创:战纪 2010
富家子多米尼克(雅酷朴·盖尔秀 Jakub Gierszal 饰)有着宠惯他的父母,众多朋友和无忧无虑的生活。一次晚会上因为打赌输了他与班上帅哥亚历克斯(巴尔托什·格尔勒 Bartosz Gelner 饰)接吻,第二天整个过程变成了网络视频。亚历克斯一口咬定多米尼克“有 生理反应”,多米尼克一下成为了话题焦点。父母只知道用物质满足儿子,苦闷的他干脆辍学沉浸在网络聊天室中。一天他在网上结识了粉红头发的女孩席尔维亚(诺玛·格西洛斯卡 Roma Gasiorowska 饰),受邀进入到一个专门给有自杀倾向的少年准备的虚拟世界,那里被称做“自杀房间”...... 《自杀房间》采用真人和三维动画结合的方式,讲述了一个少年由于对现实绝望,自我流放到网络虚拟空间的故事,带领观众目睹了一场青春无因的反抗与自我毁灭。该片入围2011年柏林电影节全景单元,被誉为“波兰近20年最酷电影”。
2046 年,透过名为“神经连结装置(Neuro-Linker)”的终端连线设备,人们已经可以使虚拟构建与完全数位量子化的世界与现实同步,上班族与学生们可以直接在眼中显示各类介面,并以手指凭空触空操作、收发资讯,甚至透过电缆直接与他人连线共享思绪。让生活的大小诸事都已完全无法与网路脱节。作为主角,肥胖、迟钝总是受人欺负而内向自卑的中学生“有田春雪”,只有在虚拟世界中的壁球反应游戏能找到一丝喘息之地。但在某日,众人景仰的学生会副会长“黑雪公主(黑雪姫)”闯入了他的生活中,帮助他脱离被霸凌的困境,并让他接触到名为“Brain Buster”的程式,成为能以千倍思考速度观察实体世界的“超频连线者(Burst Linker)”进而卷进超频者之间的战斗中。为了报答对黑雪公主的恩惠,春雪自愿以化身“白银之鸦(Silver Crow)”对黑雪公主(黑雪姫)效忠而重建“黑之王(Black Lotus)”的“黑暗星云”军团。
《VIDEO GAMES: THE MOVIE》是通过Kickstarter筹资制作的一部关于主机游戏历史的纪录片。这部纪录片包含了从《Pong》的制作人Allan Alcorn到“《潜龙谍影》系列”制作人小岛秀夫等诸多知名游戏从业人员的访谈及历史介绍。
少年专注地坐在客厅里玩电子游戏。他的妈妈劝诫儿子不要玩太多游戏。男孩仿佛没听见一般,兀自沉溺于电视荧屏的厮杀之中。妈妈给他买了礼物,这令少年的注意力些许转移过来。他打开纸箱子,里面是一条可爱的小狗。男孩起先有些惊喜,当他发现小狗居然断掉一条腿时,心中仿佛受到极大的羞辱和冒犯一般,于是嫌恶地把小狗丢到一旁。小狗并不以为意,它好奇地注视着这个陌生的世界,自己找起乐来。 男孩继续玩着游戏,但是他的视线渐渐被小狗所吸引……
A live-action sitcom about two 12-year-old girls who start a multi-million-dollar gaming company and take on rap superstar Double G as a business partner.
A short, overweight student uses the Neuro Link, an evolution of the Nerve Gear, to escape himself from the reality. But his skills in the virtual world brings him to the attention of Kuroyukihime, a popular student who introduces him to the Brain Burst.
Tomoya Aki is an otaku who has a dream. His dream is to create the best visual novel game ever. The main heroine for this game and the inspiration for this dream is a background character named Megumi Kato who somehow stumbles into main character-esque traits in his eyes. To complete the game in time he has to call upon the aid of his anime loving professional friends who aren't so keen on the choice of his main heroine.
Konoha Akisato is an illustrator that loves beautiful girls and bishojo games. Her dream is to become a super-popular illustrator, so she is working hard at a bishojo game production company, but reality isn't that kind... With the golden age of social network games in full force, Konoha's company isn't doing well, and she works as a sub illustrator, spending her days painting the backs of random background characters. One day, the owner of a game shop gives her a classic bishojo game. With all her excitement over the golden age of bishojo games, she opens the package to "Dokyusei," and is enveloped by a bright light. Konoha then realizes that she just traveled back in time! She ends up in the year 1992! It's the dawn of the bishojo game era! Konoha ends up working at a company called Alcohol Soft. Will she be able to think about, draw, and create all the beautiful girls she’s ever wanted?! A story about a girl and her overwhelming love for beautiful girls—"Now, let's begin!"
Students get involved in a violent Internet-based game, around the same time as a series of murders - is there a connection?
Inside Military Esports presented by Navy Federal Credit Union is a show centered around current and former members of the US military who are involved in esports and in the video game industry. IME features segments about gamers, events, tournaments, influencers, industry insiders, and more. Rather than just reporting industry news, IME tells the stories of the people involved in esports. Join us as we get to know top competitors in the gaming world who exemplify the virtues of their military service: teamwork, dedication, discipline, and the drive to win.
Thumb Candy is a British Channel 4 television documentary about the history of computer games hosted by Iain Lee who interviewed the people who were involved in creating the first big video games.
EP Daily is a daily news television show that covers movies, TV shows, comic books, collectibles and gadgets. Created and executive produced by host Victor Lucas, and his Vancouver, British Columbia production company Greedy Productions Ltd, EP Daily has been a staple on airwaves since its debut in September 1997.
The cult video game show gets a reboot - with new GamesMaster Sir Trevor McDonald and hosts Robert Florence, Frankie Ward and Ty Logan - as competitors battle it out to win the coveted Golden Joystick.