加勒比海盗:黑珍珠号的诅咒 2003
活力充沛的年轻水手爱德蒙·唐太斯是个正直诚实的小伙子,他原本有着平静的生活和一个美丽的未婚妻美塞苔丝,可这一切却被他人的妒忌给粉碎了——就在他们将要举行婚礼的时候,爱德蒙的好朋友费南德为了夺得美塞苔斯而设计陷害了他。清白的自己锒铛入狱,未婚妻则投入了仇人的怀抱,这一切彻底颠覆了爱德蒙的价值观和是非观念,改变了他对这个世界的看法。 所幸的是,十三年梦魇般的监狱生活没有折磨垮爱德蒙的身心,相反,却坚定了他报仇的决心。在一位同样被诬陷入狱的监友的点化下,爱德蒙精心策划了越狱行动并一举成功,永远离开了那座臭名昭彰的基督山城堡。此后,爱德蒙摇身一变成了神秘而富有的基督山伯爵,他凭着自己的魅力、狡诈和冷酷无情,逐渐混进了法国贵族的圈子,一步步对那个曾经背叛他的家伙实施着残酷的报复计划……
一部很老派的童话式影片,爱情加冒险,但处理得当,融入了一丝嘲讽精神,故具有很强的观赏性。《公主新娘》这个关于爱与冒险的古老童话。邪恶的王子绑架了美丽的公主,并逼迫公主嫁给自己。公主儿时的玩伴、现在的勇敢海盗决定前去拯救公主,路上遇到了武艺超群的剑客、力大无比的巨人,二者成为海盗的同伴。 本片荣获1988年奥斯卡最佳音乐奖,1987年多伦多国际电影节民选奖!
蒙面英雄佐罗(安东尼•霍普金斯 Anthony Hopkins 饰)为了阻止西班牙总督蒙特罗滥杀无辜,突然从天而降,劫走了准备行刑的犯人,从而与蒙特罗结下深仇。随后,蒙特罗派部队跟踪了佐罗。在一片混战中,佐罗的妻子被杀死,还在襁褓中的女儿被虐走,佐罗也被投入了监牢。一晃眼二十年过去了,为了让自己的事业后继有人,佐罗带上面具逃出了监狱。蒙特罗这时仍然在作恶,他计划买下加利福尼亚的所有权。佐罗找到了年轻的盗贼马瑞塔(安东尼奥•班德拉斯 Antonio Banderas 饰),将毕生所学都传授了给他,希望马瑞塔能够阻止蒙特罗的阴谋。马瑞塔继承了佐罗的面具,然而当他找到蒙特罗时,发现拦在他面前的凶狠的西班牙公主(凯瑟琳•泽塔-琼斯 Catherine Zeta-Jones 饰)竟然就是当年老佐罗的女儿!
阿瑞米斯(Aramis),阿瑟斯(Athos),波瑟斯(Porthos),达·塔南(d'Artagnan)身为最英勇的皇家卫士,以热情与勇气将步兵队名声大振。阿瑟斯过着简朴的生活并扶养其子洛特(Raoult),波瑟斯,他虽然有些老、有些迟钝,但依然精力充沛,阿瑞米斯则追求他的信仰,而成了一位神父;只有达·塔南仍担当步兵队队长而向国王效忠。 时值1660年,法国饥荒不断,路易十三驾崩,以傲慢残酷闻名的继承人路易十四继承王位,此时的巴士底监狱有一个神秘的囚犯,以铁覆面在此被监禁了十年。为了拯救国家,步兵队必须重新结合,着手开始他们有始以来最危险的任务——释放那名囚犯。为了那神秘的铁面人,也为了王国的生存与荣誉,步兵队会如何去做呢?
执导过《生化危机》(Resident Evil)系列的保罗·安德森(Paul W.S. Anderson)将再次把大仲马的经典名著《三个火枪手/三剑客》(The Three Musketeers)搬上大银幕,不过这次将以3D立体电影的形式。保罗·安德森将和安德鲁·戴维斯(Andrew Davies)一同创作该片的剧本,影片计划明年开拍,2011年上映。保罗·安德森说这部《三个火枪手》将在法国和德国实地拍摄,虽然是古装片,但会充满现代感:插满羽毛的帽子和束身内衣都将退居其次,动作、爱情和冒险才是这部影片最吸引人眼球的地方。《三个火枪手》以17世纪法国天主教和新教争斗为历史背景,讲述了达达尼昂和他三个火枪手伙伴为解救王后冲破大主教所设下的重重罗网,最终保全了王后的名誉的故事。这个故事曾无数次的被改编成电影、电视及动画片,各种版本不计其数。《三个火枪手》是法国作家大仲马的代表作,小说的主人公达尔大尼央是一个外省的贵族子弟,来到巴黎后加入了国王路易十三的火枪队,并与另外三个火枪手结成了莫逆之交。王后安娜与英国的白金汉公爵有私情,安娜送了一串钻石坠子给白金汉;而与王后为敌的首相黎塞留却派人去英国偷得坠子上的两颗钻石,想使王后在舞会上出丑。达尔大尼央自告奋勇与三位朋友一起去英国,几经周折终于取回坠子,保住了王后的名节。本片不会改编原作的时代设定,但会以现代的方式来讲述这段骑士传奇:更火爆的动作、更缠绵的爱情、更精彩的冒险。地上最强的“三剑客”意外地被美艳拍挡Milady及英国公爵Buckingham出卖,导致行动失败,从此封剑归隐……3年后,三人遇上只身来到巴黎打拼的年轻剑客D‘Artagnan,四人因为同样憎恨把持朝政的邪恶主教Richelieu而惺惺相识。此时,一宗皇室丑闻,令英、法两国之战如箭在弦…为了拯救人民免受战火煎熬,更加要破坏Richelieu的灭国计划,兼向Buckingham、Milady一雪前耻,三剑客决定与D‘Artagnan执起宝剑勇闯伦敦、巴黎,置身枪火剑雨间,展开连场斗智斗力大火拼!
活跃于加勒比海上的哈里、道格(Frank Langella 饰)、莫迪三兄弟各保存着一份藏宝图的三分之一,道格欲独占宝藏将哈里重伤致死。哈里之女摩根(Geena Davis 饰)接管晨星号海盗船,继承了父亲复仇与寻宝的遗愿。摩根取下父亲头皮上的藏宝图,却因无法辨识图上的拉丁文而登陆求助,适逢惯偷肖(Matthew Modine 饰)被官方贩卖为奴,摩根依赖肖的翻译能力把他买下,并且很快在官军对自己的追捕中展现了悍女本色。摩根等人寻至莫迪处,不料道格意外出现,混乱中莫迪身死,而肖将第二张藏宝图占为己有。摩根惩治了肖的不忠,但却无法摆脱尾随的道格,最终船员叛变,摩根失去了晨星号,虽然肖协助摩根发现割喉岛宝藏所在,但是在道格和官军的围堵下,取得宝藏谈何容易?
故事发生在十七世纪的法国,安娜(安吉拉·兰斯伯瑞 Angela Lansbury 饰)在误打误撞之中将国王(弗兰克·摩根 Frank Morgan 饰)送给她的珠宝转赠给了自己的情人白金汉公爵。大臣黎塞留发现了此事,将其当成施展自己野心的大好机会。
The pirate adventures of Captain Flint and his men twenty years prior to Robert Louis Stevenson’s classic “Treasure Island.” Flint, the most brilliant and most feared pirate captain of his day, takes on a fast-talking young addition to his crew who goes by the name John Silver. Threatened with extinction on all sides, they fight for the survival of New Providence Island, the most notorious criminal haven of its day – a debauched paradise teeming with pirates, prostitutes, thieves and fortune seekers, a place defined by both its enlightened ideals and its stunning brutality.
Diego de la Vega, the son of a wealthy landowner, returns from his studies in Spain and discovers that Los Angeles is under the command of Capitan Monastario, a cruel man who relishes in the misuse of his power for personal gain. Knowing that he cannot hope to single-handedly defeat Monastario and his troops, Diego resorts to subterfuge. He adopts the secret identity of Zorro, a sinister figure dressed in black, and rides to fight Monastario's injustice.
The adventures of privateer Captain Dan Tempest and his crew of former pirates as they make their way across the seven seas in The Sultana.
Zorro, also known as The New Zorro, New World Zorro, and Zorro 1990, is an American action-adventure drama series featuring Duncan Regehr as the character of Zorro. Regehr portrayed the fearless Latino hero and fencer on The Family Channel from 1990 to 1993. The series was shot entirely in Madrid, Spain and produced by New World Television, The Family Channel, Ellipse Programme of Canal Plus, Beta TV, and RAI. 88 episodes of the series were produced, 10 more than the first Zorro television series, which was produced by Disney in the late 1950s. Since 2011, the series is currently airing in the United States on the Retro Television Network as The New Zorro. Peter Rodgers Organization is the distributor for this version of Zorro.
The Adventures of Sinbad is a Canadian television series which aired from 1996 to 1998. It follows on the story from the pilot of the same name, and revolves around the series' protagonist, Sinbad. The series is a re-telling of the adventures of Sinbad from The Arabian Nights.
After trading in the seemingly charmed life of a gentleman for one of a swashbuckling buccaneer, Stede Bonnet becomes captain of the pirate ship Revenge. Struggling to earn the respect of his potentially mutinous crew, Stede’s fortunes change after a fateful run-in with the infamous Captain Blackbeard. Stede and crew attempt to get their ship together and survive life on the high seas.
In this two-part miniseries adaptation of the classic adventure novel, young Jim Hawkins is the only one who can direct a schooner to an island known for buried treasure. But aboard the ship is a mysterious man whose true motives challenge Jim's trust in the entire crew.
A TV series about the Long John Silver character from Treasure Island. It was made in 1954 in colour in Australia for the American and British markets before the development of Australian television. Long John Silver is the proud captain of his own ship and his own crew. He and his buccaneer cruise around the Caribbean and often stay on the side of the English and fight the French and Spanish. After the long and dangerous adventures, he and his crew rest in the tavern of Miss Purity. This series aired in the United States first on Syndicated basis in 1956, but not on a regular basis and completely random as part of another show. Several episodes were edited together and shown as movies in the cinemas under the titles: Under The Black Flag and South Sea Pirates. After that it was sold to the ITV Network in the UK, and aired in 1957. In 1958 Australian ABC screened the series as part of Children's TV Club show.
A kingdom's ascending heir, marked for assassination, switches identities with a lookalike, who takes his place at the coronation. When the real king is kidnapped, his followers try to find him, while the stand-in falls in love with the king's intended bride, the beautiful Princess Flavia.
It's 1715 on the Bahamian island of New Providence, the first functioning democracy in the Americas, where the diabolical pirate Edward Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard, reigns over a rogue nation of thieves, outlaws and miscreant sailors. Part shantytown, part marauder's paradise, this is a place like no other on earth - and a mounting threat to international commerce. To gain control of this fearsome society, Tom Lowe, a highly skilled undercover assassin, is sent to the buccaneers' haven to take down the brilliant and charismatic Blackbeard. But the closer Lowe gets, the more he finds that his quest is not so simple. Lowe can't help but admire the political ideals of Blackbeard, whose thirst for knowledge knows no bounds - and no law. But Lowe is not the only danger to Blackbeard's rule. He is a man with many villainous rivals and one great weakness - a passionately driven woman whom he cannot deny.
The musketeers battle against the all-powerful Cardinal Richelieu and the treacherous Milady.
Drama documentary about Edward Teach, also known as Blackbeard, who terrorised the British colonies in the Americas during the golden age of piracy.