
福音战士新剧场版:破 2009


在参拜母亲坟墓的回程途中,真嗣和葛城美里遭遇了第七使徒的攻击,关键时刻 2 号机势如破竹挫败对手,真嗣也由此结识了 2 号机的操纵者式波·明日香·兰格蕾。与沉默寡言的绫波丽不同,明日香自信张扬,甚至有些自大,在和真嗣相处的日子里,彼此闹出不少的笑话。他们三人分别驾驶着零号机、初号机和 2 号机,抵抗了第八使徒猛烈的攻击,在这一过程中,淡淡的情愫悄然在这三个青年男女的心中萌生。不久后,第九、十使徒相继降临,真嗣他们面临着生与死的残酷考验。


Code Geass:复活的鲁路修

Code Geass:复活的鲁路修 2019


光和2年。 世界以重组的超合众国为中心统一,讴歌着和平的日子。 但和平却突然宣告结束。以面具男·零的身份随娜娜莉同行去难民营慰问的朱雀,被谜之Knightmare Frame打败,两人被带走了。 奉修奈泽尔的密命潜入战士之国·吉尔克斯坦王国的卡莲、罗伊德、咲世子,遭到神秘的Geass使用者袭击。而被袭击者称作“前向主”的C.C.也在那里。 以曾经连神圣布里塔尼亚帝国的大军都击溃过的无敌王国为舞台,人们所描绘的愿望,是希望还是绝望? 知晓Geass之事的吉尔克斯坦王宫众人,以及C.C.的心思究竟是——。



新世纪福音战士剧场版:死与新生 1997


《新世纪福音战士剧场版:死与新生》(NEON GENESSI EVANGELION:DEATH AND REBIRTH)是《新世纪福音战士》系列的第一部剧场版,于1997年3月上映。这部剧场版由“DEATH篇(死亡篇)”与“REBIRTH篇(新生篇)”两个部分构成。“死亡篇”是以原电视版第1~第24集的内容为基础,重新剪辑、改编的一个约60分钟篇幅的总集篇(电视版的图象为了适应剧场版的需要裁剪成了1.85:1的画面比例)。大约有20分钟新的镜头,其余的仍是原电视版的画面。在“死亡篇”中出现的新镜头是出现在电视版的第21~第24话的导演剪辑版中的。但是,这些新加入的镜头与剧场版衔接得天衣无缝,看不出是后来加入的。 而“新生篇”内容是承接电视版第24集后的内容,是剧场版《AIR/真心为你》的开头30分钟的内容:第十七使徒被消灭后,SEELE向NERV下达命令,要EVA初号机负责执行“人类补完计划”。然而碇元度不认同SEELE的做法,拒绝执行。SEELE认定这是一种叛变的行为,决定把NERV彻底消灭。破晓时分,NERV本部突然遭到来自战略自卫队的袭击,他们对NERV的人员进行了惨无人道的大屠杀。为了保护驾驶员,葛城美里命令把精神崩溃的明日香送上二号机,并放在湖底的深处,自已就亲自去救碇真嗣 。但此时的碇真嗣已经处在精神崩溃的边缘。



机械威龙 1989





机器人嘉年华 1987




机动战士高达 THE ORIGIN I:苍瞳的卡斯巴尔

机动战士高达 THE ORIGIN I:苍瞳的卡斯巴尔 2015




机动战士高达 THE ORIGIN V:激战 鲁姆会战

机动战士高达 THE ORIGIN V:激战 鲁姆会战 2017


宇宙世纪0079年,就连宇宙都变成了人类的战场。势如破竹的吉恩军进行了导致世界人口半数死亡的不列颠作战(殖民星坠落)。另一方面,地球联邦军为了挽回劣势以压倒性战力来对抗。扎比家错综的阴谋、被难以改变的命运玩弄于掌心的塞拉‧玛斯、成为吉恩军驾驶员的兰巴・拉尔及哈蒙,就连在SIDE 7 平稳过日的阿姆罗和芙劳的日常生活,也逐渐蒙上了阴霾……。 随后,被仇恨驱使成为吉恩军王牌的夏亚‧阿兹那布尔,他所参战的“鲁姆会战”即将展开。


机动战士高达 THE ORIGIN VI:赤色彗星诞生

机动战士高达 THE ORIGIN VI:赤色彗星诞生 2018


故事发生在宇宙世纪 0079 年 1 月 23 日,吉恩与地球联邦间一决雌雄的战争,终于在 SIDE 5 鲁姆爆发。在战争中被逼入绝境的吉恩,手中握有秘密武器。就是用人型兵器“MS”所组成的特别突击大队,让战况一举逆转并大获全胜。 当中,隶属吉恩军的夏亚・阿兹那布尔,驾驶着“扎古Ⅱ”立下战积并因此晋升为少校,更获得“红色彗星”的别名。而在鲁姆会战后,地球联邦军策画了对抗吉恩军的"V 作战"。远在 SIDE 7 的少年阿姆罗・雷,自行动身去找寻新兵器“敢达”的秘密。另一方面,在地球的南极大陆,吉恩及地球联邦两军间和平谈判的场合,某项声明却从月神二号向全世界发出……。


机动战士高达 THE ORIGIN II:悲伤的阿尔黛西亚

机动战士高达 THE ORIGIN II:悲伤的阿尔黛西亚 2015


宇宙世纪0071年。脱离SIDE 3,慕佐自治共和国后3年。吉恩‧兹姆‧戴肯的遗孤卡斯巴尔跟阿尔黛西亚兄妹,与金巴‧拉尔一起逃往地球,并寄住在提亚波罗‧玛斯家中,改名为爱德华·玛斯与塞拉·玛斯,开始过着平稳的日子。而一直追踪他们的扎比家的魔爪,悄悄地再次逼近…。此时,SIDE 3将国名更改为吉恩自治共和国。扎比家不但掌握实权,整个支配体制也日渐巩固,更开始着手开发对抗地球联邦军的最新兵器-机动工兵。



高达救世主 1999


《高达救世主》是2000年上映的美国电影,该电影主要讲述的是宇宙世纪223年,地球的环境产生了致命的恶化。在宇宙殖民地盖亚研究如何改善地球环境的年轻女科学家辛西娅,和朋友一起潜入地球。同一时间,地球议会军的MS驾驶员马克回收发生事故坠海的MS后回到了基地。 在这里地球议会军突然出现并以镇压侵入者的名义逮捕了辛西娅等人。对师出无名的议会军起了疑心的马克遂协助辛西娅逃走。另一方面,马克在地球议会军情报部的恋人Mimi暗中调查基地内部的机密档案,了解到事件的真相。 地球议会军打算侵略卫星殖民地,正在反复进行军备和战力的加强和训练,幕后操纵这一切的是地球自治区的总督,以下任地球自治区大统领之职为目标的加诺。他以辛西娅的潜入为借口,正式对殖民地进行攻击,想要阻止他侵略宇宙的野心的马克等人,将会面临什么样的困难呢?


宇宙战士巴鲁迪奥斯 剧场版

宇宙战士巴鲁迪奥斯 剧场版 1981




Fang of the Sun Dougram

Fang of the Sun Dougram 1981


Fang of the Sun Dougram is a 75-episode anime television series, created by Ryosuke Takahashi and Sunrise, and aired in Japan from October 23, 1981 to March 25, 1983 on TV Tokyo. A 1983 full-length feature film, Dougram: Documentary of the Fang of the Sun, summarized the series.


Matchless Passion Go-Saurer

Matchless Passion Go-Saurer 1993


The Kikaika (literally mechanization) Empire invades our solar system, and in a matter of moments they take over and convert Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars, and set their sights on Earth. However, one thing stands in their way. Earth's ancient protector and warrior of light, Eldran. To fight this menace, he gifts a 6th-grade class with 3 huge robotic dinosaurs, with the power to merge and form the giant robot Go-Saurer, which they then can pilot and use to stop the Kikaika Empire's advances.


iDOLM@STER Xenoglossia

iDOLM@STER Xenoglossia 2007


107 years ago, the Moon was destroyed in a massive cataclysm that shattered Earth's former satellite into 81 quintillion tons of orbital debris. However, thanks to super-science, the Earth itself was saved and today no one really thinks much about that century-past disaster. Which is why when teenage Haruka Amami auditions for something called the Idolmaster Project, she THINKS she's trying out to be a singing idol. Instead, Haruka finds herself at a secret school run by the Mondenkind Agency, living with a group of other girls who have also been selected as candidates to pilot an iDOL - an advanced robot specifically designed to intercept falling chunks of moon rock. Except, the people who run the Mondenkind Agency aren't exactly knights in shining armor. And then there's the question of whether the iDOLs are really JUST robots. Because from almost the first moment, Haruka starts to feel emotions resonating from within the iDOL called Imber.


Tomica Bond Combination Earth Granner

Tomica Bond Combination Earth Granner 2020


The anime centers on the battles between the mysterious alien enemy Dark Spinner and the secret defense unit Earth Granner over Earth Energy, the energy generated from the Earth's rotation.


Full Metal Panic!

Full Metal Panic! 2002


Kaname Chidori’s one of the most popular girls at her high school – unfortunately, it’s her growing popularity off campus she should be worrying about. Unbeknownst to Kaname, terrorists are plotting her abduction, believing she possesses the rare and coveted abilities of “the Whispered.” That’s where Sousuke Sagara enters the picture. He’s a hotshot soldier from the clandestine counter-terrorist organization known as Mithril – and he’s going undercover at Kaname’s school to try and keep her safe. He may be an ace in the cockpit of an Arm Slave mech, but there’s no training in the world that could prepare him for the warzone of high school.


Neon Genesis Evangelion

Neon Genesis Evangelion 1995


At the turn of the century, the Angels returned to Earth, seeking to wipe out humanity in an apocalyptic fury. Devastated, mankind's last remnants moved underground to wait for the day when the Angels would come back to finish the job. Fifteen years later, that day has come... but this time, humanity is ready to fight back with terrifying bio-mechanical weapons known as the Evangelions. Watch as Shinji, Rei, Asuka and the rest of the mysterious shadow agency Nerv battle to save earth from total annihilation.


Metal Armor Dragonar

Metal Armor Dragonar 1987


A.D. 2087 - the United Lunar Empire Giganos wages war on the Earth Federation Military to take control of the planet and establish a "rebirth" of the human race. During an invasion of a colony by Giganos' forces, three civilian men stumble upon a trio of top-secret Metal Armor units called "Dragonars" and pilot them to combat the enemy forces.


Wild Knights Gulkeeva

Wild Knights Gulkeeva 1995


Juusenshi Gulkeeva, known as Wild Knights Gulkeeva and Beast Warriors Gulkeeva, is an anime series that debuted in 1995. It is an animated adaptation of a manga that initially was serialized in the Shonen Super Sunday.



DARLING in the FRANXX 2018


The story is set in the distant future. The land is ruined, and humanity establishes the mobile fort city Plantation. Pilots produced inside Plantation live in Mistilteinn, also know as the "birdcage." Children live there knowing nothing of the outside world or the freedom of the sky. Their lives consist of battling to carry out missions. Their enemies are mysterious giant lifeforms known as Kyouryuu, and the children pilot robots called Franxx to face off against them. For the children, riding the Franxx proves their existence. A boy named Hiro is called Code:016, and he was once known as a prodigy. However, he has fallen behind, and his existence seems unnecessary. Not piloting a Franxx is the same as ceasing to exist. One day, a mysterious girl known as "Zero Two" appears before him. Two horns grow out of her head.


Guilty Crown

Guilty Crown 2011


The story revolves around Shu Ouma, a high school boy who inadvertently obtains an ability called "The Power of the Kings" that enables him to draw out items called "Voids" from other people. He is then thrown into the conflict between a resistance group called Funeral Parlor which aims to restore Japan's independence from a quasi-governmental organization known as the GHQ. In the process, Shu has to deal with the burden his ability puts on his shoulders and the horrific mystery of his past.


Knights of Sidonia

Knights of Sidonia 2014


An alien race called Gauna has destroyed Earth. leaving humanity struggling to survive aboard the spaceship Sidonia. Even though it’s been a century since the last encounter with the Gauna, military service is mandatory. For Nagate Tanikaze, whose grandfather secretly hid him in the forgotten bowels of Sidonia, it’s a strange new world as he’s forced to come to the surface. Yet his recruitment comes just in time, for the Gauna have suddenly reappeared.


Shinkansen Henkei Robo Shinkalion: THE ANIMATION

Shinkansen Henkei Robo Shinkalion: THE ANIMATION 2018


Hayato Hayasugi (his last name is a pun on the words for "too fast") and other children will serve as conductors to pilot the Shinkalion. The Shinkalion robots are various models of real-life Japanese bullet trains (shinkansen) that transform into robots to fight an unknown evil to protect the safety and peace of Japan. The children must work together with the adults of the Shinkansen Ultra Evolution Institute (SUEI) to defeat a monster that looks like a jet black bullet train.


Heavy Gear

Heavy Gear 2001


Coliseum-type gladiator battles on the planet Terra Nova in the year 6132 pit good robots against bad in this CGI animated series based on the futuristic video game.


Lightspeed Electroid Albegas

Lightspeed Electroid Albegas 1983


Lightspeed Electroid Albegas was an anime series aired from 1983 to 1984 in Japan, Latin America, Spain and Italy. There were 45 episodes aired at 25 minutes each. Other loosely translated names are "Arbegas", "Arebegas", "Lightspeed ElectroGod Arbegas" and "Arbegas: El Rayo Custodio".


Mazinger Z

Mazinger Z 1972


Mazinger Z, known briefly as Tranzor Z in the United States, is a Japanese super robot manga series written and illustrated by Go Nagai. The first manga version was serialized in Shueisha's Weekly Shōnen Jump from October 1972 to August 1973, and it later continued in Kodansha TV Magazine from October 1973 to September 1974. It was adapted into an anime television series which aired on Fuji TV from December 1972 to September 1974. A second manga series was released alongside the TV show, this one drawn by Gosaku Ota, which started and ended almost at the same time of the TV show. Mazinger Z has spawned several sequels and spinoff series, among them UFO Robot Grendizer and Mazinkaiser. It was a very popular cartoon in Mexico during the 1980s, where it was dubbed into Spanish directly from the Japanese version, keeping the Japanese character names and broadcasting all 92 episodes, unlike the version aired in the U.S.


Dancougar – Super Beast Machine God

Dancougar – Super Beast Machine God 1985


Dancougar - Super Beast Machine God is a super robot anime television series. The show ran for 38 episodes from 4 April 1985 to 17 December 1985 and was produced by Ashi Productions. Although the series was planned for 52 episodes, it was ended abruptly before a finale could be reached. Despite this, the series garnered enough popularity for the development of multiple OVA's. Juusenki Tai Songs featured music videos of the various theme and insert songs from the series to TV series footage. The 1986 OVA Requiem for Victims featured a recap of the television series and a newly-animated conclusion to the story. Additionally, there was a 1987 sequel OVA God Bless Dancouga. In 1989 the four-part Blazing Epilogue OVA series presented a new sequel.


Strange Steel Fairy Rouran

Strange Steel Fairy Rouran 2012


When the secret occult society, Shiromorishuua, sends a huge monster to attack Tokyo, ASY, a peace-keeping organization in Japan, retaliates with a Gousen (metal faery). ASY's Gousen annihilates the creature after driving it into open ocean. Although successful, a surprise attack follows. A girl, floating in midair and glowing with radiance, strikes with a beam of light. This girl is "Rouran." She knows neither her identity, her origins, nor why whenever she senses the Gousen or Kyoushi (reanimated corpses) she transforms into an avenging angel. As Rouran worries about her mysterious existence, Tetsuya kindly watches over her in Tokyo Arcadia, a settlement of expatriates and dissidents.



Aldnoah.Zero 2014


In 1972, the Apollo 17 mission discovered a hypergate to Mars on the surface of the moon. Soon a war breaks out between Earth and Mars, and Martian soldiers begin to descend from the sky, riding steel giants, intent on exterminating humanity.


Voltes V

Voltes V 1977


From out of nowhere, a mysterious alien race known as the Boazan Forces has invaded the Earth. A group of individuals specially trained to handle this kind of situation has been unleashed. Kenichi, Ippei, Daijirou, Hiyoshi & Megumi are the pilots of the Choudenji Machine Voltes V (5), Earth's defense against the Boazan and their terrible Beast Warriors. The plot thickens as the Go Brothers discover their true heritage and the truth behind their father's disappearance. Conflicts and mixed emotions hinder the Go Brothers at times but due to their unwavering desire to find their dad, they must go to the place where it all started. With the help of the rebels based on Earth and on the aliens' homeworld, the Voltes Team has another mission, remove the tyrant Zu Zanbajil and liberate the people of Boazan.


No. 1 Sentai Gozyuger

No. 1 Sentai Gozyuger 2025


In the distant past, a great battle known as the "Universe War" erupted between all Super Sentai robots and a colossal "calamity." This war, later called the "Universal Great War," was brought to an end by a giant deity named Tega Sword. This transcendent being, imbued with the power of all Super Sentai, fell into slumber after sustaining injuries. Hoeru Tono, a young man drifting between part-time jobs, finds himself fired once again. Around the same time, the mysterious organization "Bridan" begins attacking Earth to awaken Tega Sword. Suddenly, Tono is enveloped in a strange space where he encounters Tega Sword. He learns that gathering special "rings" will grant him any wish. Without a specific wish in mind, Tono resolves to aim for the "Number One" and fights as Gozyu Wolf against Bridan. What wish will Tono eventually discover? And who are the other ring warriors?