他们 2018
故事发生在1995年的意大利,南尼(南尼·莫莱蒂 Nanni Moretti 饰)的妻子告诉他,自己的腹中有了他们两人爱情的结晶。这突如其来的命运的馈赠打了南尼一个措手不及,一时之间,恐慌、兴奋、怀疑、不安的念头将他层层包围。最终,南尼调整好了自己的心态,开始着手准备迎接这个小生命的到来,他发誓要给这个孩子创造一个世界上最完美的胎教场所。 漫长的十月过去,新生命呱呱坠地,虽然这个场景在南尼的脑海里演练了无数遍,但当它真的成为现实时,这现实和南尼的幻想还是有着很大的出入的,很快南尼就开始明白,幻想成为一个父亲,和真正成为一个父亲之间,有着多大的差别。
As a major criminal investigation tries to stem the flow of corruption, Italy is poised on the brink of collapse.
Rome, 30 April 1993. A crowd throws coins at Italian politician Bettino Craxi - as if the Civil War has begun. Be quick if you want a place in the new system. Now, it's every man for himself. 1993 is the last chance to set up the Second Republic. Everyone fights their own battles.
After the breakdown of the old government, and with it the First Republic, Italy changed for good in 1994. Spinster Leo is all too aware of this. He pushed hard to see Berlusconi get elected Prime Minister. He knows it's not easy to win power, but holding on to it verges on the impossible. By the same token, it seems equally impossible for populist politician Pietro to change. Even now that he has an office at the Prime Minister's premises in Rome, he still can't cast off his old bad habits. Nor can he forget the only woman he has ever loved. A former TV starlet now turned politician and Congresswoman, Veronica has to decide who the man of her life is going to be. She has realized she no longer wants to be just a woman on the arm of powerful men. It is the start of her own push for power.