天启Z:完结的起点 2024
证券公司基金管理人石宇(孔刘 饰)光鲜精干,却也是个重利轻义之徒。妻子为此与之决裂,女儿秀安(金秀安 饰)则对如此自私的父亲越来越失望,决定前往釜山和母亲生活。在秀安生日这天,石宇抽出时间陪伴女儿登上开往釜山的特快列车。而与此同时,城市四处出现了极为可疑的暴动事件。政府极力洗白无法掩盖丧尸肆虐的事实,即便懵然无知的列车乘客也因为不速之客的到来而堕入恐慌绝望的地狱中。开车的刹那,一名感染者冲入车厢,而她很快尸变并对目光所及之处的健康人展开血腥屠杀。未过多久,丧尸便呈几何数爆发性地增长。石宇被迫和幸存者的乘客们在逼仄的空间中奋力求生。通往釜山的遥遥旅途布满杀机,危难时刻每个幸存者的人性也承受巨大的考验…
三位童子军在他们露营的最后一晚,闯入被殭尸大举入侵的小镇,还结识了超杀的女服务生,这群乌合之众意外集结成一支怎麽看都很违和的杀殭尸英雄团队,为了杀出一条血路并拯救被殭尸摧残的小镇,他们必须利用所学的童子军技能,想办法让人类存活下去。 《鬼入镜:诅咒》克里斯多福蓝登最新执导作品。三位童子军在他们露营的最后一晚,经由拯救被殭尸入侵的小镇,发现到友谊的可贵。在惊悚气氛中添加疯狂的搞笑元素,带来超劲爆的限制级恐怖喜剧!
费城一个毫无征兆的宁静早晨,前联合国调查员盖瑞·雷恩(布拉德·皮特 Brad Pitt 饰)驾车载着妻子凯伦(米瑞·伊诺丝 Mireille Enos 饰)和两个女儿蕾切尔(Abigail Hargrove 饰)、康妮(Sterling Jerins 饰)外出。谁知原本快乐的气氛很快变为恐慌与死亡所替代,连环的爆炸,惊恐逃散的人群,无序的车祸以及啃咬他人的丧尸,繁华大都会转瞬沦陷。盖瑞费尽九牛二虎之力带着妻女逃生,最终逃到联合国副秘书长所在的航母上,进而得知包括美国总统在内的数名大国首脑均已死亡,丧尸病毒业已蔓延全球。为了阻止世界毁灭,格里无奈受命,和来自哈佛的病毒学博士法斯巴克(Elyes Gabel 饰)前往病毒的源头之地寻找解除危机的办法。 这是一场几乎完全没有希望且充满磨难的征程,世界命运危在旦夕……
2012年,人类被不知名病毒感染,纽约成为一座空城。Robert Neville是为军方服务的科学家,也是对病毒有免疫力的幸存者。白天,他带着狗Sam在街道上寻找食物,用广播寻找幸存者,在实验室里研究治愈病毒的方法;晚上,他只能躲在屋子里,因为那些感染病毒而没有死亡的人们,成为了“夜魔”只能夜晚出来活动,丧失理智,会攻击所有的人。某天,Sam也感染病毒死去,Robert Neville陷入了前所未有的孤独。当他准备和“夜魔”们同归于尽的时候,另外一个幸存者Anna救了他。Anna相信山上的隔离区还有幸存者,但是固执的Robert Neville却坚持守在纽约。又一个晚上,“夜魔”攻击Robert Neville的住所,此时他的研究已经获得成功,但是只有坚持到天亮,人类才能得以延存。
在阴森恐怖令人谈之色变的幽灵森林深处,耸立着一幢巍峨庄严的古堡。这里的主人正是声名显赫的吸血鬼德古拉(亚当·桑德勒 Adam Sandler 配音)。与传说中不同,德古拉是一个无比温柔的好爸爸,他独自抚养爱女梅菲丝(赛琳娜·戈麦斯 Selena Gomez 配音),为了保护女儿免遭人类的戕害,而特意修建了这座名为尖叫旅社的城堡,普通人类绝对无法接近这里。每年梅菲丝生日之际,科学怪人、狼人、木乃伊、隐形人等怪物都从世界各地赶来为小女孩庆生。在梅菲丝118岁生日之际,她渴望见识外面的世界,早有准备的德古拉设下骗局,却意外将人类少年乔纳森(安迪·萨姆伯格 Andy Samberg 配音)引入古堡。 乔纳森的到来似乎为怪物世界带来一股全新的气息,德古拉伯爵则不得不费尽心机隐藏他是人类的真相……
未来某天,灾难降临世间,天灾人祸让地球濒临毁灭。更为可怕的是,恐怖病毒肆意蔓延,人类相继化身为丧失人性、嗜血如命的恐怖僵尸。并且随着时光的流逝,僵尸的智商不断提升,已经成为规模庞大的恐怖大军。经过几个月的厮杀,居住在得州某小镇的哥伦布(杰斯·艾森伯格 Jesse Eisenberg 饰)是少数的幸存者之一,他唯唯诺诺,行事谨慎,却凭着总结出来的经验一次又一次逃出生天。某天,哥伦布遇见作风骠悍的塔拉哈西(伍迪·哈里森 Woody Harrelson 饰),两人一路同行,继而邂逅性感美艳的姐妹花薇奇塔(艾玛·斯通 Emma Stone 饰)和小石头(阿比盖尔·布莱斯林 Abigail Breslin 饰),他们由此开始了一段妙趣横生、惊险刺激的旅程……本片荣获2009年Sitges – Catalonian国际电影节观众奖。
肖恩(西蒙·佩吉 Simon Pegg 饰)事业不如意,爱情也不怎么顺心。认识了一帮同样游手好闲的朋友,整天和他们厮混,包括皮特,和只会打机和讨人厌的艾德。难得肖恩为了女朋友振作一次,却遭到同事嘲笑,女友也不能会意,肖恩只有继续和朋友醉酒纵乐。 但这天整个城市却有了翻天覆地的变化。僵尸入侵了,只要是被他们咬到的人,都会随之变成僵尸。而肖恩正和艾德在酒吧里豪饮,却发现陷入僵尸的重重包围中。现在肖恩必须拿出英雄气概,去捍卫家人朋友。
看似平凡的一天,护士安娜(莎拉·波利 Sarah Polley 饰)正准备和丈夫路易斯(Justin Louis 饰)共享快乐的周末,却不知一场恐怖、致命的瘟疫正在大肆蔓延。被瘟疫感染的丧失人性,转而变成嗜血如命、残暴无情的活死人。安娜的丈夫和女儿薇薇安(Hannah Lochner 饰)无一幸免,她侥幸从家中逃生,却发现整个城市都已变成活死人的天下,幸存者所剩无几,眼前的世界宛如人间地狱。是时瘟疫蔓延全球,各国都已陷入瘫痪状态之中。 安娜驾车一路逃亡,最终与警察肯尼斯(文·雷姆斯 Ving Rhames 饰)以及其他几名幸存者躲在一家购物中心内。然而这终究不是一个长久的避难场所,活死人闻风而至,时刻都有冲进来的危险。安娜他们必须团结一心,逃出生天……
人类青年乔纳森(安迪·萨姆伯格 Andy Samberg 配音)与吸血鬼梅菲丝(赛琳娜·戈麦斯 Selena Gomez 配音)婚后生下了混血儿子丹尼斯。精灵旅社也放宽了入住规则,面向人类游客开放,生意更加兴隆。吸血鬼公爵德古拉(亚当·桑德勒 Adam Sandler 配音)用尽浑身解数,只为激发孙子丹尼斯的吸血鬼潜能。德古拉的老爸弗拉德(梅尔·布鲁克斯 Mel Brooks 配音)突然造访,古板的弗拉德无法接受孙女与人类相爱,一怒之下决定毁掉旅社,精灵旅社顿时人仰马翻。就在这时,丹尼斯的身体却发生了奇妙的变化……
浣熊市曾是蓬勃发展的制药巨头——伞公司(Umbrella Corporation)的总部所在地,现在却是一个死气沉沉的中西部小镇。该公司的大撤离使这座城市变成了一片荒地,地下蕴藏着巨大的邪恶。当邪恶被释放时,镇上的人们将永远改变,一小群幸存者必须共同努力,揭开保护伞背后的真相,并度过夜晚。
Sheriff's deputy Rick Grimes awakens from a coma to find a post-apocalyptic world dominated by flesh-eating zombies. He sets out to find his family and encounters many other survivors along the way.
A high school becomes ground zero for a zombie virus outbreak. Trapped students must fight their way out — or turn into one of the rabid infected.
Three years after the zombie virus has gutted the country, a team of everyday heroes must transport the only known survivor of the plague from New York to California, where the last functioning viral lab waits for his blood.
One day, New York City as we know it vanished overnight into a mysterious fog. Now known as Hellsalem's Lot, it has become a place where another world beyond imagining is connected to our reality. The balance within this new world is protected by a secret society known as Libra. Leo, a journalist and photographer who arrives in the city, is unexpectedly recruited to join their ranks.
When a student unearths the truth behind his grandfather’s life, he must unveil his secret superpowers to an underworld eager for his emergence.
A soldier faces a zombie outbreak during military service. His girlfriend, an engineer, navigates zombie-ridden Seoul. Both fight through the undead-infested city, striving to reunite amid the chaos.
A typical morning. The usual music. Their normal lives. The peace these seven girls experience will suddenly be destroyed. By the living dead... zombies. A reality that they never wanted a part of, an amazing and terrifying zombie world. They all share one wish: "We want to live." These girls will struggle through this saga, in order to achieve a miracle.
Daryl washes ashore in France and struggles to piece together how he got there and why. The series tracks his journey across a broken but resilient France as he hopes to find a way back home. As he makes the journey, though, the connections he forms along the way complicate his ultimate plan.
A police detective who loses everything to a criminal organization seeks payback when he gains special abilities through biotechnology.
A medical student who becomes a zombie joins a Coroner's Office in order to gain access to the brains she must reluctantly eat so that she can maintain her humanity. But every brain she eats, she also inherits their memories and must now solve their deaths with help from the Medical examiner and a police detective.
Luo Ran has been investigating the death of his wife with his best friend Ning Yu. They end up getting onto a train headed for C City in order to chase female suspect Jiang Xue. The train suddenly derails mid-journey, and the hundred or so survivors find themselves transported to a ruined city with no living soul in sight, cut off from the rest of the world. The city is filled with dangers on all sides and supplies are dwindling. The survivors start dying off or disappearing one by one—a brutal game of survival begins.
In this zombie thriller set in Korea's medieval Joseon dynasty which has been defeated by corruption and famine, a mysterious rumor of the king’s death spreads, as does a strange plague that renders the infected immune to death and hungry for flesh. The crown prince, fallen victim to a conspiracy, sets out on a journey to unveil the evil scheme and save his people.
Maggie and Negan travel to post-apocalyptic Manhattan - long ago cut off from the mainland. The crumbling city is filled with the dead and denizens who have made it a world full of anarchy, danger, beauty, and terror.
Some guys have no luck; he’s got no pulse. That’s life for poor unfortunate, undead Ayumu. First, he was murdered by a serial killer. Total bummer. Then he was resurrected as a zombie by a cute little Necromancer. That seemed pretty cool until she moved into his house, refused to speak, and forced his rotting carcass to do all the cooking. After that, a magical girl in a pretty pink dress used her matching chainsaw to chop his corpse in half. Luckily, the Necromancer’s powers of resurrection trumped those of the chainsaw chick, so instead of dying (again), Ayumu became the world’s first magical girl zombie. There’s also a voluptuous vampire ninja who thinks zombie boy’s a pervert – and a hideous crayfish demon who wants to devour him. Confused? All you gotta know is this: zombies, frilly dresses, demons, and moe chainsaws. Pink. It’s the new dead.
For over a century, the mysterious Hellsing Organization has been secretly protecting the British Empire from the undead. When Sir Integra Hellsing succeeded as the head of the organization, she also inherited the ultimate weapon against these supernatural enemies: Alucard, a rogue vampire possessing mysterious and frightening powers. Now, Hellsing must deal with a more dangerous threat than vampires.
An overworked 24-year-old finally decides to live a little and create a bucket list, when a zombie outbreak hits the country.
Zombie-obsessed Furuya is making a potion to reanimate his dead cat when he meets Rea. She’s about as miserable as a girl can get, thanks to her creepy, domineering father. When the pain becomes too much, she tries to commit suicide with a sip of Furuya’s weird elixir. The potion doesn’t kill her – but it does turn her into a zombie after she falls from a cliff. Now that Rea’s undead and ready to finally live, she hides out with Furuya, who’s always dreamed of having a zombie girlfriend. Their one-of-a-kind relationship comes with some challenges, like the fact that Rea is decomposing. Even worse, her freak-show dad is dangerously determined to get her back under his control. As Furuya fights to keep his ghoulfriend safe, Rea finds the secret to resurrecting her happiness: Live like you’re dying – even if you’re already dead.
After getting struck by lightning during the The Great Vampire War, Ying Wuet Tseuk and his gang of thieves become The Undead, a race of immortal beings. For the next 500 years, Ying Wuet Tseuk kept his identity hidden and secludes himself in the city, spending sleepless nights managing a late-night food hall. Skilled in martial arts, Ying Wuet Tseuk also operates a martial arts training hall and accepts two disciples under his wing. Ying Wuet Tseuk is in love with forensic scientist Lam Mung Nam, a vampire who had her memories and powers completely sealed away. Unaware of her vampiric identity, her only remaining power is the ability to revive the dead for one minute. For years, Ying Wuet Tseuk stayed by her side silently, helping her piece memories back together one by one.
The world is full of monsters, myths, and legends and Monstrum isn’t afraid to take a closer look. The show, hosted by Emily Zarka, Ph.D., takes us on a journey to discover a new monster for each new episode. Monstrum looks at humans unique drive to create and shape monster mythology through oral storytelling, literature and film.
In the midst of an industrial revolution, the people of Hinomoto fight hordes of undead creatures, known as Kabane, using powerful armored trains.