眼帘下的战影 2021
皮特、托马斯、艾福德是三个热衷于英美流行文化的德国纯真少年,因为共同的爱好而让三人结为好友。三十年代正是美国摇滚乐首次风靡之际,这三个小家伙也迷上了这种摇摆节奏的乐队演出。在欣赏热爱之余,他们也组织了自己的乐队演出摇滚乐,结果大受欢迎。正当他们意气风发准备更多演出的时候 ,却受到德国纳粹组织的迫害,追究其原因竟是因为乐队中聘用了太多的黑人!为了自己的梦想,为了表示对这种种族迫害的抗议,他们决定将自己的摇滚音乐进行到底……
1943年2月,残酷的斯大林格勒战役呈现出胶着态势。在慕尼黑,地下反战组织白玫瑰的成员们正在加紧印发传单,其中索菲(Julia Jentsch 饰)与汉斯姐弟两人为响应不久前女学生们的行动,计划将传单散发到大学校园内,两人冒着极大风险进入学校,在散发完毕时不幸被捕。盖世太保摩尔负责审讯索菲,姐弟俩按照事先商定的串词,拒绝承认自己与反战传单有关,并几乎可以无罪释放,但纳粹的搜查发现了新的线索,形势急转直下,索菲开始将罪责揽到自己身上以掩护同伴们,经过反复的交锋,摩尔开始对这位坚定的女青年产生了些许理解和同情,但等待索菲的,终究是一场封闭的不公平审判…… 本片根据真实故事改编,获2005年柏林电影节最佳导演奖等多项褒奖。
第二次世界大战期间,1943年德军袭击罗马,马蒂尔德(Matilde)、森西奥(Cencio)、富尔维奥(Fulvio)和马里奥(Mario)一家在一座永恒的城市的马戏团工作。他们的父亲用他们的钱去买票逃亡,没回音而消失,这导致四个朋友的生活陷入混乱中。没有任何人照顾他们,但最重 要的是,没有马戏团,他们也失去了社会地位,如同战争城市中散落的景点那样逐渐凋零。
英国,第二次世界大战。昆特-门罗(Quint Munroe)是英国皇家空军军官,也是中队的新任队长,他的任务是摧毁纳粹在法国的一个秘密基地,同时努力解决一位战友失踪的问题。
(这是一部根据二战时期在捷克斯洛伐克发生的真实故事改编的电影。) 1942年6月,在德国占领区的捷克斯洛伐克,一名党卫军的高级将领兼警察总监被刺杀。城市因此宵禁,市民不得外出,一切娱乐活动被禁,违者就会被枪毙。党卫军悬赏重金捉拿刺客,市集也被取缔,扩音喇叭里每天播放被枪毙者的名单,荷枪实弹的党卫军布满街头,一片肃杀。古典中学毕业班的同学因一张毕业照无端被牵连。随着事情的发展,该毕业班的维尔卡等三人最后被无辜杀害。在整个事件中,被学生戏称为“更高原则”的马列克教授始终伸张正义,不为恐怖所吓倒,感染了同学们。本片揭露了德国法西斯凶残的本性,批判了捷克斯洛伐克人中的软弱者,歌颂了正义的教师和学生。
An inexperienced U-boat crew has to survive a secret mission and a young German woman is torn between loyalty for her home country and the French resistance in the WWII drama.
Stawka większa niż życie is a series about the adventures of a Polish secret agent, Hans Kloss, who acts as a double agent in the Abwehr during Second World War in occupied Poland.
Comprised entirely of re-mastered and colorised archive footage from World War II, much of it never before seen, Sacrifice recounts the story of D-Day through the testimonies of those who lived it. These important historical days are seen through the eyes of French civilians and members of the military fighting on both sides. The testimonies of famous individuals like Dwight D. Eisenhower and Erwin Rommel are intertwined with those of anonymous soldiers and citizens, such as film director Samuel Fuller and Eisenhower's chauffeur, Kay Summersby. From the preparations for D-Day all the way through to the liberation of Paris, the accounts of these men and women provide a moving and invaluable retelling of this pivotal time in history.
"The Written Off" is a famous Serbian TV miniseries, that was very popular in former Yugoslavia, originally airing in 1974. Due to its popularity, Radio Television of Serbia has shown reruns of the series ten times, the last re-run starting in 2012. The series has achieved something of a cult status among its audience and still attracts an estimated 3 million viewers with its last rerun. Idea of series derives from exploits of freedom fighters in Belgrade during World War II, and all the characters and events are fictitious.
Two women embark on a harrowing journey to discover the fate and final resting place of loved ones snatched by the Nazis.
Blood and Honor: Youth Under Hitler, 1982 is a German/American made for TV mini-series which was a co-production between Daniel Wilson Productions and S.W.F and Taurus Films. The original screenplay was by Helmut Kissel and was partly based on his own experience as a member of the Hitler Youth. The scripts that were eventually shot, however, were written by Robert Muller. Helmut Kissel led as the director of the project but was replaced by Bernd Fischerauer within the first couple of weeks when shooting started. The shooting was on location in Baden-Baden, West Germany with the first 4 weeks in August 1980 and the rest of the production was completed between January through March in 1981. Each scene was shot both in English and in German and resulted in two versions of the film. The post production of the German version was completed in spring of 1982. It premiered on West German TV in July 1982 and the American version premiered in November 1982.