超级无敌掌门狗:最强复仇鹅 2024
阿德曼动画四次荣获奥斯卡金像奖的导演尼克·帕克和荣获艾美奖提名的梅林·科罗星汉带着全新大冒险《超级无敌掌门狗:最强复仇鹅》重磅回归。在新电影中,阿高担心华莱士过于依赖他的发明 — 而当华莱士发明了一个似乎拥有自己思想的“聪明”小矮人时,这种担心得到了证实。人们发现一个来自过去的复仇人物可能在策划这一切,而阿高必须与邪恶势力作斗争,拯救他的主人,否则华莱士的发明之路可能就到此为止了!
阿德曼动画四次荣获奥斯卡金像奖的导演尼克·帕克和荣获艾美奖提名的梅林·科罗星汉带着全新大冒险《超级无敌掌门狗:最强复仇鹅》重磅回归。在新电影中,阿高担心华莱士过于依赖他的发明 — 而当华莱士发明了一个似乎拥有自己思想的“聪明”小矮人时,这种担心得到了证实。人们发现一个来自过去的复仇人物可能在策划这一切,而阿高必须与邪恶势力作斗争,拯救他的主人,否则华莱士的发明之路可能就到此为止了!
二十世纪初,爱迪生、巴黎铁塔总设计师埃菲尔、“交流电之父”尼古拉·特斯拉和其他顶尖的科学家、艺术家组成了一个秘密团体,共同打造一个理想计划——明日世界,传言中,华特·迪士尼也是创办人之一,在他的遗物中有一个黑盒子,装着神秘的机关。可是这个计划却出了意外,“明日世界”也从此消失。弗兰克(乔治·克鲁尼 George Clooney 饰)少年时曾亲眼目睹“明日世界”,但意外之后便过着半隐居的生活,直到聪明的少女凯茜(布丽特·罗伯森 Britt Robertson 饰)找上门,凯茜对科学和生命都充满热情,在无意间发现了神秘的徽章,她需要弗兰克的协助,破解零星线索,找到隐藏在神秘时空里的“明日世界”,以改变人类的命运……
这是一个机器人的故事。机器人的等级取决于制造的材料,由铜制造的罗德尼是机器人中最卑微的。但罗德尼天生并不自卑,他认为自己拥有发明家的大脑。小镇的生活虽然平静,但并不能满足罗德尼的野心,他决定前往“机器人城”拜访著名的发明家“大焊”。于是这天,罗德尼带着自己引以为傲的发明出发了。 但是繁华的“机器人城”却令乡下来的罗德尼感到迷惑,幸好一伙被称为“废铜烂铁”的机器人向他伸出了援手,令罗德尼暂时在城里落了脚。与此同时,一伙破坏分子却正在策划着摧毁“机器人城”……
在不久的将来,地球上的居民日益增多,而吃饭问题就成了全球面临的当务之急。从小就热爱发明,折腾出各种稀奇古怪东西的科学家弗林特·洛克伍德 最近一直在致力于解决这个问题,不过他的研究途径可和其他科学家不那么一样,他认为要解决所有人类的吃饭问题,有一个办法是最有效的:让食物像雨雪一样,直接从天上落下来,送到每家每户的门口!当然,对于这么无稽的事情,弗林特没少遭到白眼和嘲笑,大家都以为他疯了。但是弗林特总是觉得,自己的这个念头很靠谱,于是,他孜孜不倦的研究着如何让美食从天而降。眼瞅着过去勤奋上进的科学家变成现在这个偏执狂,他的好朋友,美艳傲慢又颇具智慧的小镇天气预报员萨姆·斯帕克斯 也感到相当头疼,她总是希望帮助弗林特摆脱掉这么不切实际的念头。不过,谁都没有想到,弗林特居然成功了!彩色的云朵载着无数美食飞来--肉丸子、烤乳猪、汉堡、意大利面、冰激凌还有更多数也数不过来的美食。斯帕克斯终于明白了,弗林特做的事并不是天方夜谭,而她也加入了弗林特的美食计划当中。不过,事情渐渐的开始失控,因为美食不停地掉下来,不但吃不完,连大家出行都有了困难,弗林特必须想办法让这件大好事不至于变成一桩灾难……
平凡无奇的美女汽车修理师茱恩·哈文斯(卡梅隆·迪亚茨 Cameron Diaz 饰)如何也想不到,她回家的路途竟会变得如此漫长而险象环生。最初,她一波三折登上了开往家乡波士顿的神秘航班,机上乘客寥寥,茱恩与在机场有过短暂接触并拥有迷人气质的陌生男子罗伊·米勒(汤姆·克鲁斯 Tom Cruise 饰)相谈甚欢。看起来一段浪漫美好的旅途恋情即将展开,谁知短短几分钟过后,机舱便被恐怖肃杀的氛围所替代。除罗伊外,所有乘客和飞行员全部毙命。原来罗伊的正体是一名训练有素、身手不凡的特工,他持有一枚重要的电池,而这也成为一众叛徒特工不择手段急于得手的主要原因。茱恩也许猜对了结局,却根本没有猜到过程。在接下来的日子里,她将和罗伊上天入地、周游世界,享受枪林弹雨、血雨腥风旅途中的浪漫与惊险……
一度平静的斯沃罗夫小岛被弗林德·洛克伍德(比尔·哈德 Bill Hader 配音)的天才发明复食机所摧毁。最终他成功破坏复食机,并打算和山姆(安娜·法瑞丝 Anna Faris 配音)他们重建美好家园。这时候,弗林德最崇拜的偶像——丽芙公司老板切斯特 V(威尔·福特 Will Forte 配音)从天而降。切斯特是一个天才发明家,他的公司更是云集了全世界顶尖的科学家。切斯特邀请弗林德加入丽芙公司,并承诺带着岛民前往加利福尼亚,而他的公司将负责清理破败的小岛。为了成为幻想发明家,弗林德拼尽全力开展研发。与此同时,故乡却传来不好的消息。许多清理者被活着的食物所捕获,似乎复食机并未完全摧毁,并且朝着弗林德不曾预料的方向继续发展。在切斯特的命令下,他和山姆、老爹以及其他伙伴们踏上了返乡的旅途,寻找解决麻烦的办法……
马丁(Michael J. Fox 饰)才回到现实世界与女友团聚,布朗博士(Christopher Lloyd 饰)就心急火燎地把他们带到了30年后的未来世界,原来这一次是马丁未来的两个孩子因参与抢劫锒铛入狱,博士要携马丁一起阻止悲剧发生。周旋一番后,两个孩子被成功挽救,但三人回到现实世界后,却发现周遭发生了天翻地覆的变化,世界被贝夫(Thomas F. Wilson饰)所控制,马丁的父亲乔治惨死,母亲洛莲(Lea Thompson 饰)竟然成了贝夫的妻子!这一切都是因为时光机器的秘密不慎被未来的老贝夫识破,他偷偷回去捣鬼,竟因此使得整个世界都在他的掌握下!马丁与博士再次踏上时光穿梭的征途,希望将世界扳回正轨。
虽然创造了无数令人惊叹的发明,可是华莱士(皮特·塞利斯 Peter Sallis 配音)却面临着入不敷出的窘境。为此,他决定将空置的房间对外出租。不久租客上门,来者是一只沉默冷冰冰的企鹅。某天,华莱士送给狗狗阿高的机器裤子似乎引起了企鹅的注意。此后的日子里,企鹅大献殷勤,令阿高倍感冷落,于是在一个雨夜收拾起行囊离家出走。但阿高意外发现,那只企鹅竟是警方通缉的要犯。与此同时,企鹅利用机器裤子开始了他罪恶的犯罪计划……
故事发生在充满古典风情的法国。自小生活在孤儿院中的菲丽西一直有一个梦想,就是成为真正的芭蕾舞者。为了追梦,她和发明家小伙伴维克托 进行了一场“逃跑计划”,费尽周折,终于来到了浪漫之都巴黎。在这里,菲丽西和维克托经历了一场场瑰丽惊奇的冒险。不过,第一次来到大城市的菲丽西并没有怯懦,她勇敢地冲破套路,不惧奇葩刁难,闹出了很多笑话却不失可爱率真。梦想忽远忽近,她和维克托的冒险也仍在继续……
在未来的大都会里社会分为两个阶层。建立并策划了整个城市赖以运转的庞大机器的是以强·弗莱德森(艾尔弗雷德·埃布尔 Alfred Abel 饰)为首的资本家,他们生活在富丽堂皇的摩天大厦之内;靠劳动以双手建立了机器并日夜维护的则是广大的工人团体,他们群居于黑暗的地下城。有一天,在弗莱德森为子女修建的美丽花园中,他的儿子弗雷德(古斯塔夫·弗勒里希Gustav Fröhlich 饰)对工人之女玛丽娅(布里吉特·赫尔姆Brigitte Helm 饰)一见钟情,追随她进入了地下工厂城,亲历机器事故。被悲惨景象惊呆的弗雷德决定追随玛丽娅;与此同时,对工人传单不解的弗莱德森则求助于过去的科学家对头洛特汪(卢度·格连-罗格 Rudolf Klein-Rogge 饰)。洛特汪建造出一个以玛丽娅面目出现的机器人,试图煽动工人暴乱,彻底摧毁弗莱德森的机器世界……本片是历史上造价最为昂贵的无声电影,在电影史上影响深远。其2001年的修复版被联合国教科文组织选为世界文献遗产,终极修复版于2010年2月在柏林首映。
超级间谍兰斯·斯特灵(威尔·史密斯配音)和少年科学家沃尔特·贝克特(汤姆·霍兰德配音)几乎完全相反。 兰斯十分潇洒体面,而沃尔特恰恰相反。但是,当一次间谍任务发生意外的转折,兰斯因为阴差阳错,变成了一只勇敢而优雅的鸽子。他不得不和沃尔特临时组成不可能二人组,洗清自己名声的同时,更要拯救世界于水火之中。
科学家韦恩·斯萨林斯基(里克·莫拉尼斯 Rick Moranis饰)发明了能将物体放大缩小的机器,光顾着高兴的他却忘记了告诉他的两个孩子。于是这个神奇的仪器把他的孩子们跟邻居家的两个孩子都给缩小了。 四个孩子开始了一次刺激的神奇之旅。院子里的矮小平坦的草坪变成了高耸茂密的 热带雨林,微不足道的昆虫变成了凶猛硕大的野兽,原先稀松平常的东西都瞬间变成了巨型障碍。然而粗心的夫妇发现孩子们失踪后,才意识到大事不妙。怎样才能把孩子们都变回原来的模样呢?而此时最重要的问题是,他们到底在身边的哪个角落……
对于喜爱奶酪的华莱士(皮特·塞利斯 Peter Sallis 配音)和阿高来说,没有奶酪的日子简直难以想象。这次,我们的天才华莱士竟然认定奶黄色的月亮上有取之不尽用之不竭各种口味的奶酪,于是找来材料和工具,开始制作宇宙飞船。费了九牛二虎之力,宇宙飞船终于轰鸣着飞往月球。在月球上,奶酪真的随处都是,华莱士挑剔地寻找着最爱的口味,期间意外遇到一台投币机器人。谁知机器人并不喜欢外来者掠夺月球奶酪的行为,他想方设法出去华莱士一行。而贪吃华莱士全然不知危险正向他靠近……
这一次,华莱士(皮特·塞利斯 Peter Sallis 配音)和他忠心耿耿的狗狗阿高开办了清洁业务。在位羊毛店清洁时,华莱士迷上了女店主温德琳(安妮·雷德 Anne Reid 配音),却不知这家羊毛店正在从事不可告人的勾当。与此同时,华莱士的家来了一名不速之客——小羊肖恩。这个大胃王惹出了不少乱子,却也给华莱士和阿高带来许多乐趣。谁知好景不长,阿高竟被当作杀羊凶手而逮捕,为了救出它,华莱士和肖恩以及其他的绵羊们组织了缜密的营救行动……本片荣获1996年奥斯卡电影金像奖最佳短片奖、1997年安西国际动画电影节观众奖、1996年英国电影学院奖最佳动画片奖。
Follows the humorous adventures of the little girl robot Arale Norimaki, her creator Senbei Norimaki, and the other residents of the bizarre Penguin Village.
When genius cybernetics engineer Ted Lawson brings home his top-secret invention, a Voice Input Child Identicant or V.I.C.I., life becomes anything but mechanical for the Lawson Family. With his boss and his nosy family living next door, Ted, his wife Joan and their son Jamie must pass Vicki off as a real child. It is easy for Joan, who cannot help doting on her like a daughter, but harder for precocious Jamie, who uses Vicki to do his homework and to ward off Harriet, the annoying redheaded girl next door.
Rock, Paper and Scissors are best friends and roommates who compete over everything, but it’s (mostly) all love. They each bring something different to the friendship - Rock is the moral compass, Paper is the practical one, and Scissors is the right amount of chaos. Together, they get into the wildest adventures.
Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! is an American educational animated children's television show created by Bob Boyle. The series is animated in Toon Boom and Adobe Flash software, produced by Bolder Media, and Starz Media. Bob Boyle, Susan Miller, Mark Warner, and Fred Seibert-Warner are the executive producers. The pop rock music is performed by Brad Mossman, and the musical score is composed and conducted by Mike Reagan. The series premiered on August 28, 2006 in the United States on Nick Jr. The second and final season debuted on September 1, 2008 on Nickelodeon's Nick Jr. in the United States.
The series is a prequel, featuring the high school years of Flint Lockwood, the eccentric young scientist in the films. In his adventures, he will be joined by Sam Sparks, a new girl in town and the school's "wannabe" reporter, along with Flint's dad Tim, Steve the Monkey, Manny as the head of the school's audiovisual club, Earl as a school gym teacher, Brent as a baby wear model, and Mayor Shelbourne, who wins every election on the pro-sardine platform.
The series follows the "untold" story of Leonardo Da Vinci: the genius during his early years in Renaissance Florence. As a 25-year old artist, inventor, swordsman, lover, dreamer and idealist, he struggles to live within the confines of his own reality and time as he begins to not only see the future, but invent it.
The fascinating stories of the families behind the food that built America, those who used brains, muscle, blood, sweat and tears to get to America's heart through its stomach, those who invented new technologies and helped win wars.
Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: The TV Show is an American syndicated science fiction sitcom based on the 1989 film, Honey, I Shrunk the Kids. It expands upon the original film's concept of a shrinking experiment gone wrong to include a myriad of experiments gone awry. It debuted in first-run syndication on September 1, 1997 and ran for three consecutive seasons, concluding with the 66th episode on May 20, 2000. Peter Scolari took over the role as Wayne Szalinski, the wacky inventor in the original film, played by Rick Moranis. Each episode incorporates new technologies and digital effects to feature the family in various new adventures. The series was filmed in Calgary, Alberta, with its main studios located in Currie Barracks, a decommissioned Canadian Forces dormitory.
Chisato is homeless and on the run from debt collectors, when a wealthy man offers to pay off her debt if she marries him for one month. However, Chisato discovers that there are clauses to the contract after he dies, which includes being the mother of his six sons.
A look at some of Wallace's labour-saving mechanical marvels that rarely work as planned. Having problems getting to sleep? Then try the Snoozatron – it plumps your pillows, plays you soothing music and deposits a teddy into your arms. Or how about taking the strain out of mealtimes with the help of the Autochef, a robot that will cook your eggs just how you like them. Or perhaps you might like to try the Christmas Cardomatic, an ingenious way to create a very unique greetings card!
The Wizard is a live-action, family friendly, action/adventure series created by Michael Berk, Douglas Schwartz, and Paul B. Radin. The series included lessons in diversity, friendship, imagination, respect, and never giving up.
Samuel, a Russian-born Jewish inventor who specialises in the development of hearing aids, is tasked with a secret mission by MI5 to use his technological expertise to contribute to western Cold War efforts. Following the tensions of the space race and the first hydrogen bomb test, Samuel's efforts factor in to the emergence of the modern world.
Leonardo is a British children's television series broadcast on CBBC. The show is an adventure programme featuring a teenage Leonardo da Vinci starring Jonathan Bailey. The series is set in 15th-century Florence. A second series premiered on CBBC on 20 September 2012, starting with episodes one and two being shown back to back. For Series 2, actor James Clyde replaced Alistair McGowan in the role of Piero de' Medici. It was announced on 21 January 2013 that Leonardo would not be recommissioned for a third series.
The fascinating story of John Harrison who, in the 18th century, believed he could make a clock that would work on board a ship—and so solve the problem of finding longitude at sea.
In the series, "Wallace will take a light hearted and humorous look at the real-life inventors, contraptions, gadgets and inventions, with the silent help of Gromit. The series aims to inspire a whole new generation of innovative minds by showing them real, but mind-boggling, machines and inventions from around the world that have influenced his illustrious inventing career" (the BBC press statement). Peter Sallis reprised his role as the voice of Wallace. The filmed inserts are mostly narrated by Ashley Jensen, with one in each episode presented in-vision by Jem Stansfield. John Sparkes also voices a portion in the unseen character of archivist Goronwy.
Doctor Snuggles is an animated television series created by Jeffrey O'Kelly based on original artwork by Nick Price, about a friendly and optimistic inventor named Doctor Snuggles who has unusual adventures with his friends. The show featured fantastical scenarios which usually involved Doctor Snuggles inventing something outlandish such as a robot helper or diamond-making machine, and had a variety of supporting characters who were mostly anthropomorphic animals.
Deadly Games is an American comedy action sci fi show that appeared on UPN as part of its 1995 season. The basic plot of the show is about video game characters that come to life, re-enacting their deadly plans for wanton destruction and world domination in the real world. The series was produced by Viacom Productions.
Series following the Dragons as they leave the Den to return to their business empires and multimillionaire lifestyles