类人猿行动 2016
影片讲述在1933年德国纳粹盛行时期一个钢铁家族的衰落和消失,一个家庭里充满仇恨和杀机,老主管被杀,继而各个家庭成员为了夺得这份财产,进行了你死我活的较量……该片是一部以一个家族来透视一个民族的磅礴史诗。维斯康提最成熟,气势最恢弘的一部作品。导演借用一个黑暗的时代背景,描述了家族成员之间的勾心斗角、阴谋残杀、虚伪狡诈、争权夺利,而且用大量篇幅描写纳粹褐衫党徒的纵欲狂欢,以及黑衫党与褐衫党之间的矛盾和屠杀。 内容还涉及了母子乱伦、杀父等道德悲剧。维斯康提将权力和欲望使人性沉沦、泯灭和异化的残酷事实,提升到希腊悲剧式的高度,并暗喻法西斯妄图称霸世界的权欲正是导致其灭绝人性的根本缘由。演员的演出极为出色,特别是博加德的完美表演令人叫绝。
影片主要讲述为了获得德军的武器情报,盟军派遣琳达和弗里曼两位女军官混入纳粹爱露营,寻找关键女囚犯玛莎。在营救任务之前,她们在爱营里必须经历一系列非人的侮辱和残酷的虐待… 一部B级纳粹集中营剥削电影,以纳粹集中营为背景,展示女性遭受的折磨和侮辱,以及纳粹军官的堕落生活和罪行,满足观众的猎奇心理。 影片剧情简单,以监狱室内为主,多场合展示女囚换衣裸露场面,以及殴打和酷刑场景,具有磨坊电影的cult风格。同时,电影也以纳粹军官的口吻突出了反战的主题。
著名的纪录片《意志的胜利》是在二战时期,纳粹国家机器操纵的宣传机器为希特勒歌功颂德的大作,由大名鼎鼎的雷妮·瑞芬斯塔尔导演完成. 本片则是皮特·柯恩的影片,不太有名,但是颠覆了所谓“德意志的胜利”——那不过是一个疯子和屠夫的意志。前者反映的是:纳粹之伟大意志之火炬,万众一心,手持火炬,照耀着柏林,照耀着元首之场面,用尽宣传之手段粉饰一个所谓的"千年帝国、盛世王朝、超人的国度"…… 而后者反映的则是"胜利"与"强大"面具下的罪恶,战争的血腥残酷,硝烟里的一片废墟,生灵涂炭,犹太人的苦难,恐怖集中营和腐臭尸骨堆。
Secrets are divulged and stories of espionage, conspiracy, murder, sabotage and greed are uncovered.
The year is 1940 and Nazi Germany is at the height of its military prowess, having captured most of Europe and eyeing the Soviet Union to the East. The Russian military command suspects hostile intent from Germany and so arranges for its spies to infiltrate ranks of the German military and the SS. Alexander Belov is a Russian spy, who travels from Soviet-held Latvia to Nazi Germany under an alias of Johann Weiss. His mastery of the German language, steel nerves and an ability to manipulate others help him to use his connections in the SS to ascend the ladder of the German intelligence. He uses his position to identify sympathetic Germans, who help him to procure vital intelligence, and to help local resistance movements in their collective fight against Nazism.
This documentary series examines the Einsatzgruppen, Nazis responsible for the mass murder of Jews, Romani and Soviet prisoners in Eastern Europe.
A reassessment of the role Albert Speer played in the Third Reich. Speer, who was ultimately convicted at the Nuremburg trials and served a 20-year prison sentence, was known for designing many of the Third Reich's buildings and for being Hitler's minister for war production.
Examining the life and times of Adolf Hitler and following the full arc of his ascent, tyrannical reign, criminality and undoing.
SS-Lieutenant Colonel Helmut Von Schreader conceives an unusual plan to escape the aftermath of the Second World War by disguising himself as a Jewish Concentration Camp victim. Under the alias of Ben Grossman, Von Schreader is liberated from the camps and immigrates to Palestine where he joins the Zionist movement. Twenty five years later, living as a hero of Israel and a General in the Israeli Army, the underground SS organization ODESSA locates Von Schreader and orders to him to again serve the cause of the Third Reich.
Summer 1943: Hitler engages in a decisive battle in Kursk to win the war in the East. This is without counting on the pugnacity of the Red Army and the Allied intervention in the West. Month after month, the noose tightens on the Nazi tyrant who refuses to admit defeat and precipitates his country in its fall.
Daniel Costelle and Isabelle Clarke have found at the NARA (National Archives in Washington DC) almost four hours of footage, mostly in colour, filmed by Hitler's mistress, Eva Braun between 1938 and 1944. It's an unbeleivable eyesight on Hitler's private life from the happy life in the "Eagle's nest" till his suicide in his bunker.
Explores the Third Reich from a contemporary perspective to investigate how the Nazis managed to conquer Germany and then half of Europe in the wake of World War I.
Between 1914 and 1945, two major conflicts engulfed the planet. Among the combatants of the First World War, eight men would play a decisive role in the next one.
It is customary to give every new government 100 days to draw an initial summary of its work, its successes, its failures, its prospects. A “grace period” that also applied to Chancellor Adolf Hitler. However, he uses them more radically for his goals than anyone before him. This is what this series tells about – as a canon of contemporary voices. Diary entries from all over Germany document different perspectives, perceptions and very private things. How can a civilized country, a democratic state, turn into a brutal dictatorship in just a few weeks?