我让最想被拥抱的男人给威胁了:西班牙篇 2021
美国怀俄明州的西部,沉默寡言的农夫恩尼斯·德·玛尔(希斯·莱杰 饰)和热情开朗的牛仔杰克·特威斯特(杰克·吉伦哈尔 饰)一道被派到山上牧羊,那里人迹罕至,他们只有与羊群为伴,生活单调无味。一个天寒地冻的夜晚,在酒精与荷尔蒙的作用下,他们做了“不该做的事情”,也就此他们在断背山上度过了人生中最美好的时光。季节性放牧结束,迫于世俗压力,杰克和恩尼斯不舍地与对方分离并各自结婚生子。恩尼斯迎娶了自幼相识的阿尔玛,并有了两个可爱的女儿;杰克到了德州,在妻子露琳家族的扶植下事业顺利,还有了个儿子。虽然彼此真心相应,他们只能每年定期约会。一边知情的阿尔玛痛苦无比,而他们又无法满足一年只有几天的团聚。这时意外发生……
马德里少女露露迷恋哥哥的铁哥们巴布罗,但纯洁的依恋之情在肉体的门槛面前举步不前,终于在一个大雨天的不归 之夜,巴布罗耐心而极富想象力地引领露露进入了性爱的欢娱。 数年以后巴布罗从美国归来,成为一名大学教授,身为该校学生的露露不可遏止地回到了巴布罗为她开辟的性爱空间里。很快,他们结婚了,享受着肉欲和情感的双重幸福,并有了一个可爱的女儿。但是,在表面上安定、甜蜜的生活下,隐藏着一股试图摧毁一切的、不断解放感官刺激的潜流……
四个上流社会的高中生无忧无虑地生活在毒品、游戏和爱情之间,直到其中一个女孩伊莱惨遭杀害。16 年后,犯罪记忆折磨着他们中的另一位成员阿兰。
以处男身份迎来了30岁,从而获得“可以听到触碰之人心声的魔法”的社畜--安达(赤楚卫二)和公司里既受欢迎又有工作能力的同期--黑泽(町田启太)是一对小情侣。天天约会,顺利安稳地过着社内恋爱的幸福日子,突然安达接到了工作调动的消息。安达对于得到能做想做的工作的机会非常开心,但是却是要调去距离东京1200km的长崎。围绕工作调动的事情,因为互相体谅的心情而错过的安达和黑泽。以及,以远距离恋爱为契机而开始思考二人的未来…。 究竟,这段恋情会走向何处呢!?
仁秀是在街头驻唱歌且具有特色嗓音的美少男。经纪人敏雅将仁秀唱歌的样子将上传到YouTube上。被在唱片公司企划组里,最小的尹尚理发掘,尹尚理将担纲仁秀的专门经纪人。因缘际会下就这样开始了仁秀和尹尚理的同居。 一起分享日常生活的两个人,仁秀感受到了意想不到的尹尚理的音乐感觉的魅力,一起演奏唱歌,掩饰不住对彼此的好感……此时却因仁秀父亲的阻挠而面临出道危机,由此产生两人之间的问题,让人产生一种可能无法在一起的危机感。
莫里茨初到柏林时并没有特别的计划。 他可能会修艺术史,但并不着急,毕竟他只有22岁,有大把的青春可以挥霍。莫里茨来柏林主要是为了跟男友乔纳斯在一起,但当男友突然抛弃他后,莫里茨开始成为城市的探索者,通过健身房寻找无数的伴侣和违禁药品。他的生活变得越来越像夜行动物,被压抑的欲望也彻底出笼……
Leevi搬到巴黎上大学后,在一个夏天回到他的家乡芬兰,帮助和他并不亲密的父亲翻修湖边小屋,以便出售。 寻求政治庇护的叙利亚难民Tareq接受了这份工作。当Leevi的父亲出差时,两名年轻人互相产生情愫,开始了一场诗情画意又微妙紧张的一段关系。
乔什·维金斯、凯尔·麦克拉克伦、玛丽亚·贝罗等主演,基思·贝尔曼执导。麦克拉克伦与贝罗饰演已分手的一对夫妇,然而他们的儿子(维金斯饰)在一次聚会意外后,将面临人生的巨大震颤。 幼时已是好友的少年Franky(乔什·维金斯)和Ballas(戴伦·曼)既是同班同学,也在同一游泳队,他们也都有各自的女朋友,然而Franky生日派对过后发生的一件事,使得他们今后的生活发生了天翻地覆的变化。
这是一部描写社交障碍群体的喜剧电影。新晋导演本杰明即将在伦敦电影节上首映他的第二部作品《无我》。就在此时,他通过他的酒鬼公关比莉的介绍认识了一位迷人的法国音乐人,并与他坠入了爱河。然而,他并不能很好地处理自己目前的状况。本片是英国著名喜剧演员西蒙·阿姆斯特尔的导演首作, 也是一部非常私人的自传作品。
卡尔(韦恩维果 Wayne Virgo 饰)18岁即成为街头飞仔。"疯姑娘"内萨(爱丽丝·佩恩 Alice Payne 饰)和英俊型男乔诺(汤姆·博特 Tom Bott 饰)率领着他这样的青少年横行街头殴打弱小,并拍下来上传到视频网站。卡尔隐藏着一个秘密:他是同志,并且暗恋着乔诺。某天内萨毒打了一个文静法国学生奥利弗(马克·洛朗特 Marc Laurent 饰),卡尔对奥利弗产生莫名好感,他救下后者却得罪了整个黑帮,被迫和奥利弗一起躲藏逃命。内萨和乔诺闯进卡尔的公寓,发现了那些同志视频。在发动帮派追杀卡尔的同时,乔诺与内萨疯狂做爱,只为隐藏他对卡尔的感觉。他们劫持了奥利弗,迫使卡尔来到荒芜的废墟,炽爱情仇顿时化作汹涌刀锋......
查理(乔纳森·戈登 Jonathan Gordon 饰)和塞巴斯蒂安(杰森·拉尔夫 Jason Ralph 饰)是青梅竹马的玩伴,彼此之间感情十分要好,可是,随着年岁渐长,查理渐渐发现,自己和出生在名门望族的富家公子塞巴斯蒂安之间的距离越来越遥远,更糟糕的是,查理对塞巴斯蒂安的感情,早已经由单纯的友谊转变成了痴迷的爱恋。就在查理为了这份感情陷入深深的痛苦之中时,一位名叫蒂姆(哈兹·斯雷曼 Haaz Sleiman 饰)的钢琴师来到了查理的身边,在蒂姆的陪伴下,查理终于决定忘记过去,放眼未来,然而就在这个节骨眼上,塞巴斯蒂安的家族企业破产了,绝望的他企图从查理的身上找到依靠和温暖。
Easter intentionally attends a university in the north of Thailand. He hopes to find a new place to erase the memories of his ex-relationship, which ended unclearly. But who thinks that he will meet with Hill, his ex-relationship, again at this university? And it is the beginning of a relationship that will not end in the same way ever. At the same time, his roommate, North, also faces chaos because he was drunk and caused a quarrel, then woke up with the debt. But it could be more chaotic because the god just sent him a flirtatious and very spoiled creditor, Johan.
Go Young, a gay Korean man, lives with Choi Mi-ae, a straight woman. Through Mi-ae's eyes, Go Young embarks on a journey of personal growth. He struggles with his relationship with his mother, who's in denial about his sexual orientation, and is forced to part ways with his lover Gyu-ho due to societal pressure. Recovering from his breakup, Go Young takes a trip to Thailand with a stranger, and manages to learn more about himself in the process.
When you live under the same roof, a family-life bond inevitably develops. That is certainly the case for the inhabitants of Zhan Ke Zhi Jia, a hostel. Xie Ke Zhan, a graduate student who owns the hostel, cares about all of his friends who live there and tries to be attentive to their needs, even to the point of suffocation.
After accidentally breaking a statue of the guardian god of the Asakusa district, middle school students Kazuki, Toi and Enta are transformed into kappas -creatures from japanese folklore- by Keppi, self-proclaimed prince of the Kappa Kingdom. If they want to regain their human form, they must collect the five Dishes of Hope for him, which fulfill the wishes of whoever possesses them. To do so, they will fight against the kappa-zombies and extract their "shirikodama", the mythical organ containing humans' deepest desires. Two policemen, Reo and Mabu, are the ones behind this evil scheme, turning humans into zombies as agents of the Otter Empire, enemy of the Kappa Kingdom since ancient times. In the guise of "Kappazon, Inc.", they control society by manipulating the desires of the masses for their own goals. To succeed in their mission, the boys must be connected through the "Sarazanmai", revealing their most intimate secrets in the process...
A boxer named Mignon, and a vampire doctor Young-on Oh, who find solace in the presence of one another through an aggressive and romantic affair.
Third is a filmology major and a member of the Savage Team along with his best friends Two, Bone, and Khai, but he has a secret. Third has been secretly in love with Khai for years. For three years he has kept his.
He’s surly, unorthodox, unapologetically blunt, and he’s about to change your life. Meet the new philosophy teacher, Merlí, who will help his students view the world in a whole new light, both in and out of the classroom.
Joker leads a double life. Boastful and talented in conversation, he is secretly a notorious thief wanted by the police. Using his exceptional disguise skills, Joker robs wealthy oppressors and redistributes their riches to aid struggling villagers. On the other side is Jack, a former Taekwondo black belt turned debt collector. With a calm and quiet demeanor, Jack instills fear in those he encounters. Despite his intimidating presence, he is a reasonable man who believes in solving problems without force and holds the conviction that "the strength on possesses should be used only to protect the weak."
An offbeat love story about campus life around An Ziyan and Mai Ding who start military training as college acquaintances. Mai Ding was the one who made the first move to An Ziyan, they have a good relationship and gradually felt sparks. But after their relationship strengthens, their relationship is obstructed by their family and friends. As a result, An Ziyan secretly asks for help from his ex-girlfriend Bai Xiaosi.
Courageous men seek love in a six-day journey, discovering heart-stirring first love moments, dealing with unrequited emotions, misunderstandings, and conflicts. At the end of the journey, who will find their true match? Who will be brave enough for love?
Inseparable childhood friends Pu Le Jian, Zhuang Xi Wen, and Xie Yu He swore they’d be together forever, but fate forced Le Jian and Xi Wen to part. Years later, Le Jian is struggling to keep his adventure YouTube channel going when a mysterious figure named Amber appears out of nowhere, claiming to be a fan of his, and offers him information on a place called Guilai Abbey…
Over the course of a month, a group of men live under one roof and run a coffee truck together to connect and hopefully meet their one true boyfriend.
When Ji Won-young's direct superior at work is fired due to a corruption scandal, Won-young - in spite of being innocent of any wrongdoing - finds himself unceremoniously discharged from the company as well.
In a past life, Xiao Jingchen, a great general, sacrificed himself in order to save Lu Bai, a fairy fox. In the modern-day, Lu Bai has tracked down the reincarnated Xiao Jingchen to watch over and protect him. Xiao Jingchen is now a college student called Xiao Mo, and he is the only one who can protect Lu Bai's clan against the evil Wolf Clan. The Wolf Clan wants to seize and obtain the power of a sacred stone, which fell on Earth thousands of years ago and has been under the protection of the Fox Clan ever since. But what will be their relationship? Will Lu Bai be able to fulfill his mission?
Eating around other people is a struggle for salaryman Yutaka, despite his talent for cooking. All that changes when he meets Minoru and Tane—two brothers, many years apart in age—who ask him to teach them how to make his delicious food! Yutaka soon finds himself having a change of heart as he looks forward to the meals they share together.
Ji Hyun is a freshman at a university in Seoul. He comes from a small rural town and is used to living in the quiet countryside. He struggles to form meaningful relationships, and moving to the busy South Korean capital has left him feeling disorientated and confused. The older Jae Won, meanwhile, is now returning to Seoul – and the same university – after completing his mandatory military service.
Si-won has worked hard and diligently to raise his popularity in college after being a victim of childhood bullying. But will he lose his composure once he meets Da-woon, who was born with the popularity Si-won has worked so hard to attain?
Choo Sang-woo is the epitome of an inflexible and strict rule-abiding person. Jang Jae-young is like a semantic error in the perfect world of Choo Sang-woo. Will Sang-woo be able to work with Jae-young as an artist and engineer?
In this drama set at a university, a wayward philosophy student navigate life on campus while seeking guidance from an intriguing new professor.
To gain the confidence to confess to his crush, Yashiro visits a secluded shrine for 100 days straight. This earns him the attention of the enshrined deity and his chihuahua, Ukon. They are surprised to see him confess to a guy, Yashiro's longtime friend Kenta, only for Kenta to turn him down. Although heartbroken, Yashiro tries to joke around with Kenta, but he accidentally gets killed when a truck runs into him. Due to God's favoritism, Yashiro was reborn as a female student called Tendo Kagura, and lives a new life. However, she soon discovers that the god and Ukon plan to watch over her relationship with Kenta to see how it unfolds. Adapted from a manga "Kami-sama no Ekohiiki " (神様のえこひいき) by Komura Ayumi (小村あゆみ ).