致命传承 2024
讲述一位雄心勃勃的主厨在一个偏僻庄园开设餐厅的故事。她在那里要应对厨房里的混乱、克服自我怀疑... 还要与一个威胁要一直妨碍她的阴魂不散的存在战斗。
为了培养出忠实效忠于成人、在逆境中坚忍不拔的青少年一代,日本政府出台《BR》法案。每年都从全国学校随机抽出一个班级的同学,前往荒岛进行生存极限挑战——老师发给学生地图、粮食和各式武器,令他们自相残杀,直到存活下来的最后一个,才能离开荒岛。接下来,残酷的游戏规则和令人绝望的生存条件,使班级里的年轻人开始了相互杀戮。善良或者凶残,主动出击或者被动防守, 同学们开始了各自的计划,人性的丑恶在血腥的死亡中暴露无遗。 大逃杀的游戏在荒岛上壮烈上演。究竟学生们的宿命如何,谁才是最后的存活者。
当红三人少女偶像团体Charming Bird面临解散,核心成员雾越未麻在事务所的安排下不得不退出团体,转型成为一名电视剧演员。万事开头难,对于偶像歌手转型而来的未麻尤其如此,她在工作中承受着压力,闷闷不乐。与此同时,各种恐吓信不断、经纪人田所先生遇袭以及以自己的口吻在网站上写日记的神秘人都让未麻焦虑不已,恍惚间她甚至看到另一个自己。未麻的苦恼无人知晓,贪婪的田所甚至同意剧组的剧本,要求未麻出演一场尺度极大的强暴戏。这次演出成为未麻演艺事业的转折点,她的出镜率开始攀升,甚至还拍摄了裸露的写真。与此相对,电视剧编剧涩谷和曾给未麻拍下裸照摄影师村野接连遇害。未麻的生活变得混乱不堪,真相究竟如何? 本片荣获1997年亚洲奇幻电影节最佳亚洲影片。
该片讲述的是一名在客服中心工作的聋哑人“京美”(秦基周 饰)在午夜偶然遇到连环杀人魔“度植”(魏化儁 饰)而展开的深夜追击战。
边远而秀美的北海道札幌市,迎来了刚刚升入初中的12岁少女佐佐木杏奈(高月彩良 配音)。杏奈羞涩内敛,不善言辞,童年的悲伤经历令她深锁内心,与养母赖子(松岛菜菜子配音)有着厚厚的隔膜。 暑期到来,为了治疗哮喘,她乘车投奔养母居住在札幌的亲戚大岩夫妇——爱讲鬼故事的清正(寺岛进配音)和心宽体胖的阿节阿姨(根岸季衣 配音)。大岩家坐落于毗邻海边的小村庄,在纯朴自然的环境里,附近湿地中央一栋古旧却散发着独特魅力的西式建筑引起了杏奈的注意。那栋建筑似曾相识,仿佛勾起了心底被时光之尘所层层覆盖的遥远的记忆。杏奈向村里人询问它的来历,却得知那里已经数十年不曾有人居住。 在村中祭典的夜晚,杏奈和当地的初中生发生争执。心情低落的她逃离了人群,苦闷而抑郁的她独自登上小船,朝着湿地古屋划去,渴望找到一个无人的场所放声大哭。当船儿离对岸越来越近的时候,古屋内竟然亮起了灯光,接着从里面传来了女孩子的声音。杏奈张皇踉跄地上了岸,站在眼前的竟是一个金发碧眼、身着西式睡衣的美丽少女。她的名字叫玛妮(有村架纯配音),说着一口流利的日语。夜幕下玛妮赤裸着双脚,显得格外楚楚动人。 年龄相仿的两个女孩,从一见面就对彼此有了好感,她们很快成为无话不说的好朋友。而就从这一天起,各种奇怪的经历也接连在杏奈的身边发生,穿越时空的舞会、森林中的告白、悬崖的神秘之夜……时间如同曼妙的旋律一般流淌,杏奈度过了如梦如幻的假期。而在这一过程中,她也无意间发现了玛妮的秘密……
影片由三个短片构成——《魔法(比魔法更不真切)》《开着的门》《再来一次》。女性角色的多重性和镜像性是滨口之前的作品中的主题,在他的新作《偶然与想象》中也是如此。前作《欢乐时光》和《夜以继日》,从字面上看,颇有小说的味道,而《偶然与想象》则可以说是一部短篇小说集。叙事节奏 更强化了这一印象:三集,每集围绕一个女性角色展开,又分为三幕。三个短片讲述了一个意想不到的三角恋、一场未遂的诱惑和一个因误会而相遇的故事。尽管零散,但仍保持了有机的叙事流程,甚至还强调了这一点。虽然大部分的动作都发生在一个空间里,而且只有两个演员参与,这部电影却不让人觉得像一出室内剧。这不仅仅是由于对话的缘故,还在于其复杂的时空概念,最后一集几乎变成了科幻片。我们所见证的时刻都与感人的普遍命运相连,以选择、遗憾、欺骗和巧合为标志,它们是影片真正的主角。
故事以暴徒袭击了牧村家为开端,守护者们特别是美树的不动明对人类绝望了……另一方面,DEMON族的勇者AMON的意识复苏了,他能找回过去的记忆和肉体吗?恶魔人军团与DEMON族的战斗将把人类的命运引向何方呢? 动画版的情节从漫画版的“袭击牧村家”至“最终章·恶魔人军团VS DEMON军团”为主轴,此外还有着很多原创的故事。不动明、飞鸟了、木村美树等人物轮番出场,由韭泽靖设计的原创生物也为这部作品增添了更加神秘的色彩。在OVA中,将会出现漫画版中所没有的不动明与DEMON族勇者AMON的合体,这一点相信会成为动画版最吸引人的要素之一。
故事发生在十九世纪末的伦敦,彼时对于尸体的研究已经到达了极致,死亡并非一切的终结,那些灵魂消散肉身却永存的人们被称为“尸者”,被视作廉价而又高效的劳动力。华生(细谷佳正 配音)是一名资历优异的医学生,他的好友Friday(村濑步 配音)死于非命,追寻着好友生前的意愿,华生违反政府规定私自将其制成尸者。华生的这一举动令他被卷入了名为“沃尔辛厄姆”的谍报机构中,和Friday一起,他们踏上前往阿富汗的旅途寻找《维克多手记》,手记的主人是弗兰肯斯坦博士,手记中记载了制造拥有意识的尸者The One的方法,而目前最有可能拥有手记者,是一位名叫卡拉马佐夫(三木真一郎 配音)的牧师。
近未来,被世人称为“美杜莎”的后天性细胞硬化症候群(ACIS)泛滥全球,被感染者经过30~60的潜伏期后,在短短的12天内就会病发身亡。死时全身石化,其状恐怖。由于没有任何的特效药和对峙办法,人类世界陷入一片末日般的恐慌之中。就在此时,科学研发企业维纳斯门宣称可通过冷冻睡眠的办法为人类保留生命的希望,但是全球仅有160人有资格走入冷冻胶囊。女孩一色霞(花泽香菜 配音)幸运地成为160人中的一员,但是她也要被迫和相亲相爱的双胞胎姐妹生离死别。当小霞再次醒来时,发现维纳斯门总部情景怪异,接着一群奇怪生物袭击了这些人,最终只有极少数人侥幸活了下来。等待小霞的,将会是怎样残酷的命运…… 本片根据岩原裕二的同名原著漫画改编。
侑子收到来路不明的信,那是一封召开拍卖会的邀请函。在古老的邸宅里被招待的是7个狂热的收藏家。据说他们都是为了完善自己的收藏而应邸宅主人的邀请来到这里的。可是,等了很久都不见主人现身。不久,收藏家一个接一个的离奇消失了… 充满神秘的馆主,不可思议的少女。一夜里接连发生了很多奇异的事情。要拍卖的到底是什么呢?究竟招待的主人是谁呢?执着于将物品据为己有的狡猾而愚蠢的姿态以及住在馆里的主人超越时间的思念。云雾缭绕的谜团的结果,以及悲惨的恋爱故事的结尾…
宝町是一座与时代发展脱节、人口密集的中型工业城市,整日响着轰隆隆机器操作的声音。小黑和小白是被称之为“猫党”的人,可以腾空在城市顶端,可以滑落在纵深空间,小黑会拿着铁棍来狂扁他不喜欢的大人,小白则有着自己天真的想象世界。宝町是一个没有将来的城市,直到一家叫“KIDDY KASTLE”的公司来到这里并想把宝町改造成他们想要的样子时,恶童们知道这是为自己的生活和城市、更是为自己的灵魂而战斗的时候了。 这座城市的没有规则、自由自在、清新空气、游乐设施都是属于宝町独有的!
一天雨夜,青年漫画家西(今田耕司 配音)在地铁站出来遇见了初恋梦中情人弥(前田沙耶香 配音)。西送弥回家途中得知了弥已订婚,随后,他被弥邀请到酒馆喝酒,弥的未婚夫也来了,西虽然嫉妒弥的未婚夫,但自愧不如。这时,黑社会来到店里,原来弥被黑社会所追杀,打晕了弥的男友并要强奸弥,西则蜷缩一旁不敢动弹。黑社会发现了一旁的西,用枪爆了他的屁眼。前一刻,西还沉醉于与初恋梦中情人相逢时的甜蜜,下一刻就肛门中枪,贯穿脑部,死于非命。当西等人上了天堂,西觉得自己死得很难看,后悔人生过得很窝囊,决心再度复活……
在万能兵器犯罪搜查官乌夫库克博士的协助下,潜入奢华无比但凶险非常的赌场“乐园”的少女露恩·芭洛特经过连番赌局,终于挫败技术高潮的装甲艾许雷,在筹码上百万美金的赌局中获胜,并且成功拿到藏有榭尔记忆的筹码。可与此同时,鲍伊德紧追不舍,定要置露恩于死地。随着榭尔的记忆大白天下,一切丑恶到了决断的时刻…… 本片根据冲方丁的科幻小说改编,为“壳中少女”三部曲中最后一部(前两部分别为“压缩”和“燃烧”)。
An anthology horror drama series centering on different characters and locations, including a house with a murderous past, an asylum, a witch coven, a freak show, a hotel, a farmhouse in Roanoke, a cult, the apocalypse and a summer camp.
CIA officer Carrie Mathison is tops in her field despite being bipolar, which makes her volatile and unpredictable. With the help of her long-time mentor Saul Berenson, Carrie fearlessly risks everything, including her personal well-being and even sanity, at every turn.
Ken Kaneki, a bookworm college student, meets Rize, a girl his own age with whom he shares many interests.
As his classmates celebrate their middle school graduation, troubled Mirai is mired in darkness. But his battle is just beginning when he receives some salvation from above in the form of an angel. Now Mirai is pitted against 12 other chosen humans in a battle in which the winner becomes the next god of the world. Mirai has an angel in his corner, but he may need to become a devil to survive.
Kiyotaka Ayanokoji has just enrolled at Tokyo Koudo Ikusei Senior High School, where it's said that 100% of students go on to college or find employment. But he ends up in Class 1-D, which is full of all the school's problem children. What's more, every month, the school awards students points with a cash value of 100,000 yen, and the classes employ a laissez-faire policy in which talking, sleeping, and even sabotage are permitted during class. One month later, Ayanokoji, Horikita, and the students of Class D learn the truth of the system in place within their school...
The top 1% of students from five prestigious universities in Korea (Seoul National University, KAIST, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Yonsei University, Korea University) participate, and only utilize brain power (mental calculations, calculations, reasoning, games, memorization, etc.) without politics, betrayal, alliances, or deception.
When Emily Thorne moves to the Hamptons, everyone wonders about the new girl, but she knows everything about them, including what they did to her family. Years ago, they took everything from her. Now, one by one, she's going to make them pay.
Mihama Academy—on the surface, a closed learning environment established to nurture students who find themselves at odds with the world around them; in actuality, an orchard-cum-prison built to preserve fruit that has fallen too far from its tree. Yet with the arrival of the institute's first male student, the nearly preposterously opaque Kazami Yuuji, the students at Mihama begin to fall out of step with their predetermined rhythms. Will Yuuji prove to be the element the girls around him needed to take hold of their lives once more, or will the weight of their pasts prove too steep a wall to overcome?
Light Yagami is an ace student with great prospects—and he’s bored out of his mind. But all that changes when he finds the Death Note, a notebook dropped by a rogue Shinigami death god. Any human whose name is written in the notebook dies, and Light has vowed to use the power of the Death Note to rid the world of evil. But will Light succeed in his noble goal, or will the Death Note turn him into the very thing he fights against?
Utena is a tomboyish school girl who attends the prestigious Ohtori Academy. Her strong sense of chivalry pulls her into a series of duels with other members of the Student Council for the possession of the Rose Bride.
A dark psychological crime drama starring Idris Elba as Luther, a man struggling with his own terrible demons, who might be as dangerous as the depraved murderers he hunts.
After moving into the quiet town of Hinamizawa, Maebara Keiichi spends his days blissfully in school often playing games with his local friends. However, appearances can be deceiving. One fateful day, Keiichi stumbles upon news of a murder that had occurred in Hinamizawa. From this point on, horrific events unfold in front of Keiichi, as he soon learns his close friends may not be all that they seem.
Dormant, experimental cells begin to awaken inside their human hosts, turning them into creatures called 'Amazons'. Two Amazons- Jin Takayama and Haruka Mizusawa- transform into Kamen Riders Amazon Alpha and Amazon Omega, aiming to exterminate the growing threat.
At the turn of the century, the Angels returned to Earth, seeking to wipe out humanity in an apocalyptic fury. Devastated, mankind's last remnants moved underground to wait for the day when the Angels would come back to finish the job. Fifteen years later, that day has come... but this time, humanity is ready to fight back with terrifying bio-mechanical weapons known as the Evangelions. Watch as Shinji, Rei, Asuka and the rest of the mysterious shadow agency Nerv battle to save earth from total annihilation.
A supernatural system allows people to take revenge by having other people sent to Hell via the services of a mysterious entity and her assistants who implement this system. Revenge, injustice, hatred, and the nature of human emotions are common themes throughout the series.
Lain—driven by the abrupt suicide of a classmate—logs on to the Wired and promptly loses herself in a twisted mass of hallucinations, memories, and interconnected-psyches.
Kaiji Itou is a good-for-nothing loiterer who spends his days drinking beer and stealing hubcaps—that is, until he ends up being tricked by his former co-worker. Unable to suddenly repay his friend's huge debt all by himself, Kaiji is offered a shady deal to participate in an illegal underground gamble on a cruise ship. This turns out to be nothing more than the beginning of his new life of hell—thrown headlong into a life-threatening roller coaster of mind games, cheating, and deceit.
In a world where beasts of all kinds coexist, a gentle wolf awakens to his own predatory urges as his school deals with a murder within its midst.
After learning heretical teachings about the Earth and the Sun, a child prodigy searches for his master's hidden research while evading the Inquisition.
It is the year 20XX. Earth was assaulted by monsters that would come to be known as "the Enemy of Humanity." In order to deal with this threat, special schools composed of teenagers with extraordinary abilities were formed. These people, who came to be known as "the Talented," had abilities that could defy the rules of reality. Among these people with supernatural powers was an outlier, an individual who was sent to one of these schools despite having no innate special abilities whatsoever. This is the story of our protagonist, who attempts to defeat the Enemies of Humanity through the use of intelligence and manipulation alone.