月球奇幻旅 2023
地球上接连出现神秘怪象,科学家发现某种失控的反物质反应正在威胁整个太阳系,人类生存极度堪忧……地球生死攸关之际,天才航天工程师罗伊(布拉德·皮特 饰)被派往外太空,试图揭开谜团拯救人类。这是一场横跨地球、月球、火星、海王星,穿越整个太阳系的硬核冒险,一路危机重重险象环生,罗伊直面爆炸、陨石、月球飙车枪战、神秘生物等意想不到的考验,还找回了失联 20 年的父亲!当年罗伊的父亲(汤米·李·琼斯 饰)离开地球探寻外星智慧生物,结果任务失败,消失在茫茫宇宙之中。如今父子重逢,罗伊在太空深处发现了不为人知的秘密,渐渐触达所有事件的终极真相……
Explore an aspirational world where NASA and the space program remained a priority and a focal point of our hopes and dreams as told through the lives of NASA astronauts, engineers, and their families.
It is the Correct Century, two millenniums after a devastating conflict which left the world broken. Earth is now mostly uninhabitable, and thus a remnant of humanity has resided on the Moon while the Earth and its few survivors recover.
Stark is a 1993 British-Australian television miniseries, based on the bestselling novel Stark by comedian Ben Elton. The three-episode series, directed by Nadia Tass, was an international co-production between the British Broadcasting Corporation and the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.
The first inhabitable moon colony is man's last chance for survival. The last rocket leaves tomorrow. Forty billion want a seat, only room for 24. You have 60 seconds to explain why you should become one of the lucky moonbound24.