屋中异蛛 2024
智素(李甄 饰)是一名天真无邪的十七岁少女,有一个活泼可爱的弟弟智石(洪恩泽 饰),在爸爸和妈妈正贤(姜惠贞 饰)的精心呵护下,姐弟两快乐而又茁壮的成长着。然而,某一日,幸福的日子突然画下了句点,爸爸离家出走,正贤带着两个孩子失去了唯一能够遮风避雨的归宿。 智素一时间无法接受这巨大的打击,她想尽一切办法,只希望能够找到爸爸,找回曾经拥有的生活。情急之下,她想到了一个损招,那就是绑架老奶奶(金惠子 饰)的狗,以此为筹码获得巨额赎金。年幼的少女是如此的天真,她精心策划的绑票计划能否顺利实施呢?她又能否最终实现自己的梦想呢?
An old-school Brooklyn native devotes his days to caring for his adorable dog, Bruno -- and making sure the neighbors show his pooch the proper respect.
Welcome to the era of "Pet-teriors"! Pet-Friendly home renovation with experts for better and happier cohabitation with furry friends
Antonio Ballatore, his project manager Grace, and his right hand-dog, Chewie the bulldog, along with a team of Catsperts and Barkitects, transform drab, cramped homes and outside areas into functional, high-style spaces for both pets and the people they love. Antonio's excitement for both design and animals drive him to go the extra mile for his clients and their four-legged, winged, and scaly friends. The newly designed spaces, renovated specifically for the homeowners and their pets, feature design elements that alter homes to become creative and purposeful spaces for all to enjoy. This season, viewers will see a cabin redesign for a family and their blind dog; a complete backyard renovation featuring a pet-safe fire-pit; a man-cave that can accommodate 20 pets; and a room design complete with a soaring sculptural cat climbing wall, among other design transformations.
From mini mongrels to cute kittens and dinky chicks, vets James Greenwood and Bolu Eso welcome little litters and baby broods into the world.