闪灵 1980
杰克 是一个作家。一个冬天,他得到了一个看管山顶酒店的差事。这正合杰克的意思,他正好可以有一个幽静的地方写作。于是杰克带着妻儿搬进了酒店。冬天大雪封路,山顶酒店只有杰克一家三口。从他们一搬进来,杰克的妻子温蒂 就发现这里气氛诡异,杰克的儿子丹尼 经常看到一些他不认识的人,但这里除了他们一家别无他人。而杰克除了一整天闷头写作外,脾气亦变得越来越古怪。直到有一天,温蒂发现丈夫这些天来一直写就只有一句话:杰克发疯了!
杰克 是一个作家。一个冬天,他得到了一个看管山顶酒店的差事。这正合杰克的意思,他正好可以有一个幽静的地方写作。于是杰克带着妻儿搬进了酒店。冬天大雪封路,山顶酒店只有杰克一家三口。从他们一搬进来,杰克的妻子温蒂 就发现这里气氛诡异,杰克的儿子丹尼 经常看到一些他不认识的人,但这里除了他们一家别无他人。而杰克除了一整天闷头写作外,脾气亦变得越来越古怪。直到有一天,温蒂发现丈夫这些天来一直写就只有一句话:杰克发疯了!
尼尔斯·考克斯曼(连姆·尼森 饰)是科罗拉多基侯滑雪场的扫雪车司机,身为荣誉市民的他终日勤恳工作,以保证这座宁静小镇交通的顺畅。有天突然传来儿子身亡的消息。为了追查出杀害儿子的真凶,怒火中烧的尼尔斯不惜以身犯险,卷入重重杀人案,踏上了歼灭贩毒团伙的道路。复仇路上,狂妄冷 血的毒枭“海盗哥”、残暴的印第安帮派首脑“大白”等浮出水面,错综复杂的凶狠敌军、险象环生的黑帮对峙、以及枪林弹雨下的生死大战,一场冤冤相报的血雨腥风席卷了这座雪白安宁的小镇……
20世纪80年代中期, 苏联和古巴军队从空中着陆在科罗拉多高中的足球场。 在几秒钟内,伞兵袭击了学校,将一群青少年派到山上。 武器只有猎枪,手枪和弓箭,十几岁的孩子在寒冬努力生存。
鲍勃(罗宾·威廉斯 Robin Williams 饰)都快50岁了,事业面临着挑战,家庭面临着危机。本来他打算在百忙之中抽出时间陪家人展开一次夏威夷之旅,以改善糟糕的家庭关系;无奈又放不下公司业务,因为一个名牌大学MBA的公司新人给他带来了严重的威胁,如果不拼了老命工作,饭碗随时不保。用心良苦的老爹,只好临时想了一个折中办法:取消夏威夷之行,全家租来一个流动房车,前往他的出差地的城市附近,来一次野营活动。一边是忙碌繁琐的工作,一边是盼望着有个美好旅途的家庭,鲍勃得有一流的周旋功夫,不仅顾全大局而且两面讨好。问题是老爹又不是超人,应付起来自然力不从心,笑料百出。 ©豆瓣
前两部远在8、9年前,当时尚未与瑞斯·维瑟斯彭订下终身的雷恩·菲利普,贡献了正面全裸的帅哥出浴戏;而萨拉·米歇尔·盖拉也正因为参演该系列被封为“惊叫皇后”,才有缘出演了其后的《诱惑性游戏》和《咒怨美国版》。 物是人非事事休。等到《电锯惊魂》这样的小喽喽都被委以重任、变身“先锋廖化”的时候,《我知道》系列才想起来完成三部曲的最终章,未免英雄迟暮——当年一时瑜亮的死对头《夺命狂呼》早已曲终人散——而在毫无敬老意识的可畏后生们左右夹攻之下,想独孤求败俨然是南柯大梦。《我知道你去年夏天干了什么》、《我依然知道你去年夏天干了什么》、《我一直知道你去年夏天干了什么》……据说索尼正在开展第四集的征名活动!?
弗兰克(丹尼斯·奎德 Dennis Quaid 饰)是一位经验丰富精明强干的FBI探员,长久以来,他都在追捕一名高智商连环杀人魔。最近,情况变得十分糟糕,因为弗兰克发现这位凶残冷酷的杀手就潜伏在自己所负责的辖区内,并且已经犯下了数起案件。 之后,弗兰克绝望的得知,这位神秘杀手竟然将下一个加害目标放在了自己的儿子身上,也正因为如此,当局撤销了弗兰克在此案件中的权限,因为他再也不能冷静的对待这名凶手了。然而,爱子心切的弗兰克并没有就此罢休,他决定靠自己的力量将凶手捉拿归案,也就是在此过程中,弗兰克一步一步地踏入了凶手布下的天罗地网之中。
皮特桑迪奇是一个鲁莽的消防飞行员,他在最后的任务中被杀。 上升到天堂,皮特被介绍给商业般的天使,他指导皮特将他的航空知识传授给他的年轻接班人。 在这样做的同时,皮特也为他的尘世女友平息了浪漫的过程,他在经过几个月的悲伤后终于爱上了另一个男人。
玛丽(桑德拉·布洛克 Sandra Bullock 饰)是一个字谜游戏编撰者,她聪明漂亮却拙于社交,忧心她终身大事的父母一直为她安排各种相亲。本来不抱什么希望的玛丽,面对相亲对象史蒂夫(布莱德利·库珀 Bradley Cooper 饰)的英俊与才情,顿时沦陷。她滔滔不绝地对史蒂夫谈论自己的字谜工作,早觉枯燥的史蒂夫找了借口摆脱了她。玛丽在编撰一个“关于史蒂夫的一切”的字谜时,被上司发现而炒了鱿鱼。但是玛丽却认定了史蒂夫就是自己的灵魂伴侣,于是紧追史蒂夫不放。她在史蒂夫同事的鼓励下,跟随史蒂夫的新闻摄制组周游全国报道新闻。在跟随一次矿井塌陷新闻报道时,玛丽掉进陷塌的矿井中,她意外地发现井底下还遗漏了一个男孩,玛丽想尽各种办法拯救了男孩,并将功劳让给了别人。她的勇敢与智慧获得了史蒂夫的另眼相看,玛丽用她自己独特的方式赢得了大家的喜爱。
两个10岁的孩子无意间在郊外发现一部看似被遗弃的警车;结果他们居然异想天开地把车给开去兜风,但除了令人无言、毛骨悚然、自杀式的驾驶技术外,他俩对自己惹上了什么麻烦也浑然不知。 当警车的主人---小镇警长(凯文·贝肯 Kevin Bacon 饰)找上门来要回他失踪的警车时 ,情况更是雪上加霜。两个小鬼头这时才发现他们已陷入一场危险又致命的猫捉老鼠游戏中……
Follows the misadventures of four irreverent grade-schoolers in the quiet, dysfunctional town of South Park, Colorado.
Follow the lives of ambitious miners as they head north in pursuit of gold. With new miners, new claims, new machines and new ways to pull gold out of the ground, the stakes are higher than ever. But will big risks lead to an even bigger pay out?
The saga of a wealthy Denver family in the oil business: Blake Carrington, the patriarch; Krystle, his former secretary and wife; his children: Adam, lost in childhood after a kidnapping; Fallon, pampered and spoiled; Steven, openly gay; and Amanda, hidden from him by his ex-wife, the conniving Alexis. Most of the show features the conflict between 2 large corporations, Blake's Denver Carrington and Alexis' ColbyCo.
Follow the lives of a group of students at what is possibly the world’s worst community college in the fictional locale of Greendale, Colorado.
After the death of his wife, world-class neurosurgeon Dr. Andrew Brown leaves Manhattan and moves his family to the small town of Everwood, Colorado. There he becomes a small-town doctor and learns parenting on the fly as he raises his talented but resentful 15-year-old son Ephram and his 9-year-old daughter Delia.
Being a pro athlete didn't pan out for Colt. Now he's helping his dad and brother keep the ranch afloat, and figuring out how he fits into the family.
Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: The TV Show is an American syndicated science fiction sitcom based on the 1989 film, Honey, I Shrunk the Kids. It expands upon the original film's concept of a shrinking experiment gone wrong to include a myriad of experiments gone awry. It debuted in first-run syndication on September 1, 1997 and ran for three consecutive seasons, concluding with the 66th episode on May 20, 2000. Peter Scolari took over the role as Wayne Szalinski, the wacky inventor in the original film, played by Rick Moranis. Each episode incorporates new technologies and digital effects to feature the family in various new adventures. The series was filmed in Calgary, Alberta, with its main studios located in Currie Barracks, a decommissioned Canadian Forces dormitory.
The economic and cultural growth of town of Centennial, Colorado, through the intertwining lives of the brave men and women inhabiting it. Spanning two centuries from the settling of the area in the 1700s, to the late 1970s.
Bus Stop is a 26-episode American drama which aired on ABC from October 1, 1961, until March 25, 1962, starring Marilyn Maxwell as Grace Sherwood, the owner of a bus station and diner in the fictitious town of Sunrise in the Colorado Rockies. The program was adapted from William Inge's play, Bus Stop, and Inge was a script consultant for the series, which followed the lives of travelers passing through the bus station and the diner. Maxwell's co-stars were Richard Anderson as District Attorney Glenn Wagner, Rhodes Reason as Sheriff Will Mayberry, Joan Freeman as waitress Elma Gahrigner, Bernard Kates as Ralph the coroner, and Buddy Ebsen as Virge Blessing.
Preserving and celebrating the people, events and places that have shaped Colorado.
It's the 1960s. The height of the Cold War. The rural town of Granite Flats, Colorado, suddenly becomes a hotbed for mystery and intrigue. Almost a year after Hershel Jenkins was released from jail, mystery is still a permanent resident in Granite Flats, Colorado. From small concerns plaguing the citizens of the small town to ongoing FBI investigations, Arthur, Timmy, and Madeline are eager to put their developing detective skills to the test. Their sleuthing goes further than ever before, and they may be biting off more than they can chew. And as it turns out, sleuthing is a family affair. The parents of all three miniature detectives have dipped their toes in the water. Chief Sanders works side by side with the FBI to find a citizen who is disloyal to the country, Beth is embroiled in the center of experimental work at the hospital, and the Doctors Andrews are the masterminds behind the shady experiments. This season, everyone has got a secret and nobody is ready to admit it.
Sue Perkins experiences the modern phenomenon of #vanlife in the USA, as she campervans across California and Colorado to discover the highs and lows of life on the road.
A 20 year old, self-obsessed college student is stranded off a snow covered Colorado road after he crashes his car — and his only hope of being rescued is his quickly dying phone.
Discover how four city-dwellers give up their homes to pursue love in the wilderness.
This sprawling miniseries details the trial of Lee Bishop, an Aspen man who was arrested, tried, and sentenced to die for the rape and murder of a fifteen-year-old girl, a crime for which Bishop is not guilty. As the years pass, and Bishop sits on death row, his attorney, Tom Keating, does everything in his power to clear Bishop's name and find the true killer.
The story of Sara Yarnell, a schoolteacher who moves from Philadelphia to the Western frontier to start a new life. She becomes the only teacher in a one-room schoolhouse in Independence, Colorado.
Heart of the World delves into the true wonder and beauty of nature, taking us through the centuries of some of the most spectacular sights on earth - Colorado's National Parks. With stunning photography of the parks filmed throughout the seasons, these three hour-long episodes explore the geological history of each park, the forces of nature that changed them, and the people they have inspired.
A young couple with a dream seek to build the world's first legal marijuana empire.