赤足惊魂 1997
香港发生连环分尸案,死者皆为年轻女性,下肢被截。 色魔(郑浩南饰)恋足成癖,逍遥法外,将一个个年轻女子绑架强暴之后截其下肢做成标本收藏。 女警(梁铮饰)与其同为警察的男友(谢天华饰)为了色魔分尸案大伤脑筋。一次执行保镖任务的途中色魔偶遇女警,被其吸引,跟踪其到家,日夜躲藏在其左右。 女警的亲生妹妹空姐Kelly(野本美穗饰)回家巧遇色魔,被其掳走。色魔用其妹要挟女警。 到底女警能否救下妹妹,将色魔正法呢?
香港发生连环分尸案,死者皆为年轻女性,下肢被截。 色魔(郑浩南饰)恋足成癖,逍遥法外,将一个个年轻女子绑架强暴之后截其下肢做成标本收藏。 女警(梁铮饰)与其同为警察的男友(谢天华饰)为了色魔分尸案大伤脑筋。一次执行保镖任务的途中色魔偶遇女警,被其吸引,跟踪其到家,日夜躲藏在其左右。 女警的亲生妹妹空姐Kelly(野本美穗饰)回家巧遇色魔,被其掳走。色魔用其妹要挟女警。 到底女警能否救下妹妹,将色魔正法呢?
作为一名初出茅庐的警察,洛杉矶警局警探艾琳·贝尔(妮可·基德曼)和她的搭档以卧底身份潜伏在位于加利福尼亚州沙漠中一个臭名昭着的犯罪团伙中,该团伙由极度恐怖且喜怒无常的塞拉斯领导。 多年以后,艾琳仍未走出过去梦魇般的经历所带来的创伤,而塞拉斯的重新露面却让她被迫面对心中的恶魔。 她不情愿地重新调查痛苦的往事,去寻找她团队的其他成员,竭立找寻塞拉斯的下落,最终了结了这起几乎毁了她的案件。
女导演凯瑟琳.比奇洛掌舵的警匪片,主角是纽约市的女警杰米.李.柯蒂斯,她刚从警校毕业,满腔热血想维护治安,第一次巡逻就碰到超级市场抢劫案,她赶到现场,将匪徒一枪击倒。不料警方事后调查,发现凶案现场根本没有枪械,因此以为女警枪杀无辜市民,将她停职并展开调查。接着,曼哈顿发生了一连串凶案,死者身边都留有刻着洁米名字的弹壳,使她大感困惑。与此同时,富商朗西佛对她展开热烈追求,但她根本无心谈爱,富商气愤之后对她说出一个秘密:当晚他也在超级市场枪杀案的现场。 以菜鸟女警与变态杀手互动为主轴的内容其实颇有新意,可惜导演功力不足,以致惊险悬疑气氛和主角的心理刻划都不够成功。
牙医菲利普(马德钟 饰)有一个凶残的癖好,在他的眼中,身穿制服的女性有着无以伦比的吸引力,为了和这些女人发生关系,他不惜将她们残忍的杀害。一日,又一名无辜的女性惨死在了菲利普的手下,他将尸体丢弃在了阿港(吴镇宇 饰)的车旁。以此为线索,警方逮捕了阿港进行审讯。警察宝文(朱茵 饰)和宝珍(钟真 饰)是一对感情十分要好的姐妹,宝珍的突然失踪让宝文充满了疑问,职业本能让她觉得其中定有问题。宝珍最后一次出现是在菲利普的诊所,而和她同行的朋友则成为了最大嫌疑人。为了追查真相,宝文决定以身试险,用自己的肉体为诱饵,引诱嫌犯出动。
1817年,法国大作家司汤达来到意大利,在佛罗伦萨终日沉醉于文艺复兴时期的大师杰作。一天,他到圣十字教堂参观米开朗基罗、伽利略和马基雅维利的陵墓,刚走出教堂大门,突然感到头脑纷乱,心脏剧烈颤动,每走一步都像要摔倒。医生诊断这是由于频繁欣赏艺术珍品使心理过于激动所至,这种 因强烈的美感而引发的罕见病症从此被称为“司汤达综合症”。 直到今天,佛罗伦萨的医生仍会不时碰到“司汤达综合症”患者,病情严重的甚至要住几天医院。他们多半是狂爱艺术且极具鉴赏力的游客,野心勃勃,要在几天之内扫遍这座文艺复兴中心城市的艺术宝藏,结果却在接踵而来的视觉冲击中不堪重负。但意大利人对“司汤达综合症”有百分之百的免疫力,对他们来说,文艺复兴的辉煌,像空气一样无所不在,从幼年到迟暮,他们的生活里一直流动着达芬奇、米开朗基罗、拉斐尔那个天才时代的气息 电影中的女警官,和当年的司汤达一样,被乌菲齐美术馆美不胜收的藏品折磨得当场昏倒。佛罗伦萨警校肯定不设心理测试这一关,否则她无法毕业。而歹徒又怎么知道她有这个毛病?大概是阿金托透露给他的……
一个看门人的女儿,年轻貌美的吉安娜姑娘渴望加入警察队伍,做一个她向往的女警…… 这时候正好有一个贩毒案发生……
飞贼黑猫(许冠杰 饰)抢夺国际犯罪组织的钻石后借助多种工具溜之大吉,黑猫在现场遗留的白手套让香港警方误认为作案者是国际大盗“白手套”,警方请到追捕白手套多年的美国光头神探(麦嘉 饰)查案,并派出干练女警何东诗(张艾嘉 饰)协助。另一方面,钻石主人——意大利黑帮要求白手套正身抵港取回钻石。 光头神探与黑猫不打不相识,威逼利诱之下,黑猫决定协助神探拿获白手套。三人小组为找回遗失的钻石盲打误撞惹来连串麻烦,黑猫终于拿到钻石之际,潜伏的白手套也同时出现了……
It's 3 minutes for hearers, but a life for the callers. A crime thriller chasing even the slightest sounds to rescue people's lives calling for urgent help.
The story follows young and promising man Tang Yi Xiu who embarks on a journey to become a policeman and meets our heroine Shi Gu Jing, a woman who hailed from a family of officers but was in an accident overseas which puts her in a coma. She eventually wakes up without any recollection of the accident. She meets the hero, both joining the police force, fighting injustice while trying to uncover the secrets behind her accident.
New York City policewoman Casey Jones' assignment to fight crime often entails her going undercover in some of the seediest and most dangerous parts of the city. Decoy is a groundbreaking American crime drama television series created for syndication and initially broadcast from October 14, 1957, to July 7, 1958, with thirty-nine 30-minute black-and-white episodes. It was the first American police series with a female protagonist. Many Decoy episodes are in the public domain.
There are thieves who come from different backgrounds and situations, but were not born as thieves. For the most part, they lived by the rules even while growing up poor and worked hard to better their lives. They are actually generous people. But the cruel realities of society have pushed them to the edge. And to ensure that their past problems do not hamper their own children, they fight to exact revenge from those in power, search for their long-lost family members and commit one last heist to mete out justice. This TV show will entertain viewers with a story revolving around thieves from the low rungs of society who burglarize the home of powerful men in order to unmask them. They do this to put an end to those who stand above the law and get away with thievery scot-free.
They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. Zuo Zai Jun, Zheng Lei and Ning Xiao Meng were good friends in college. In fact, both Zai Jun and Lei were in love with Xiao Meng. But Xiao Meng left for the United States to further her studies, and Zai Jun and Lei lost touch with her for eight years. During that time, the men raised Xiao Meng’s daughter, Miao Miao, whom Xiao Meng left behind. But when Xiao Meng suddenly returns after eight years and wants her daughter back, will her reappearance reignite the the emotional rivaly between Zai Jun and Lei?
Emergency Unit senior female sergeant Lui Fei-hap is over 30 and had her ups and downs in love. When she meets the perfect man, she actively began her 'hunt and capture' operation, but unexpectedly discovers that her boyfriend's true identity is, in fact, a drug lord. Her entire relationship with this drug lord was captured and placed on the headlines by tabloid reporter Lam Yat-yat. Fei-hap's and Yat-yat's paths continue to cross when pursuing duties and stories, sometimes co-operating and sometimes as enemies, sometimes saving the other and at other times the target of each other's practical jokes. Before long Fei-hap finds herself falling in love with new recruit Wong Tze-tsuen, only for Yat-yat to stand in her way again. Pushed to her limits both at work and in love, Fei-hap has no choice but to fight back in the name of love.
A raw and authentic look into the Los Angeles crime scene, going far inside the lives of cops, criminals, victims and their families. The show centers on four main characters: Officer John Cooper, a seasoned cop who will have to prove himself again after recovering from surgery; Officer Ben Sherman, who still has much to learn after recently completing his training rotation; Detective Lydia Adams, whose unending caseload hits closer to home; and Sammy Bryant, a former detective who decided to go back to being a uniform cop after the traumatic death of his partner.
The police officers at South Korea's busiest patrol division toil day and night as keepers of law and peace — but the reality is far from orderly.
A story that follows a cop who goes undercover to complete a mission and his girlfriend who tries to uncover the truth. Lin Ze is a straight arrow who vows to be a decent cop. He meets his match in Chen Meng, an aspiring cop who prefers to speak with her fists. Chen Meng is devastated after hearing the news of Lin Ze's death. However, she starts to dig for the truth when an expert negotiator by the name of Qiao Ying Zi who shares the same face as Lin Ze arrives in the country.
Tae Pyeong is a prophet. When he looks into someone's eye, he can see the moment right before they die. Tae Pyeong is smart, rich and handsome. Despite his special ability, he is a bright person. A mysterious serial murder case draws Tae Pyeong's attention. He partners with Detective Joon Young to solve the string of murders.
Tom Mathias comes to Aberystwyth having abandoned his life in London. He's a brilliant but troubled man. Despite his faults he is an excellent detective, who knows that the key to solving the crime lies not in where you look for truth, but how you look.
The head of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Butovo region, Makarov, is completely replaced by the personnel as a result of a conflict with the leadership. Instead of experienced male cops, four young students are singled out.
A story about finding their worth follows a doctor and a policewoman who work tirelessly for their goals and find love in the process. Huang Zi Li, a man who experiences many troubles, travels from the Southwest to make a new life in the big city. Fang Yan is a policewoman who wants to do her job well. The two find themselves clashing at every turn until real sparks start to fly.
The Police Counter-Terrorism Unit (CTU) gathers intelligence to fight against terrorist attacks. Three beautiful female officers, Sam, Fa, and Bowie, who have different personalities, are outstanding members of this unit. Sam is a Chief Inspector in CTU. She is decisive and never mixes personal matters with work. Fa is good at martial arts and enthusiastic in her job. However, she can be very short-tempered. Bowie is a fresh graduate from the cadet school. She is very accurate at shooting, but she has no ambition at work. These three angels are friends and partners. In "Angels of Mission", they unite to fight terrorism.
Adventures of sexy & sassy black undercover cop Christie Love.
As a child, Fa Ping was teased for her ugliness. After an accident that required her to have plastic surgery, she firmly believes that beauty can change lives. Even after she enters the police force, she still cares about beauty more than anything. When a prostitution case reveals that a loan-shark company is operating inside a public housing community, Fa Ping and fellow CID officer Law Dai-Shu are sent to act like a couple in order to obtain information from the housewives. They meet the "Housewives Trio" of Hung Dan-Dan, So Fung-Nei, and Lau Lin-Heung. To investigate the case, Fa Ping is forced to give up her fancy wardrobe and cater to the housewives.
Two detectives solve minor crimes happening in the city.