米勒的女孩 2024
杰克 是一个作家。一个冬天,他得到了一个看管山顶酒店的差事。这正合杰克的意思,他正好可以有一个幽静的地方写作。于是杰克带着妻儿搬进了酒店。冬天大雪封路,山顶酒店只有杰克一家三口。从他们一搬进来,杰克的妻子温蒂 就发现这里气氛诡异,杰克的儿子丹尼 经常看到一些他不认识的人,但这里除了他们一家别无他人。而杰克除了一整天闷头写作外,脾气亦变得越来越古怪。直到有一天,温蒂发现丈夫这些天来一直写就只有一句话:杰克发疯了!
上世纪60年代,在密西西比州,黑佣艾比里恩(维奥拉•戴维斯 Viola Davis 饰)勤勤恳恳照顾女主人的女儿,后者因产后抑郁症只顾与闺蜜贪欢。密西西比大学毕业生斯基特(艾玛•斯通 Emma Stone 饰)在报社负责家庭主妇信箱,并由此开始黑佣的生存状态。其中,希利(布莱丝•达拉斯•霍华德 Bryce Dallas Howard 饰)无疑是反面教材,她态度傲慢,对黑佣米妮(奥克塔维亚•斯宾瑟 Octavia Spencer 饰)抱有偏见,并力主黑佣不能与主人共用厕所。最终因不堪受辱,米妮愤然离去,并以牙还牙,假借道歉之机让她蒙羞。斯基特开始采访艾比里恩和米妮,希望了解黑佣的生存状态,并为自己的新书积累素材。与此同时,马丁路德金领导的平权运动正在如火如荼地开展,而斯基特所在的密西西比州正是斗争的前沿,因为黑人遭射杀的血案,种族隔离开始,一场肤色之争在所难免……
英格丽(朱丽安·摩尔 Julianne Moore 饰)和玛莎(蒂尔达·斯文顿 Tilda Swinton 饰)年轻时是好朋友,她们曾在同一家杂志社工作。后来英格丽成为了一名小说家,而玛莎成为了一名战地记者,她们渐行渐远。失联多年后,她们重新开始了联系。
潦倒颓废的艾迪·莫莱(布莱德利·库珀 Bradley Cooper 饰)是一个丢掉了工作,缺乏灵感的作家。许久不联系的前小舅子给他一种正处在试验阶段的药物--NZT。服用一次之后艾迪发现自己精力充沛,思维清晰,行动敏捷,甚至能在瞬间把一些平时不易留意的细节和信息重新组合和整理并得出推论。等他再一次去找小舅子却发现他已被人谋杀,屋里一片狼藉,紧跟着是一群杀手的追杀。死里逃生的艾迪终于发现了这款名为NZT的新药物能使人发挥大脑100%的能力。借助NZT,艾迪重获灵感并进入上流社会,但大获成功之余也有致命的作用:身体不适和失控的情绪。而此时埃迪已不能离开这种药,这使他进入了一个黑暗领域,而杀手也在暗处监视他……
1988年7月15日,一所大学为毕业生的狂热所充盈。籍着这股躁动,轻浮的德克斯特(吉姆·斯特吉斯 Jim Sturgess 饰)穿过层层人墙,寻找可以与之共度这最后狂欢与浪漫之夜的尤物。他将目光锁定在艾玛(安妮·海瑟薇 Anne Hathaway 饰)的身上,一个来自普通工薪家庭的聪慧女孩。然而短短的交流过后,他们之间什么也没发生,却又注定改变了彼此的一生。在之后的岁月里,两人以友人知己的身份时聚时散,彼此分享着人生的苦辣酸甜和各种感悟。德克斯特经历着事业和婚姻的起落,艾玛品味着底层人生的辛酸。他们是远在天边心也紧紧相连的知己,是深锁心中最为笃真却相隔最远的爱恋……本片根据英国作家大卫·尼克尔斯(David Nicholls)的同名畅销小说改编。
小伙子威廉(希思•莱吉尔Heath Ledger 饰)虽然出身于法国的平民家庭,但从小就梦想当一名骑士,从儿时起就苦练剑术和马术。然而当时的社会只有贵族才有资格当骑士,于是威廉只当了一名贵族骑士的侍从。 在一次马上长枪比武中,威廉的主人在场间休息时突然意外死去。威廉灵机一个,穿上了主人的铠甲,骑上他的坐骑,冒名顶替并赢得了这场比赛。捧着胜利的奖杯,威廉决定继续冒充自己的主人参加在伦敦举行的世界骑士锦标赛,通过赢得比赛使自己成为一名真正的骑士。威廉启程了!
红磨坊日日歌舞升平。夜总会,康康舞,这是个男人们花天酒地的享乐国度。然而,这儿的爱情,却无比纯净动人。 克里斯蒂安(伊万•麦戈雷格 饰)是年轻的钢琴诗人,拥有美丽的歌喉。不顾父亲的反对,他来到了蒙马达小镇,这个“追求享乐”的地方。在这儿,他与莎婷(妮可•基德曼 饰)意外的相遇了。莎婷是红磨坊的当家花旦,被誉为“璀璨钻石”,受到很多人的青睐。然而她并不满足于卖唱的生活,想要借助公爵的力量,成为一名真正的巨星。克里斯蒂安的到来,打乱了她结识公爵的计划,却闯入了她的内心。英俊的少年用歌声,向莎婷诉说着“自由”、“美”、“真理”,并给她带来了她从未感受过的“爱”。莎婷找到了自己的梦想,渴望同她心爱的男人一同完成。然而,公爵的阻挠却让一切变得艰难。爱情,要怎样,与命运抗衡。
一个炎热、干燥的夏日,如同过去几年一般。森林火灾是无法控制的。四个年轻人在离阿伦斯霍普不远的波罗的海度假屋里相遇。慢慢地,不知不觉中,他们被火焰筑成的围墙所包围。红色的天空笼罩着他们。他们充满怀疑,他们满是害怕——但却不是因为火灾。是爱让他们害怕:“谁会在坠入爱河时死去 ……!”他们越来越亲近,他们渴望着,他们相爱着。然而熊熊火焰已无限逼近。
潜行者以宁静的影像,高度的隐喻,令人难忘地探讨了灵魂的本质。塔可夫斯基运用色彩转换描绘了潜意识和外部世界。而在主题上,正如在飞向天空里一样,这种转换象做梦机器一样地分离了物理现实和潜意识。请注意,无论潜行者怎样警告说不要两次走同一条路径,科学家还是原路返回,并毫发无伤地找回了背包,并表现出对潜行者的准则的怀疑。从象征意义上分析,仿佛是潜意识有意拒绝它诚挚的愿望,自己制造障碍,阻止愿望的实现。经过迂回的行程后,他们到达了The Room的接待室,却犹豫不前,无法确认最深层的意愿,即他们的精神渴念。地板上撒满了硬币,注射器针头,武器以及宗教圣像,这都是心灵寻求逃脱痛苦的反映。最后,The Room真实或臆想的能力原来对这些疲倦不堪、矛盾重重的寻求者是无意义的。一切仅仅是在路上。
清晨的纽约街头,相貌清丽的霍莉(Audrey Hepburn 饰)在橱窗前徜徉,她就是纽约上流社会的交际花。对金钱和物质崇拜,同时却不失天真善良的霍莉,就像是纽约的“茶花女”。在她心里,还有一个重要的目标,那就是嫁得金龟婿。霍莉的新邻居是一个作家保罗(George Peppard 饰),梦想着成名,却也是依靠富太太的供给度日。遇见霍莉的保罗堕入情网,千方百计让霍莉过回正常生活,并向她求婚。然而霍莉似乎并不愿意,在她心中,嫁给这么一个人,放弃她之前的努力,未免太不值。然而,霍莉在寻找幸福路上跌跌撞撞,直到有一天才突然明白了幸福的含义。
影片改编自同名小说,讲述一个电影编剧 带着老婆、孩子在阿尔卑斯山附近潜心创作,但一些离奇事件却不断发生。
威廉(格雷戈·金尼尔 Greg Kinnear 饰)是一名作家,他的著作曾经霸占了畅销榜,但现如今,遭遇了写作瓶颈期的威廉脑袋里一个灵感都没有。2年前,威廉和妻子艾丽卡(詹妮弗·康纳利 Jennifer Connelly 饰)离了婚,这段婚姻堪称灾难,但威廉却一直无法从中走出来。但很显然,艾丽卡已经摆脱了过去的阴影,开启了全新的生活。 威廉和艾丽卡有两个孩子萨曼莎(莉莉·科林斯 Lily Collins 饰)、鲁斯地(罗根·勒曼 Logan Lerman 饰),父母两人恶劣的关系给两个孩子带来了很大的伤害,在潜移默化之中改变了他们的爱情观。鲁斯地爱上了一个名叫凯特(丽亚娜·莱伯拉托 Liana Liberato 饰)的女孩,虽然知道她已经有了男友却还是抑制不住自己的感情。而萨曼莎则拒绝相信一切稳定正常的亲密关系。
他(哈维尔·巴登 Javier Bardem 饰)是一名作家,却遭遇了职业瓶颈期,一个字都写不出来。她(詹妮弗·劳伦斯 Jennifer Lawrence 饰)是一名主妇,每天忙于将两人的安乐窝修缮一新。一天,一个男人(艾德·哈里斯 Ed Harris 饰)敲响家门,这个男人是作家的超级粉丝,接着,男人的妻子(米歇尔·菲佛 Michelle Pfeiffer 饰)也登门拜访,这两人在家中随意穿梭肆意的打听着男女主人的隐私,这让她感到十分不快。 尽管她三番五次的想要将这对粗鲁的夫妇请出门外,可他却对两人的拜访展现出了由衷的热情。之后,男人和女人的两个儿子也闯入家中,一场争执最终演变成为了流血事件。崩溃的她此时并不知道,这一流血事件仅仅只是失控和崩坏的开始。
After a serial killer imitates the plots of his novels, successful mystery novelist Richard "Rick" Castle receives permission from the Mayor of New York City to tag along with an NYPD homicide investigation team for research purposes.
A self-loathing, alcoholic writer attempts to repair his damaged relationships with his daughter and her mother while combating sex addiction, a budding drug problem, and the seeming inability to avoid making bad decisions.
The off-kilter, unscripted comic vision of Larry David, who plays himself in a parallel universe in which he can't seem to do anything right, and, by his standards, neither can anyone else.
A dangerously charming, intensely obsessive young man goes to extreme measures to insert himself into the lives of those he is transfixed by.
Liz Lemon, the head writer for a late-night TV variety show in New York, tries to juggle all the egos around her while chasing her own dream.
An unassuming mystery writer turned sleuth uses her professional insight to help solve real-life homicide cases.
Suddenly Susan is an American television sitcom. Shields plays Susan Keane, a glamorous San Francisco magazine writer who begins to adjust to being single, and who learns to be independent-minded, after being taken care of all her life.
A British husband-and-wife comedy writing team travel to Hollywood to remake their successful British TV series, with disastrous results.
Dick Loudon and his wife Joanna decide to leave life in New York City and buy a little inn in Vermont. Dick is a how-to book writer, who eventually becomes a local TV celebrity as host of "Vermont Today." George Utley is the handyman at the inn and Leslie Vanderkellen is the maid, with ambitions of being an Olympic Ski champion; she is later replaced by her cousin Stephanie, an heiress who hates her job. Her boyfriend is Dick's yuppie TV producer, Michael Harris. There are many other quirky characters in this fictional little town, including Dick's neighbors Larry, Darryl, and Darryl...three brothers who buy the Minuteman Cafe from Kirk Devane. Besides sharing a name, Darryl and Darryl never speak.
The Dick Van Dyke Show centers around the work and home life of television comedy writer Rob Petrie. The plots generally revolve around problems at work, where Rob got into various comedic jams with fellow writers Buddy Sorrell, Sally Rogers and producer Mel Cooley.
Ellery Queen is an American television detective mystery series based on the fictional character Ellery Queen. It aired on NBC during the 1975-76 television season and stars Jim Hutton as Ellery Queen, David Wayne as his father, Inspector Richard Queen, and Tom Reese as Sgt. Velie. Created by the writing/producing team of Richard Levinson and William Link, the title character "breaks" the fourth wall to ask the audience to consider their solution.
Twin brothers Woo-sin and Soo-hyun lose their father in a murder case. Twenty-two years later, the brothers seek to clear their father's name.
Amelia is about to marry into one of the wealthiest families on Nantucket, until a shocking death derails the wedding — and turns everyone into a suspect.
This "sibling romantic comedy" revolves around Masamune Izumi, a light novel author in high school. Masamune's little sister is Sagiri, a shut-in girl who hasn't left her room for an entire year. She even forces her brother to make and bring her meals when she stomps the floor. Masamune wants his sister to leave her room, because the two of them are each other's only family. Masamune's novel illustrator, pen name "Eromanga," draws extremely perverted drawings, and is very reliable. Masamune had never met his illustrator, and figured he was just a disgusting, perverted otaku. However, the truth is revealed… that his "Eromanga-sensei" is his own younger sister! To add to the chaos that erupts between the siblings, a beautiful, female, best-selling shoujo manga creator becomes their rival!
Mary is an American sitcom that aired on CBS during the 1985-86 television season. The series stars Mary Tyler Moore in her return to series television after an absence of over six years, during which time she appeared on Broadway in Whose Life Is It Anyway? and in the dramatic film Ordinary People. After The Mary Tyler Moore Show, her subsequent ventures into series television, the variety show Mary and The Mary Tyler Moore Hour had been short-running ratings disasters, and Moore decided to return to the sitcom format which had brought her the greatest television success.
Ben Mears has returned to his hometown to write a book about the supposedly haunted Marsten House. When people around the Marsten House start dying mysteriously, Mears discovers that the owner of the mansion is actually a vampire who is turning them into an army of undead slaves.
Unpleasant events disturb the life of an aspiring crime fiction writer when he becomes a resident of an apartment building teeming with shady neighbors.
Philip and Eul Soon are bound by an unusual fate: one’s happiness always results in the other’s misfortune. The two start writing a drama together, and the events in the screenplay mysteriously begin occurring in real life.
Union Square is a 1997 television sitcom that was broadcast on NBC for one season. It follows the story of a lawyer-turned-playwright in New York City, who attempts to gain inspiration from a host of characters populating the fictitious Union Square cafe in Manhattan, obviously inspired by the New York area of the same name. The show was originally supposed to be a vehicle for Cuban-American actress Mel Gorham. But after poor test screenings for the pilot, the producers decided to retool the show and replace Gorham with Constance Marie. The program replaced Fired Up on NBC's "Must See TV" night of programming; it was given an 8:30pm timeslot on Thursday evenings, a highly coveted spot due to its location between popular sitcoms Friends and Seinfeld. Like The Single Guy, Union Square attempted to capitalize on attractive singles in their 20s and 30s enjoying New York City life, which both Seinfeld and Friends had turned into successes. The show also featured guest appearances from actor David Krumholtz, who appeared on two episodes, as did actress Rhea Perlman.
Writer Aob-On faces accusations of plagiarism from top online novelist Chan and his attempts to clear his name are thwarted when evidence vanishes and Chan refuses to engage. This deepens Aob-On's resentment towards Chan. However, they unexpectedly collaborate on a project.