神偷奶爸 2010
超级坏蛋格鲁 在听说埃及金字塔被盗的新闻后不满市面上新贼辈出,决定在纳法利欧博士 的帮助下建造火箭升空盗取月亮。在向坏蛋银行贷款的过程中,格鲁盗取的收缩射线枪被新贼维克托 抢走。为了夺回收缩射线枪,格鲁决定领养三位孤儿——玛戈、伊迪丝 和阿格蕾丝,利用她们进入维克托的城堡兜售饼干的机会实施偷盗,计划成功后再偷偷处理掉三个小孩。然而在平凡的日常相处中,格鲁却发现自己越来越离不开这三个小鬼,但这样的感情用事却将严重影响周密的盗月计划……
超级坏蛋格鲁 在听说埃及金字塔被盗的新闻后不满市面上新贼辈出,决定在纳法利欧博士 的帮助下建造火箭升空盗取月亮。在向坏蛋银行贷款的过程中,格鲁盗取的收缩射线枪被新贼维克托 抢走。为了夺回收缩射线枪,格鲁决定领养三位孤儿——玛戈、伊迪丝 和阿格蕾丝,利用她们进入维克托的城堡兜售饼干的机会实施偷盗,计划成功后再偷偷处理掉三个小孩。然而在平凡的日常相处中,格鲁却发现自己越来越离不开这三个小鬼,但这样的感情用事却将严重影响周密的盗月计划……
一次偶然中,失意的艾弗林(凯西·贝茨 Kathy Bates 饰)在养老院里结识了老人妮妮(杰西卡·坦迪 Jessica Tandy 饰),为了开导艾弗林,妮妮为她讲了一个关于女孩爱姬(玛丽·斯图尔特·马斯特森 Mary Stuart Masterson 饰)的故事。 爱姬从小生活在歧视和排挤的环境中,只有哥哥巴迪(克里斯·奥唐纳 Chris O'Donnell 饰)能给她带来短暂的快乐。可是,巴迪在一场车祸中失去了生命,这一巨大的打击让爱姬彻底陷入了自闭之中。这时,善良的露丝(玛丽·露易斯·帕克 Mary-Louise Parker 饰)出现在了爱姬的身边,她的陪伴和爱护让爱姬逐渐走出了阴影,但不久之后,露丝自己却在病痛中去世了。 露丝的死让爱姬感触良多,她开始明白坦然接受生命里的发生的一切,努力帮助他人才是获得幸福的最佳途径。
本片是一部关于儿童成长的电影,主角是十二岁的英格玛.强汉生,他自比为一条被人遗弃的狗,他聪明伶俐、活泼好动,就跟小狗一样可爱,然而他在家里从来没有人锺爱。父亲在赤道附近载运香蕉,母亲整天卧病在床,他的哥哥老是戏弄他,最后他被送到了叔叔那里。 擅长拍摄儿童电影的编导莱斯.哈尔斯特龙用了一种相当新颖的结构方式来陈述英格玛的成长故事,通过本片展现了编导对儿童心理的深刻观察与体会,譬如英格玛与母亲之间那种融合了痛苦与快乐的感情,就拍得十分真切动人。除了伤感的内容之外,编导也为本片注入了同样多的欢笑,并且用一种比较轻快和风趣的方式来述说英格玛的故事。 该片在1985年推出时,以温馨的笔触呈现青少年成长的酸甜苦辣,而受到全球一致的推崇,在台湾更创下非英语外片的票房纪录。 本片音乐由Bojrn Isfalt编制,从「狗脸的岁月」这部可爱的儿童电影中,您可以感觉到片中的配乐非常天真甜美,尤其当小男孩英玛望著星空,自言自语时的钢琴乐章,会让您领悟到英玛小小心灵世界的感受与心事。 每当小英玛有任何的烦恼疑惑,或是喜悦领悟,都和心里的那片星空分享。Bojrn的音乐充满甜美的纯真音色,听者会有种轻巧悠扬的感觉,非常舒适宜人,片中所有的音乐都只以一个主题旋律作变奏与铺陈,让人百听不厌。 这部青少年成长电影是透过一位12岁小男孩英玛来陈述两个截然不同的世界,一个世界里是病痛、禁忌与自律,而另个世界则是 海阔天空 ,性与爱是再自然不过的家常便饭,一个孩童就跨越在这两个世界当中,艰难的走著他狗脸的岁月。 让他走出前一个世界的关键是深爱小狗的死亡,狗的死亡,逼他面对他内心深处一直无法诚实面对人生的煎熬,而帮助他彻底走出前一个世界的是健康小镇的时光,在这里他顺其自然的成长,慢慢走出狗脸的岁月…… 本片情节很具张力,故事中出现不少戏剧性的冲突场面,有如一个又一个波浪般。最后以充满春天和暖及希望来化解,表现出人的成长是要经过一个又一个的波折。 本片荣获1987年丹麦影评人奖最佳欧洲影片奖、1988年波士顿影评人社团奖最佳外语片奖、1988年金球奖最佳外语片奖、1987年西雅图国际电影节最佳影片奖、1986年瑞典金像奖最佳男主角(Anton Glanzelius)和最佳影片。
凯斯是高中毕业班的学生,课余在修车厂打工,他暗恋校内最有人缘的女同学阿曼达,可是她有一个固定的富家公子男朋友哈迪。某一次,阿曼达因为不满哈迪的花心,答应跟凯斯约会,在哈迪的好友帮助下,穷小子得以接近心目中的天鹅,但最终的结果却有点出乎意料。 霍华德.戴奥奇执导的本片是由专门监制青年浪漫喜剧《早餐俱乐部》和《红粉佳人》而享誉美国影坛的约翰.休斯亲自编剧,强调“一切要靠自已"的励志主题,可以说是一部男性版的“灰姑娘"故事,很容易得到青年学生的共鸣。本片是美国80年代的青春偶像剧。
莫娜(娜塔莉•普瑞斯 饰)是个农村女孩,16岁的她有个有妇之夫的情人,她其实一直都希望可以自由自在的过属于自己的生活。教徒哥哥费利(帕迪•康斯戴恩 饰)常常为她的生活带来不必要的麻烦,令她更烦躁的是,她最近与情人分手了。直到她遇到了同龄人塔斯明(艾米莉•布朗特 饰),塔斯明是个富家女,过着娇生惯养的生活。她们都希望得到自有的新生活,她们也很快成为了朋友,并为对方身上散发是气质吸引。 两人之间无话不谈,包括塔斯明姐姐的事。两人之间的友谊竟然演变成了同性之间的爱情,接着她们便骑着一辆摩托车到处游玩,寻找属于她们的生活,也不希望对方从自己的生活中消失。 莫娜的哥哥还是找到了她,强行锁住她。莫娜决定离家出走,可是当塔斯明的姐姐出现在她面前的时候,莫娜知道自己的恋人欺骗了她。塔斯明极力乞求原谅,莫娜会因此原谅吗?
正值美国南北战争期间,居住在小镇的马其家的父亲上了前线打仗,马其家共有四个女儿,大女儿Meg温柔可人,偶尔去做家庭教师补贴家用,二女儿Joe热爱写作,且很有些天才,像个假小子,三女儿Beth文静乖巧,喜爱在家跟小猫玩,谈谈钢琴,四女儿Amy(伊丽莎白•泰勒 饰)还在上学,金发碧眼,活泼调皮。平日琐事不断,然而她们的母亲马其夫人一直给予她们勇敢生活面对战争面对生死未卜的父亲的力量,还带领她们多去关怀身边需要关心的人。一个圣诞节,马其家的四个小妇人出门去把食物送给了那些贫穷人家的孩子,当她们拖着疲累的身体回家时,却发现满桌的佳肴!原来是邻居家的劳伦斯爷爷为表扬她们的举动为她们准备的。当夏天到来,父亲也回来了。她们一家团聚。然而成长的道路还在继续。 ©豆瓣
The peculiar love story between a stoic and strong female general Ye Zhao, and a good-for-nothing but gorgeous prince Zhao Yujin, after they were betrothed to each other by the Empress Dowager.
Naota is a normal boy who kills some time with a normal girl by a stream that flows underneath a bridge. Nothing unusual happens in this town. The fact that Haruhara Haruko crashes into the main character with her Vespa a short while later and subsequently hits him over the head with her Rickenbacker 4003 bass guitar doesn’t really make any difference to any other day here. The at first glance unconnected, bizarre events that don’t seem to follow any pattern whatsoever don’t change anything about Naota’s boring life, either – because nothing incredible ever happens in this town.
Xiang Yu Ping, a divorce and inheritance lawyer, is seen by others as cold, selfish, and ruthless. He had taken in his brother's orphans and was in need of a nanny. But after he exhausted his supply of nannies, he still couldn't find one who doesn't fall in love with him or gets scared off by the kids. Fed up, Yu Ping asks his secretary, Yang Duo, to find a nanny that meets his requirements. She recommends her younger sister, Yang Guo, for the job; assuring Yu Ping that her tomboyish sister will not fall in love with him by lying that she does not like men at all.
Tomboy Tomo couldn't have picked a more awkward high school crush 'cause it’s on her childhood friend, Junichiro, but he only sees her as one of the guys. Despite her pretty looks and signals, nothing gets through to this meathead! Will Junichiro ever realize Tomo's into him and see her for the cutesy girl she actually is?!
My Boys follows PJ, a twenty-something professional sportswriter who is looking for love within her world which is dominated by her group of male friends. Her tomboyish, no-nonsense approach to relationships tends to freak out potential suitors which leads her only female friend to advise her to dress and act more feminine.
Han Kyul gives his family's café a new spin, hiring only good-looking men to work there -- plus an androgynous-looking girl he mistakes for a man.
Daughters-in-Law is a South Korean drama that aired from July 28, 2007 to January 20, 2008 in Korea by KBS2 starring Kim Ji-hoon, Lee Pil-mo, Lee Soo-kyung and Seo Young-hee. It premiered on KBS2 every Saturday and Sunday at 19:55 for 54 episodes. The Korean title "며느리 전성시대" can be literally translated to "The Golden Age of Daughters-in-Law". This is an ironic reference to the fact that the traditional role of a Korean daughter-in-law was a life filled with thankless drudgery. This show explores whether modern life and ethos have improved the lives of daughters-in-law in various circumstances with a comedic tone.
Could anyone be more excited to reach her 25th birthday? Pi Yanuo had an inauspicious start to her life. Doomed to live her life as a boy, Yanuo is shy and always tries to keep her distance to people to hide her true identity, and the mysterious aloofness makes her irresistible to the girls around her. With her 26th birthday fast approaching, will Yanuo find her much-anticipated return to being a female will be as easy as she had hoped?
After Mito loses her parents and is fired from her job, she must fend for herself on the streets disguised as a boy. She comes across a stranger named Ruka and learns his dark secret—he's a vampire! Ruka invites Mito, still in disguise, to live in an all-boys dorm. Mito exchanges her blood for a place to stay, but a budding romance and her true identity threaten all that hangs in the balance.
Ready or Not is a Canadian teen drama series which aired on the Showtime Movie Channel and later on the Disney Channel and Global Television Network for 5 seasons and 65 episodes between 1993 and 1997 in both Canada and the United States.
In this Filipino remake, we follow the comedic lives and loves of Andy and Arthur. Andy is a hardworking young woman who supports her mother and sister as a tricycle driver. Arthur, on the other hand, is a happy-go-lucky and wealthy bachelor whose family owns the biggest coffee factory in the country.
A story that follows Han Yuanniang, the eldest daughter of a minister who disguises herself as a man in order to pretend to be her twin brother. She encounters the prince thus igniting an unexpected romance.
Win is a middle-aged guy from a rich family who has never had to work until his grandmother forces him to run a coffee shop. Nat is a hardworking and tomboyish girl who is often mistaken for a guy. She pretends to be male to get a job at the coffee shop but she and Win gradually begin to develop feelings for each other.
Kasumi Aiko is a high school girl who is the star player in the basketball club. Aiko has a short, blonde hair and looks masculine. One day, she works part time at her brother's maid cafe and wears a long-hair wig. She then caught the eyes of Amano Reo, who is the handsome ace of the basketball club and Aiko's rival. Aiko was flustered and called herself "Mai". Reo on the other hand, fell in love with "Mai" and confessed.