365 dni: Ten dzień 2022
安娜 (达科塔·约翰逊 Dakota Johnson 饰) 的出现,照亮了格雷 (詹米·多南 Jamie Dornan 饰) 内心过去的阴影,他们更愿爲对方许下一生承诺。但婚姻的枷锁,能否困住格雷对暴力性爱的无穷欲望?美满的时光非常短暂,牵引着格雷过去的「罗宾森太太」(金·贝辛格Kim Basinger 饰) 和挑逗诱人的建筑师吉亚·马特奥 (阿莉尔·凯贝尔Arielle Kebbel 饰) 先后出现,让安娜非常焦躁不安,并怀疑格雷藏有更多她不知的阴暗面,同时被格雷解雇的安娜前上司杰克·海德 (埃里克·约翰逊Eric Johnson 饰) ,更设法伤害安娜进行复仇……在波涛汹涌的爱海中,情与欲,爱与恨,格雷和安娜能否携手迎接美满的最终章?
在O(柯瑞妮·克莱瑞 Corinne Clery 饰)的内心里,有关雷尼(乌多·奇尔 Udo Kier 饰)的一切都是神圣和至高无上的,包括被雷尼带到一幢神秘的郊区别墅里接受残忍的SM女郎训练。在那里,O如同一个动物那样失去了全部的尊严,即使是在这样的黑暗阴影里,每当想到雷尼,O依然觉得生命充满了温暖和希望。 O散发出了惊人的魅力,所有遇见她的男人都在冥冥之中被她所吸引,包括雷尼的表哥史蒂文(安东尼·斯特尔 Anthony Steel 饰)。渐渐的,O明白了这个邪恶世界的生存法则,也明白自己和雷尼永远也不可能终成眷属。O利用自己的美貌,逐渐的扩张着自己的领地,直到所有的男人都臣服于她的脚下。
爱情是疯魔,也是心魔。安娜(达科塔·约翰逊 Dakota Johnson 饰)尝试为格雷(詹米·多南 Jamie Dornan 饰)踏足自己从未预料的性爱疆界,可是格雷迷恋暴力性爱的癖好,令她疲累不已。她希望了解格雷的秘密,建立新的关係模式。当二人开始培养出信任,一切看似渐入佳境,格雷封闭的过去和深藏内心的阴影却慢慢浮现,摧毁这对情侣一起走下去的希望……
团鬼六的肉欲小说人气系列的最新作「花と蛇 ZERO」终于被电影化了,本作的导演是在「探偵はBARにいる」(泡吧侦探)系列中出名的桥本一先生。本作是由东映映像提供,杉本彩主演。这次系列第四部的企划概念是原点回归。所有的演员都是通过遴选,选出在过激的SM场面时能展现出精湛演技的女演员。至今为止的「花と蛇」系列,故事都是围绕着主人公静子展开的。而本作启用了三位女主演,描绘出三人三种不同的肉欲世界。在遴选中获胜的是天乃舞衣子、浜田范子、桜木梨奈这3人。捆绑调教,三人同时紧缚吊打,同性恋SM,极限的色情描写就是本作最大的看点。天乃扮演的是,在追踪谜样的违法映像网站「バビロン」(巴比伦)主谋者的过程中,陷入调教陷阱中的警视厅生活安全部门特搜队的警部候补雨宮美咲。本作是她首脱,也勇敢的挑战过激画面,开拓了新的境地。当问到说拍摄时候有惹怒桥本导演的时候,「训了我以后他还是会开着玩笑,拍摄时也不会将不快带入,在最好的环境中拍摄,我觉得这真的是非常好的经验」她如此回答。过去由桥幸夫是编制的「セイントフォー」中的成员浜田,作为花与蛇系列的重要演员扮演了静子。她在「巴比伦」被监禁、调教,并且画面被上传到网络上。她说这是紧缚这种设定最初的经验,「利用疼痛,让她们流出并非演技的眼泪。但是,这个计划不得不被取消之后,导演的编导过程每天都受到冲击」。由樱木饰演的是静子粉丝,性欲无法被满足的主妇琉璃,留下了这样的记录「我完全信任桥本导演和工作人员,将心和身体都放开,非常愉快的拍摄」。
二十几岁的女主人公LeeHolloway,在精神病治疗中心经过短暂治疗后,回到新泽西的家。再次面对嗜酒如命的父亲和懦弱的溺爱自己的母亲,她"自毁"症状又有些抬头。她清楚地意识到“旧病复发”的可怕性,于是开始寻找方式,以逃避这个从小长大都倍感压抑的生活环境。她开始去学习打字,并很快在一家律师事务所找到了一份秘书的工作。对她来说,保住这份工作非常重要,尽管她的老板EdwardGrey (JamesSpader)看上去有些专横跋扈。Edward观察她,研究她,慢慢地开始纠正她打字的错误,在华丽的办公桌前以掌臀来惩罚她的打字失误。这反倒激发了Lee对Mr.Grey的情欲。从此,她不断地用“打字失误”来重温这份'温情'。电影小心仔细的将角色的个性推展开来,终于使Lee和Edward清楚地认识到,他们之间有一种特别的、肉体上和精神上的彼此依赖。两颗饱受压抑且脆弱的心在不言中慢慢走近,彼此平衡著对方的伤与痛,整个过程充满著温馨与和谐。
马西莫(迈克尔·莫罗内 Michele Morrone 饰)出生于一个非常繁盛的西西里黑手党家族之中,从小肩上就背负了继承家业的重任。身为族长的父亲遭人暗杀,尽管马西莫对与黑道这点事情毫无兴趣,但作为家族唯一的继承人,他只能接替父亲的位置,成为了首领。 劳拉(安娜·玛丽亚·西克拉克 Anna Maria Sieklucka 饰)是一家非常豪华的大酒店的总监,虽然她年纪轻轻就已经攀登上了事业的顶峰,但内心的极度空虚和感情世界的一片空白常常令她感到备受折磨。为了排遣心中的苦闷,劳拉叫上好友一起踏上了前往西西里群岛的度假之旅,哪知道竟然在那里遭到了马西莫的绑架,更让劳拉没有想到的是,自己竟然会爱上这位穷凶极恶的绑匪。
该片改编自同名小说,讲述森中领(松坂桃李 饰)是个平凡的20岁男大生,每天过着平凡无趣的生活。某天,他认识了经营会员制BOYS CLUB的老板——御堂静香(真飞圣 饰),在她的诱惑下 ,森中领决定以「娼夫(男妓)」的身份在她的店里工作。随着和各式各样的女性接触 ,森中领温柔地释放了她们内心所蕴藏的欲望,疗愈她们受伤的心,自己也渐渐有所成长。
在繁华之都纽约,有一间名为短巴士(Short Bus)的俱乐部,肆意享受人生的青年男女云集于此,体验着彼此身体所带给自己的莫大快感。索非娅(Sook-Yin Lee 饰)是一名亚裔性临床专家,虽然和丈夫罗伯(Raphael Barker 饰)的婚姻生活无比幸福,但是她从未达到过高潮,为此索非娅苦恼不已;詹姆斯(Paul Dawson 饰)与杰米(PJ DeBoy 饰)是一对同性恋人,平淡的生活让詹姆斯渴望新鲜和刺激,这时,偷窥他们的加勒伯(Peter Stickles 饰)介入进来……
一个去世议员的家人无意中发现了议员的一件遗物——一卷8毫米的影片,里面竟然有女孩被虐杀的整个过程,于是交给了一名私家侦探汤姆威勒(Nicolas Cage尼古拉斯•凯奇饰)调查真相。汤姆威勒本来平静的生活开始危机四伏。汤姆威勒一步步破解真相的过程,亦是一步步陷入泥潭的过程。但是影片中陌生女子的受虐惨剧在他脑中挥之不去。良心促使他在凶险的真相面前变得无惧。但当真相揭露之时,世间的丑恶不堪得令汤姆威勒也陷入了惊恐……
一个22岁的妓女一直从事SM行业,被客人提出各种各样无理又恶心的要求,有的是让她看着夫妻俩做爱,有的是让她做女王,有的是让她扒光了在窗前扭屁股,有的是让她勒着脖子享受…… 女孩为了得到好运,去向巫婆请教,巫婆告诉她,要做到三点,一是买一颗黄玉,二是在电视机下垫上电话簿,三是不要往东边方向的美术馆走,女孩深信不疑…… 嫖客是黑社会老大,和妓女在某大厦酒店内玩SM,他让妓女背对着他趴在落地玻璃窗上,扭动臀部,这个镜头可能是用直升飞机拍摄的:从中午到将暮的黄昏,光影在万丈高楼之间作几何运动,妓女一直趴在巨幅落地窗上。嫖客的要求很简单,就是扭到“湿”了为止。完了,嫖客问妓女:“你觉得你是一个怎样的人?”,妓女答:“是一个几乎没有用的人”。 嫖客说:“错了,你很有潜质,你要相信自己。”然后嫖客叹了一口气:“哎,我活了40多岁,明白了,其实我是一个猥琐的人。”……影片揭示了日本社会的有钱阶层和中产阶级,内心的变态和失落。
Beautiful but unfulfilled Ashley has her eyes opened to the tantalizing possibilities of BDSM when she discovers the popular erotic novel SLAVE by Nolan Keats. But her fascination with the mysterious Mr. Keats leads her into a sexy but dangerous love triangle, and tests the boundaries of her own sexual limitations.
Hiragi Utena is a major fangirl of the magical girls protecting her city and leaps at the chance to join their ranks. But once she transforms, she learns she's a villain who enjoys being a magical-girl-tormenting sadist instead!
Hōzuki is the aide to the great king of Hell, King Enma. Calm and super-sadistic, Hōzuki tries to resolve the various problems in Hell, including a rampaging Momotarō and his companions. However, he also likes spending his free time on his hobbies, such as fawning over cute animals and raising "Goldfish Flowers."
The Diclonius, a mutated homo sapien that is said to be selected by God and will eventually become the destruction of mankind, possesses two horns in their heads, and has a "sixth sense" which gives it telekinetic abilities. Due to this dangerous power, they have been captured and isolated in laboratories by the government. Lucy, a young and psychotic Diclonius, manages to break free of her confines and brutally murder most of the guards in the laboratory, only to get shot in the head as she makes her escape. She survives and manages to drift along to a beach, where two teenagers named Kouta and Yuka discovers her. Having lost her memories, she was named after the only thing that she can now say, "Nyuu," and the two allow her to stay at Kouta's home. However, it appears that the evil "Lucy" is not dead just yet...
A New York City grad student moonlighting as a dominatrix enlists her gay BFF from high school to be her assistant.
In the new Tokyo, where every fetish has a face, burned-out war photographer Tatsumi Saiga is slumming in the tabloid wasteland. Sent to dig up dirt on the underground elite, he stumbles upon a depraved ritual below the city—and before the night ends, a single kiss from a young beauty named Kagura Tennouzu ignites a chain of events that could force the entire ruling class to their knees.
Dominating the world of indie music, Detroit Metal City (DMC) is a popular death metal band known for its captivatingly dark and crude style. Its extravagant lead singer, Johannes Krauser II, is especially infamous as a demonic being who has risen from the fiery pits of hell itself in order to bring the world to its knees and lord over all mortals—or at least that's what he's publicized to be. Unbeknownst to his many worshippers, Krauser II is just the alter ego of an average college graduate named Souichi Negishi. Although he is soft-spoken, peace-loving, and would rather listen to Swedish pop all day, he must participate in DMC's garish concerts in order to make ends meet. Detroit Metal City chronicles Negishi's hilarious misadventures as he attempts to juggle his hectic band life, a seemingly budding romance, and dealing with his incredibly obsessive and dedicated fans.
There are twisted tales and twisted tales, but few are as twisted as poor Sado's, who's just realized that he actually likes being made miserable. Of course, knowing that only makes him more miserable, which in turn... well, you get the idea. Desperate to break the circle, Sado volunteers for a special club where he hopes he can work through his issues only to discover that the other members have equally... complex... issues to deal with. For example, the hyper-aggressive club president Isurugi not only has a violent fear of cats, but also believes herself to be a god! Then there's Yuno, who's terrified of men; the Nurse, who forces other people to perform cosplay; and Hayama, Sado's best friend and a compulsive cross-dresser, who's also the girl that Sado is infatuated with. (We did say it was complex, remember?)
We arrive with New York heiress Lucy Savage fresh off the transatlantic steamer and ready for love and marriage in exotic climes. But when her husband Hugo does not receive her in the way she expected, she spins off into the surprising, diverse and degenerate world of Tangier in 1955.
Twelve-year old Aoyagi Ritsuka is left with his insane mother as his only family when his brother, Seimei, is killed suddenly. After moving to a new school, he meets Agatsuma Soubi, who claims to have known his brother. Ritsuka eventually discovers that Soubi and Seimei used to be a fighting pair, whereby Soubi was the "Fighter" and Seimei was the "Sacrifice". Now that Seimei is gone, Ritsuka has inherited Soubi, who will become his "Fighter". After learning that Seimei was killed by an organisation known as the "Seven Moons", Ritsuka decides to investigate into his brother's death, with the sometimes useless help of Soubi, along the way.
On planet Amoi, a great society has developed, creating a computerized city called Tanagura, ruled by supercomputer Jupiter. The populace is almost entirely male and is based on hair color; silver and/or blonds are the elitist, ending with dark/black haired as the bottom of society, often known as "mongrels". Blondies keep "pets", young boys kept for a few years, especially made for performing sexual actions for the Blondie's voyeurism entertainment. Blondies aren't suppose to keep pets for long or interact sexually with pets, but one blondie named Iason Mink has kept a pet named Rikki, for years and is rumored to sleep with him. Iason refuses to let go of Rikki, even with Jupiter's disapproval. Rikki fights with his emotions and society problems, unable to decide what to do about his old friend/lover Gai (Guy) and their gang. Iason is obsessed with keeping Rikki, and Rikki doesn't know what to do; fight against him or surrender to him.
This futuristic tale is set in a world where men are assigned various social classes based on their hair color. Iason Mink, a high-class Blondie, runs into Riki, a black-haired Mongrel, and makes him his "Pet." As Riki learns of the dangers Iason faces by keeping him, he finds himself developing feelings for his master. This is a remake of the 1992 OVA of the same name.
Alice Levine is stepping out of her comfort zone to embark on a journey of sexual discovery across the UK. Invited into homes all over the country, she will explore what sex means for modern Brits; whether they’re doing it for pure pleasure, for money, or even seeking spiritual enlightenment.
Sex blogger, pleasure advocate and cyber celebrity Sunny Megatron takes us on a journey into the surprising, underground world of adult play. Through honest conversation and compelling personal stories, everyday people expose their deepest, most intimate fantasies, and nothing is taboo. Frank, funny and always sex-positive, Sunny Megatron just might be the perfect cure for your bedroom blues.