加勒比海盗:黑珍珠号的诅咒 2003
18 世纪的奥地利。 村庄被深山老林包围。 一名妇女在杀死一名婴儿后被判处死刑。 艾格尼丝即将与心爱的人结婚,她坦率地为自己的配偶生活做好了准备。 不久之后,她的头和心开始感到沉重。 日复一日,她越来越多地陷入了一条通往邪恶思想的阴暗而孤独的道路。 也许不仅仅是思想...
贝儿(艾玛·沃森 Emma Watson 饰)和小镇上的其他女孩不同,是一个热爱阅读和幻想的姑娘,孔武有力英俊强壮的加斯顿(卢克·伊万斯 Luke Evans 饰)发誓要娶贝儿为妻,但贝儿却一眼看穿了他的自私和虚伪,拒不从命。某日,贝儿的父亲莫里斯(凯文·克莱恩 Kevin Kline 饰)迷路误打误撞之下来到了一座荒凉破败的城堡中,那里居住着样貌可怖半人半兽的野兽(丹·史蒂文斯 Dan Stevens 饰)。 因为偷摘了城堡里种植的玫瑰,莫里斯被野兽囚禁了起来,得知此消息的贝儿赶到城堡,要求和父亲作交换。就这样,贝儿开始了和野兽的同居生活。在会说话的茶壶太太(艾玛·汤普森 Emma Thompson 饰)、烛台卢米亚(伊万·麦克格雷格 Ewan McGregor 饰)和时钟葛士华(伊恩·麦克莱恩 Ian McKellen 饰)的照顾和帮助下,贝儿渐渐发现,野兽在丑陋的外表下,隐藏了一颗善良温柔的心。实际上,野兽的真实身份是一位王子,因受到了女巫的诅咒而沦落至此,而贝儿,是解除诅咒最后的,也是唯一的希望。
根据简·奥斯汀同名小说改编。伊丽莎白·班纳特(凯拉·奈特丽 饰)出身于小地主家庭,有四个姐妹,母亲班纳特太太整天操心着为女儿物色称心如意的丈夫。新来的邻居宾格来先生和他的朋友达西(马修·麦克菲迪恩 饰)打破了她们一家人单调的乡村生活。宾格来和伊丽莎白的姐姐简·班纳特互生情愫;达西对善良聪明的伊丽莎白产生了好感,而伊丽莎白却对达西不可一世的傲慢心存偏见,不接受他的感情。然而,世事难料,宾格来和简·班纳特因为误会,关系危在旦夕;达西的种种作为,展示了性格中和伊丽莎白相同的善良一面,逐渐赢得了伊丽莎白的好感。两对有情人能否终成眷属?班纳特姐妹们能否得到自己想要的生活? 简·奥斯汀笔下十九世纪初英国乡村生活和社会风貌,重新展现在大银幕上。
这部音乐剧严格遵照历史,讲述 Hamilton 政治生涯中的几件大事,他的战友和政敌、他与妻子 Eliza 和长子 Philip 的深厚感情以及他犯下的错误。历史人物 George Washington、Thomas Jefferson & James Madison 等在剧中轮流出场。剧中音乐以Hip-hop为主,穿插了Jazz,R&B, Tin Pan Alley 等多种风格的歌曲。
1760年的利物浦码头,科林斯夫妇正带着年幼的巴纳巴斯登上开往新大陆的船,前去扩张科林斯家族帝国。16年后,巴纳巴斯(约翰尼·德普 Johnny Depp 饰)长大成人,继承了家族产业,坐拥科林伍德庄园。女巫安琪莉可(伊娃·格林 Eva Green 饰)投怀送抱,而巴纳巴斯却心系善良姑娘乔赛特(贝拉·希思科特 Bella Heathcote 饰),无情地拒绝了女巫。女巫恼羞成怒,对两人施行毒咒,乔赛特香消玉损,而巴纳巴斯则变成了一只永远的吸血鬼被封在棺中。两个世纪后,一个施工队无意间挖开了棺木,巴纳巴斯回到庄园准备东山再起时,却发现曾经属于自己的科林斯港已经变成了女巫的天使海湾,良民们被她统治长达200年之久,地位难以撼动。身为吸血鬼的巴纳巴斯能否夺回家族产业,击碎女巫的谎言呢?与此同时,一位长相酷似昔日爱人乔赛特的年轻女孩也鬼使神差地来到了科林斯港……本片改编自20世纪60年代于ABC电视台播出的一档肥皂剧,讲述了吸血鬼巴纳巴斯·科林斯与狼人、女巫、僵尸等非人类生物在各个时空间的冒险经历。
18世纪的路易斯安娜州,丧失妻女痛不欲生的庄园主路易(布拉德·皮特 饰)遇上了吸血鬼莱斯塔特(汤姆·克鲁斯 饰),被其施法变成吸血鬼。路易心存人性,不愿意吸血杀人,靠吸食动物的血为生,而莱斯塔特则一心要把路易斯教导成一个真正的吸血同类。在新奥尔良,路易禁不起诱惑吸了小女孩克萝迪娅(克尔斯滕·邓斯特 饰)的血,而莱斯塔特则不顾路易斯的反对把克萝迪娅也变成了吸血鬼。三个人组成了一个奇特的家庭。几十年过去了,克萝迪娅开始怨恨莱斯塔特剥夺了他真正的人生,她设计杀死了莱斯塔特,和路易周游世界,过着既像父女、又像情人的生活,寻找同类,也寻找着自身存在的意义。在巴黎,他们遇上了以阿蒙(安东尼奥·班德拉斯 饰)为首的一群吸血鬼,聚居在剧院地下,过着和他们迥然不同的生活,阿蒙给了路易许多教导,想成为路易的新伙伴,为此,路易和克萝迪娅之间出现了裂痕,最终,酿成了无可挽回的悲剧。1988年,路易斯返回了新奥尔良,向一个年轻记者马洛伊(克里斯琴·斯莱特 饰)讲述了自己的经历,讲述了吸血鬼长生不死背后的哀伤,不料,马洛伊在听完之后却被深深地吸引,一个新的吸血鬼的故事,将由此开始。
十八世纪,让-马普蒂斯特•格雷诺耶出生在巴黎最肮脏、最恶臭不堪的地方——鱼市场上。格雷诺耶天生对气味有着惊人的天赋:无论恶臭还芳香,他都一一记住,并能轻易分辨各种气味。当他在孤儿院长到13岁的时候,被院长卖给了制皮匠。格雷诺耶在制皮铺过着犬马不如的生活。机缘巧合,格雷诺耶在香水巴尔蒂尼面前展露了其过人的天赋,进入了香水铺工作。但格雷诺耶并不仅仅满足于制作出世界上最芳香的香水,他梦想学得如何保存万物气味的方法。巴尔蒂尼告诉格雷诺耶香水的起源地在格拉斯,那里的人知道保存气味的方法。格雷诺耶拿着巴尔蒂尼的推荐信来到了格拉斯。 格雷诺耶爱上了青春少女的体香,为了把这种香味保存下来,格雷诺耶最终走上了杀手的道路。
一代大侠李慕白有退出江湖之意,托付红颜知己俞秀莲将自己的青冥剑带到京城,作为礼物送给贝勒爷收藏。这把有四百年历史的古剑伤人无数,李慕白希望如此重大决断能够表明他离开江湖恩怨的决心。谁知当天夜里宝剑就被人盗走,俞秀莲上前阻拦与盗剑人交手,但最后盗剑人在同伙的救助下逃走。有人看见一个蒙面人消失在九门提督玉大人府内,俞秀莲也认为玉大人难逃干系。九门提督主管京城治安,玉大人刚从新疆调来赴任,贝勒爷即不相信玉大人与此有关,也不能轻举妄动以免影响大局。 俞秀莲为了不将事情复杂化一直在暗中查访宝剑下落,也大约猜出是玉府小姐玉蛟龙一时意气所为。俞秀莲对前来京城的李慕白隐瞒消息,只想用旁敲侧击的方法迫使玉蛟龙归还宝剑,免伤和气。不过俞秀莲的良苦用心落空,蒙面人真的归还宝剑时,不可避免地跟李慕白有了一次正面的交锋。而李慕白又发现了害死师傅的碧眼狐狸的踪迹,此时李慕白更是欲罢不能。 玉蛟龙自幼被隐匿于玉府的碧眼狐狸暗中收为弟子,并从秘籍中习得武当派上乘武功,早已青出于蓝。在新疆之时,玉蛟龙就瞒着父亲与当地大盗“半天云”罗小虎情定终身,如今身在北京,父亲又要她嫁人,玉蛟龙一时兴起冲出家门浪迹江湖。 任性傲气的玉蛟龙心中凄苦无处发泄,在江湖上使性任气,俨然是个小魔星。俞秀莲和李慕白爱惜玉蛟龙人才难得,苦心引导,总是无效。在最后和碧眼狐狸的交手之中,李慕白为救玉蛟龙身中毒针而死。玉蛟龙在俞秀莲的指点下来到武当山,却无法面对罗小虎,在和罗小虎一夕缠绵之后,投身万丈绝壑。
从古猿开始直立,地球上出现了人类的文明史。石器时代,人们从生活的偶然现象中创造出了艺术样式;摩西的十诫居然是出自失误;在伟大的罗马城中,人们在集市上展示各种新奇发明,而领取失业救济金的脱口政治家卡库斯(梅尔•布鲁克斯 Mel Brooks 饰)从经济人斯威特那里获得了一次进入皇宫表现的机会,卡库斯在集市上结识了被贩卖的才艺黑人乔飞斯以及女皇的女侍梅瑞,在凯撒面前表演脱口政治秀的卡库斯不慎口误,令皇帝勃然大怒,本来要被处死的卡库斯与乔飞斯二人一路杀出宫殿,在梅瑞的帮助下开始了东躲西藏的冒险生涯;随后的西班牙宗教法庭和法国大革命的故事都一一在导演梅尔•布鲁克斯的恶搞中呈现出别样的味道。
故事发生在十八世纪早期的英格兰,安妮(奥莉薇娅·柯尔曼 Olivia Colman 饰)是大不列颠王国的女王,她和自己的青梅竹马莎拉公爵夫人(蕾切尔·薇兹 Rachel Weisz 饰)一直保持着秘密的情人关系。阿比盖尔(艾玛·斯通 Emma Stone 饰)是莎拉的远方亲戚,一直渴望融入以皇室为代表的上流社会,她来到了莎拉身边,想要谋得一份职务,哪知道莎拉对她十分冷淡。凭借着自己的聪慧和计谋,阿比盖尔吸引了安妮女王的注意,得以在她的身边侍奉。很快,阿比盖尔便得知了安妮女王和莎拉之间的“小秘密”,对权谋充满了欲望的阿比盖尔开始希望自己能够取代莎拉的位置,得到女王的宠幸。
本片改编自美国作家库柏“皮袜子”系列小说中的第二部。1757年七年战争期间,英法两军在北美殖民地激战正酣。军官邓肯带队护送长官之女可娜(Madeleine Stowe 饰)前往威廉亨利堡,半路遭法属印第安人埋伏,莫希干族最后的战士——金卡加(Russell Means 饰)、安卡斯父子与白人霍克依(Daniel Day-Lewis 饰)出手相救。但抵达要塞时他们发现这里已陷入战火,要塞长官门罗与邓肯做事强硬,不肯放走民兵自降战力,并将霍克依监禁,可娜这时已同霍克依相恋,但却无力援救。英军战事不利弃堡投降,印第安人马瓜带领族人向英军寻仇,可娜与霍克依失散后被马瓜带走,霍克依、金卡加、安卡斯一行进入马瓜族人的营地,以期带回可娜。
本片讲述了伟大的音乐天才沃尔夫岗.阿巴迪斯.莫扎特(Wolfgang AmadeusMozart)的一生。影片采用倒叙手法,由安东尼奥.萨利埃雷(AntonioSalieri)讲述。他是一位宫廷乐师、莫扎特的天才使他既羡慕又震惊,心理上发生了变态,决定除掉莫扎特。音乐在全片中具有叙述和点出主题的作用,将莫扎特的音乐和他的生平事件串连在一起,刻划了莫扎特与萨利埃雷在音乐上的冲突。
侯爵夫人梅特伊(格伦·克洛斯 Glenn Close 饰)和恶名昭彰的浮华浪子瓦尔蒙(约翰·马尔科维奇 John Malkovich 饰)是两个在情场可互相匹敌的朋友,利用性当作武器,去抵毁对方的名誉与地位。一日,梅特伊提出让瓦尔蒙去勾引16岁的贵族少女塞西尔(乌玛·瑟 曼 U ma Thurman 饰),使其失身从而身败名裂。而瓦尔蒙却认为这样太缺乏挑战,他非但引诱了纯洁的塞西尔。还追加赌注勾引虔诚、美貌素以贞节著称的杜维尔夫人(米歇尔·菲佛 Michelle Pfeiffer 饰)。最终杜维尔夫人投入了他的怀抱,而瓦尔蒙也渐渐真心爱上了杜维尔。梅特伊心生妒火,让自己的音乐教师兼新情人唐斯尼(基努·李维斯 Keanu Reeves 饰)替她报复,结果,瓦尔蒙在与唐斯尼决斗时死于剑下,杜维尔伤心致死,而梅特伊也因此名誉扫地。
The story of Claire Randall, a married combat nurse from 1945 who is mysteriously swept back in time to 1743, where she is immediately thrown into an unknown world where her life is threatened. When she is forced to marry Jamie, a chivalrous and romantic young Scottish warrior, a passionate affair is ignited that tears Claire's heart between two vastly different men in two irreconcilable lives.
Zhen Huan, a 17-year-old innocent introduced into the imperial court as the latest concubine of Emperor Yong Zheng. Her dreams of a new life of love and prosperity are swiftly dashed as she enters a dog-eat-dog world of treachery and corruption.
Daniel Boone is an American action-adventure television series starring Fess Parker as Daniel Boone that aired from September 24, 1964 to September 10, 1970 on NBC for 165 episodes, and was made by 20th Century Fox Television. Ed Ames co-starred as Mingo, Boone's Cherokee friend, for the first four seasons of the series. Albert Salmi portrayed Boone's companion Yadkin in season one only. Dallas McKennon portrayed innkeeper Cincinnatus. Country Western singer-actor Jimmy Dean was a featured actor as Josh Clements during the 1968–1970 seasons. Actor and former NFL football player Rosey Grier made regular appearances as Gabe Cooper in the 1969 to 1970 season. The show was broadcast "in living color" beginning in fall 1965, the second season, and was shot entirely in California and Kanab, Utah.
A genre-bending, anti-historical ride through 18th century Russia following the rise of Catherine the Nothing to Catherine the Great and her explosive relationship with husband Peter, the emperor of Russia.
Britain is in the grip of a chilling recession... falling wages, rising prices, civil unrest - only the bankers are smiling. It's 1783 and Ross Poldark returns from the American War of Independence to his beloved Cornwall to find his world in ruins: his father dead, the family mine long since closed, his house wrecked and his sweetheart pledged to marry his cousin. But Ross finds that hope and love can be found when you are least expecting it in the wild but beautiful Cornish landscape.
1745. The reigning Empress Elizabeth Petrovna is infertile. The only heir is her feeble-minded nephew Peter III. Elizabeth cannot allow Peter to ascend to the throne, so she decides to marry the tsarevich, wait for the birth of her son, and then take the boy and raise him as a real Russian emperor herself. Brides are coming to St. Petersburg. Among them is the lovely Fike - the young Princess Sofia Frederica from the impoverished branch of the Prussian kings.
The chaotic and violent struggle to control wealth and power in the North American fur trade in late 18th century Canada. Told from multiple perspectives, Frontier takes place in a world where business negotiations might be resolved with close-quarter hatchet fights, and where delicate relations between native tribes and Europeans can spark bloody conflicts.
Set in England in the early 19th century, Pride and Prejudice tells the story of Mr and Mrs Bennet's five unmarried daughters after the rich and eligible Mr Bingley and his status-conscious friend, Mr Darcy, have moved into their neighbourhood. While Bingley takes an immediate liking to the eldest Bennet daughter, Jane, Darcy has difficulty adapting to local society and repeatedly clashes with the second-eldest Bennet daughter, Elizabeth.
Brothel owner, Margaret Wells, struggles to raise her daughters in London during the 18th century.
In December 1776, Benjamin Franklin is world-famous for his electrical experiments. But his passion and power are put to the test when he embarks on a secret mission to France—with the fate of American independence hanging in the balance.
England, 1705: Framed for murder and on the run with her sisters, Nell Jackson turns her hand to highway robbery to survive. Aided by her superpowered sidekick, a plucky little sprite called Billy Blind, Nell realizes that fate has put her on the wrong side of the law for a reason. A reason much bigger than she could have ever imagined: to defeat a magical plot against the Queen of England.
Set in early 18th-century Madrid, the plot follows the love story between an agoraphobic cook and a widowed nobleman.
Richard O'Sullivan stars as Dick Turpin in this action-filled adventure series chronicling the exploits of England's most celebrated highwayman.
Adapted from David McCullough's Pulitzer Prize-winning biography, this lavish seven-part miniseries chronicles the life of Founding Father John Adams, starting with the Boston Massacre of 1770 through his years as an ambassador in Europe, then his terms as vice president and president of the United States, up to his death on July 4, 1826.
After trading in the seemingly charmed life of a gentleman for one of a swashbuckling buccaneer, Stede Bonnet becomes captain of the pirate ship Revenge. Struggling to earn the respect of his potentially mutinous crew, Stede’s fortunes change after a fateful run-in with the infamous Captain Blackbeard. Stede and crew attempt to get their ship together and survive life on the high seas.
The story of New York farmer, Abe Woodhull, who bands together with a group of childhood friends to form The Culper Ring, an unlikely group of spies who turn the tide in America’s fight for independence.
Mary Bryant, a Cornish girl who was convicted of petty theft, is being transported to the Australian Penal Colony on the First Fleet with other prisoners bound for Botany Bay.
An adaptation of Alex Haley's "Roots", chronicling the history of an African slave, Kunta Kinte sold to America and his descendants.
It's 1715 on the Bahamian island of New Providence, the first functioning democracy in the Americas, where the diabolical pirate Edward Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard, reigns over a rogue nation of thieves, outlaws and miscreant sailors. Part shantytown, part marauder's paradise, this is a place like no other on earth - and a mounting threat to international commerce. To gain control of this fearsome society, Tom Lowe, a highly skilled undercover assassin, is sent to the buccaneers' haven to take down the brilliant and charismatic Blackbeard. But the closer Lowe gets, the more he finds that his quest is not so simple. Lowe can't help but admire the political ideals of Blackbeard, whose thirst for knowledge knows no bounds - and no law. But Lowe is not the only danger to Blackbeard's rule. He is a man with many villainous rivals and one great weakness - a passionately driven woman whom he cannot deny.
Dr. Gulliver has returned from his journey to his family after a long absence - and tells them the story of his travels.