德华•科尔(杰克•尼克尔森 Jack Nicholson 饰)近年来在公立医院的私有化改造事业中获利颇丰,他为节省成本,规定病房“一房两床”的做法颇受非议,但性格强势的科尔不以为意,岂料他不久被检查出罹患癌症,本欲入住单人病房的科尔在舆论压力下只得与另一位病人——老卡特(摩根•弗里曼 Morgan Freeman 饰)同处一室。汽车修理技师老卡特博闻强识,将三个子女培养成才,但代价是牺牲了年轻时要做历史教授的梦想。曾经结婚多次如今却孤身一人的科尔逐渐对卡特产生了兴趣,两位老人在病房中结下了友谊。科尔偶然发现了卡特的“遗愿清单”,他决定运用自己的力量,让那些纸面上的疯狂构想一一实现,去发现人生的真正意义……
建筑师乔治(凯文·克莱恩 Kevin Kline 饰)很早就和妻子罗宾(克里斯汀·斯科特·托马斯 Kristin Scott Thomas 饰)离婚了,与儿子山姆(海登·克里斯滕森 Hayden Christensen 饰)之间的关系也并不乐观,不如意的工作 干了几十年,不满意的房子住了几十年,而就在不久前,他又被查出患上了不治之症。落入了人生最低谷的乔治暗下决心,即使死期将近,也不能就此沉沦。 乔治决定重新修葺房屋,他找来山姆,希望他能够助自己一臂之力。尽管老大的不情愿,山姆还是半推半就的答应了,与此同时,罗宾也开始天天给辛苦劳作的父子二人送饭送菜,一家三口的关系渐渐恢复到了从前的幸福和睦。就当三人沉浸在家庭带来的快乐中时,乔治的生命也已经走到了尽头,然而对于此事,山姆和罗宾竟然一无所知。
连环杀手 本月3次作案,被害者死时异常安详,现场无任何证据。FBI毫无头绪,即使请出具有超强能力的“通灵神探”约翰·克兰西出山 也无能为力。同样案件再次发生,红衣女子沐浴时毫无痛苦地被害,凶手留在犯罪现场纸条上居然写明了FBI到达的精准时间。约翰通过超感能力惊讶地发现,FBI追踪的所有线索都是杀手故意留下的;并且杀手有着比自己更强的超感通灵能力!杀手能清晰地读取过去、感知未来。连搭档也在杀手周密计划中“意外”身亡。一场匪虐警的游戏全面展开。约翰绝望之际,连环杀手竟主动上门,将杀戮的真相与约翰的过去联系在一起。横祸将至,曾经的通灵神探被迫面临这场必败的超感对决……
Walter White, a New Mexico chemistry teacher, is diagnosed with Stage III cancer and given a prognosis of only two years left to live. He becomes filled with a sense of fearlessness and an unrelenting desire to secure his family's financial future at any cost as he enters the dangerous world of drugs and crime.
Every summer, Belly and her family head to the Fishers’ beach house in Cousins. Every summer is the same ... until Belly turns sixteen. Relationships will be tested, painful truths will be revealed, and Belly will be forever changed. It’s a summer of first love, first heartbreak and growing up — it's the summer she turns pretty.
A group of friends from Boston who feel stuck in life experience an unexpected wake-up call after one of their friends dies unexpectedly.
Lifelong best friends Alexa and Katie are eagerly anticipating the start of their freshman year of high school. The pals confront a crisis that leaves them feeling like outsiders at a time when what seems to matter most is fitting in.
April, an aspiring journalist, is balancing her ambitious career with her family and a new office romance. In an unexpected twist of fate, April learns that she has leukemia.
A divorcee with cancer and a penniless single father meet and heal their wounds with the help of each other. Do Yeon-Hee (Choi Jung-Yoon) is the only daughter-in-law of a family, who runs the Rara Group. She has a perfect life, but her husband cheats on her. Due to the other woman, Do Yeon-Hee’s life changes completely. Han Jae-Kyeong (Ahn Jae-Mo) used to be a professional golfer. To let his wife achieve her dream and support her while she studies abroad, he quit playing golf and became a golfing instructor at a practice facility. He raises his son by himself, while his wife is away. When his wife returns to South Korea, she asks him for a divorce.
A story of hope and despair surrounding the lives of a mother and son from a small town in Subei. The 18-year-old Ding Xiao Jun who lives with his mother Ding Bi Yun has been admitted to a university in Beijing. However, as soon as he entered university, he is ridiculed by his classmates. Ding Xiao Jun starts to rebel until he gets a warning that he will no longer graduate. Luckily, his mother gets through to him in time for him to pull himself together and earn enough credits to graduate.
The memory of their painful breakup still fresh in their minds, two former lovers reunite years later as a top actor and a documentary producer.
It is based on the story of young cartoonist Xiong Dun who encounters double setbacks in love and the workplace. In the face of adversity, she bravely fights her illness and spreads positivity with her infectious smile. Xiang Yang is a carefree young woman who comes to Beijing to fulfill her dreams of becoming a manhua artist. After persuading her family and finally finding a job and a house, Xiong Dun settles down in Beijing. Life may be hard but Xiang Yang is surrounded by people that she loves. Unfortunately, life does not treat her kindly. Xiang Yang's boyfriend cheats on her and she experiences a setback in her career. Misfortunes come in threes as she starts to get sick. When her childhood friend forces her to go to the hospital for an examination, Xiang Yang learns that she has a tumor. From being unwilling and unable to accept her circumstances, Xiang Yang gradually finds the strength to live her life to the fullest.
Lin Zhixiao's entire world is turned upside down just before graduation. Her father is hospitalized after being diagnosed with cancer which leaves her no choice but to give up an important job opportunity. She and her boyfriend also break up. In an instant, all of her hopes and dreams for the future are gone. At this time, Gu Wei, her father's attending physician, walks into Lin Zhixiao's life. Love has the tendency to creep up on you when you're not looking. Two people who have been hurt before gradually get to know each other and fall in love. They go through doubts and hit road bumps, they experience misunderstandings and trying times, but in the process of falling in love, they realize that they are made for each other.
If There Is No Tomorrow is a story for the underdogs about a man who tolerates as much as he can, yet things change when he discovers that he is terminal ill.
A suburban mother faces her cancer diagnosis while trying to find humor and happiness as well.
Life is ever-delightful — and ever-challenging — for a group of friends in their twilight years as they rediscover themselves through love and family.
When Stella finds out her terminal cancer is cured, she's going to have to learn to live with all the choices she's made when she decided to "live like she was dying".
Hit hard by the Lehman shock, a well-meaning young man joins a phone scam operation and gets increasingly embroiled in the underworld.
Cha Mi-rae is a doctor and single mother to her young daughter Sa-rang. When she gets diagnosed with terminal cancer and told she has one year left to live, she seeks out her ex-boyfriend Han Yeol, a former baseball player. Mi-rae and Yeol were a couple a decade ago, but she broke up with him to study abroad and because she didn't think much of his prospects. Soon after, a serious injury forced him to retire from the sport, and Yeol became the rehabilitation coach of a major league baseball team. Mi-rae is determined to transform still-single, grungy, irritable Yeol into the best father possible for her daughter.
Polseres vermelles and Pulseras Rojas in Spanish, is a Catalan television show. The first season aired on TV3 in 2011, with a second season planned for 2013. The show was created by Albert Espinosa and draws on his childhood experiences as a hospital patient. Espinosa and director-producer Pau Freixas had previously worked together on the film Herois. The show tells the story of a group of Catalan children and teenagers who meet as patients in the children's wing of a hospital. Themes include friendship, the will to live, and the desire to overcome adversity. The show was originally planned for four seasons, with the second one premiering on January 2013. In October 2011, it was announced that Steven Spielberg's DreamWorks and Marta Kauffman had reached an agreement with TV3 for an American remake of Polseres Vermelles. The Spanish channel Antena 3 aired the first season, dubbed into Spanish as Pulseras rojas, in summer 2012. On 11 December 2012, TV3 announced 14 January 2013 as the premiere date for its second season. Antena 3 will premiere it dubbed later in 2013.
Nathalie Lapointe is in her early forties, a single mother of three with a successful career as columnist at a major newspaper. Just as she’s starting to think she might be able to pay more attention to her own needs, she gets terrible news: the cancer from which she recovered two years previously is back. How can she break the news to her kids? How can the family plan for the future with this sword of Damocles hanging over them? Despite the shock, life goes on. Nathalie must cope with evolving circumstances at the paper as well as at home. She wonders if she can allow herself to fall in love with her daughters’ school principal. As for her children, they must deal with their own teenage life challenges, all the while knowing that their mother may soon be gone. Nathalie’s best friend and neighbor is particularly hard-hit by the news: she’s already suffering from her husband’s infidelity and from the absence of her son, who is overseas. Nathalie’s misfortune also has a powerful effect on her three siblings. They must re-think their priorities at a time when all three are facing crucial choices in their emotional and professional lives. For Nathalie’s parents Janine and Gérard, her illness makes no sense. How do you face the very real possibility that your child will die before you?
Set in contemporary Montreal, “This Life” is a family saga focusing on Natalie Lawson, an accomplished columnist and single mother in her early forties whose terminal cancer diagnosis sends her on a quest to prepare her teenage children for life without her. Her tight-knit family – sister, two brothers and parents – do the best they can to help her, while coping with their own responses to this revelation.
Side Order of Life is a dramatic television series broadcast by Lifetime on Sunday night. In its first five weeks it aired at 8:00pm ET/PT, then switched to the 9:00pm time slot. Marisa Coughlan plays Jenny McIntyre, a photographer who reconsiders her life and is reawakened to her options after her best friend, Vivy Porter, is diagnosed with a recurrence of cancer. Jason Priestley returns to regular series television as Ian Denison, Jenny's fiancé. Christopher Gartin rounds out the main case as Jenny's boss Rick Purdy at the fictional In Person magazine; he is in love with Vivy, who has rejected him. Lifetime broadcast Side Order of Life with State of Mind and Army Wives in an effort to offer a night of new original programming aimed primarily at female viewers during the summer hiatus. Side Order of Life premiered on Lifetime on July 15, 2007. Initial reviews were positive, with Variety.com's Brian Lowry saying, "writer-producer Margaret Nagle brings a level of wit to the proceedings superior to most chick-lit-inspired TV drama." The Seattle Times, after describing the premise, said, "If this all sounds kind of corny, well, it kind of is until you realize the story line hits its mark, making you recall your own missteps and regrets for not having taken better charge."