
清酒的诞生 2015


清酒,是日本人引以為傲的酒。長期跟隨美食旅遊達人Anthony Bourdain的日籍美食節目製作人Erik Shirai,從Kickstarter集資 籌拍「手取川清酒」的誕生,走到產地石川縣了解清酒釀造的過 程和藏人(釀酒人)密集式的工作,用影像捕捉到不易為人知、 罕見的珍貴畫面。在夏天離鄉親手下田種米、收割選米、蒸米鋪 飯、搓揉米糰,到生酛酒母、確認酒糟品質、過濾降溫、酒糟保 溫等等,儘管工序繁多且非常辛苦,藏人絕不妥協。手取川清酒 滿足食客的胃和心,杯杯不止載著清酒家族代代傳承的力量,日 本人執著於傳統釀酒和清酒品味的堅持,更叫人佩服。


Rubio in Search of the Lost Taste

Rubio in Search of the Lost Taste 2019


Chef Rubio's journey in search of the real ones flavors of the Far East will affect Thailand, China and Vietnam. As always, the chef will alternate stages in large cities with stages in small country villages, in order to show the public what the real local gastronomy is.


Two Fat Ladies

Two Fat Ladies 1996


Two Fat Ladies was a BBC Two television cooking programme starring Clarissa Dickson Wright, and Jennifer Paterson. It originally ran for four series, from 1996 to 1999. The show was produced by the BBC and has also appeared on the Food Network and Cooking Channel in the U.S. and on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation in Australia.


No Passport Required

No Passport Required 2018


Join chef Marcus Samuelsson on an inspiring journey across the U.S. to explore and celebrate the wide-ranging diversity of immigrant traditions and cuisine woven into American food and culture.


Mary Berry's Easter Feast

Mary Berry's Easter Feast 2016


Mary shares her favourite Easter recipes, such as hot cross buns, simnel cake and roast lamb, and takes a look at how Christian communities all over the world celebrate Easter with special food.