我们所知道的生活 2010
阿比是一名瑜珈辅导员,她刚刚经历过和男朋友痛苦的分手。此时,她多想有一个人来和她分担她的空虚甚至生一个孩子。阿比有个最好的朋友叫罗伯特,他是一个同性恋建筑设计师,在自己的“爱情”方面也一直没有什么起色。当阿比找到了罗伯特时,两个孤独的心灵依偎到了一起,彼此填充着各自的空虚。 一个亲密朋友的死成为了他们友情进一步发展的催化剂。在一个鸡尾酒餐的下午,两个深陷悲哀中的生命终于碰撞出了激情。尽管这之后他们彼此都在回避对方,而阿比却发现自己怀孕了。 两个人不得不对这件事情进行了协商,他们作出了一个惊人的决定——生下这个孩子。而他们也开始充当起这个孩子父母的角色。尽管这遭到了他们朋友的强烈反对,但他们决心做下去。但随着故事的进展,阿比和罗伯特的儿子山姆已经成长成为了一个漂亮、自信的六岁男孩,他的父母也在幽默和轻松的气氛中竭力保持着自己的“父母身份”,然而,这一天,这种情况终于发生了改变,一名因商务旅行从纽约来到洛山矶的银行投资家本·库伯走进了阿比的瑜珈教室,他和她一见钟情…… “美满”的三口之家正将面临终结,而罗伯特却发现自己的人生已经和6年前有所不同,阿比和罗伯特的“临时爱情故事”将会如何结局呢?
Best friends Lizzy (gay and a bit type-A) and Luke (straight and more laid back) are like family. When they were kids and both of their parents were getting divorces, they stuck together, and they've been there for each other ever since. Now, all grown up and still single, they've decided to start a family of their own. No, not like that (there are some lines even they won't cross) - we're talking the non-romantic, go-to-the-doctor's-office type of baby-making.
Alice lives with her boyfriend Mitch and their gay best friend Richie. Together they form three points of an unlikely triangle, living, laughing and larging it together. After one particularly big night out, they end up having an unplanned threesome which results in an even more unplanned pregnancy. They decide it’s time to ditch the party lifestyle and have the baby. As a threesome.
Unhappy as a couple, Yann and Elsa leave their respective spouses to establish a friendship and be roomies. With their respective children who arrive every other week Yann and Elsa hope to find the perfect balance.
People are finding it increasingly difficult to meet "the right one" to start a family with, so some are turning to co-parenting, which is when two people have a baby together outside a conventional romantic relationship.
Three ex couples face off in challenges to win an educational scholarship for their children. How far are you willing to go for the sake of your children?
Dr. Jean-François Chicoine is on a quest to understand the consequences of divorce on a child’s life.