网络谜踪 2018
工程师大卫·金(约翰·赵 饰)一直引以为傲的16岁乖女玛戈特突然失踪。前来调查此案的警探怀疑女儿离家出走。不满这一结论的父亲为了寻找真相,独自展开调查。他打开了女儿的笔记本电脑,用社交软件开始寻找破案线索。大卫必须在女儿消失之前,沿着她在虚拟世界的足迹找到她…
工程师大卫·金(约翰·赵 饰)一直引以为傲的16岁乖女玛戈特突然失踪。前来调查此案的警探怀疑女儿离家出走。不满这一结论的父亲为了寻找真相,独自展开调查。他打开了女儿的笔记本电脑,用社交软件开始寻找破案线索。大卫必须在女儿消失之前,沿着她在虚拟世界的足迹找到她…
2013年,某所高中名叫劳拉·巴恩斯(Heather Sossaman 饰)的女孩自杀,一度引起轰动。劳拉自杀一年后的某个夜晚,她的同学布莱尔·莉莉(雪莱·亨尼格 Shelley Hennig 饰)正与男朋友米奇•卢塞尔(Moses Storm 饰)在网络上调情,这时朋 友圈的亚当·休厄尔(Will Peltz 饰)、肯(Jacob Wysocki 饰)、洁丝(Renee Olstead 饰)等人加入进来,少男少女嬉笑调侃,好不热闹。可是一同加入讨论的还有一个没有头像的神秘用户,他无法被踢出和挂断,更令几人震惊的是对方居然以劳拉的身份和他们说话。起初布莱尔等人认为这是某个黑客的恶作剧,谁知之前曾诅咒过劳拉的另一位辣妹瓦尔(Courtney Halverson 饰)暴走继而惨遭意外。 在鬼魂的逼迫下,布莱尔等人不为人知的黑色秘密浮出水面。。。
年轻女子伊丽莎白·本顿(梅勒妮·帕帕拉 Melanie Papalia 饰)正就网络聊天软件the DEN申请课题和资金展开人类行为学研究,她尝试和世界各地的网友聊天,希望能调查他们的上网习惯和兴趣。虚拟的网络让人们有了释放自我和欲望的空间,而摄像头又满足了他们宣泄与窥视的欲望。浏览网络,世界各地的人们尽情展示着他们诙谐、丑陋、罪恶的一面。这一天,伊丽莎白偶然和一个静止头像的女孩聊天,随后竟目击了对方被残忍杀害的一幕。受到惊吓的伊丽莎白连忙报警,但警方不置可否,她的男友达米安(David Schlachtenhaufen 饰)也认为视频系伪造而成。直到某天,达米安突然消失,而她的朋友也都被卷入一连串的恐怖事件中。
少女朱恩(斯托姆·瑞德 饰)为了寻找离奇失踪的母亲(尼娅·朗 饰),展开抽丝剥茧般的互联网跨国追踪。巨大的信息量浩如烟海,未知的危险在暗中潜伏,朱恩能否找到真相,妈妈能否平安归来?
Filmed in isolation, this narrative anthology series features both dark and funny takes on how people strive to stay connected while staying apart.
Yaroslav Kostrov, the boorish and quirky owner of a small transport company in Murmansk, by coincidence ends up in a Norwegian prison, where the comfort level resembles good hotels with all amenities and the Internet. But the only thing that connects Yarik with home is the Skype window, through which he will have to somehow get out of the circumstances, as well as resist the mafia, control his business, try not to lose his wife and raise children who refuse to be brought up by video.
Teenage streamer Cairo is caught off guard when he receives a video call from a new online rival called Gavreel. He is even more surprised when the handsome stranger asks him out. Can two gamers make romance work during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, or will it be game over for their love story?
The brave new world of remoteness has created a new creature, the man of the era of self-isolation, and has given rise to amazing stories that would hardly have happened under other circumstances. Entomologist Victor was given a coupon for a Thai massage session by his colleagues, but instead of pleasure, the nerd got 2 weeks of completely unexpected quarantine away from home. Opposition leader Sasha reposted information critical of domestic medicine. The post was read by his brother - an official from the capital's mayor's office - and asked to immediately demolish everything. To feed a family accustomed to daily rib-eye steaks, Swiss ice cream and sushi, traffic police inspector Kogotkov comes up with a cunning plan to remotely bribe a car enthusiast. And Dimon owes Kostyan a decent amount of money, but he is in no hurry to return it. Kostyan hires Vitya, a scoundrel, to go to Dimon and collect the debt.
The story of Pearl from the series "Gameboys." Pearl opens herself up to the possibility of love, but gets something totally unexpected in return
While the whole world is singing songs from balconies and throwing video parties, Gennady Borisovich, owner of a chain of hardware stores in Podolsk, is trying to save his business. And his wife can't (or won't?) go home from Bali. Former Federal Security Service Colonel Sergey Dergach has settled in at his dacha with a load of alcohol and delivers controversial information from his dubious informants, which puts his colleagues in fear. Meanwhile, Gennady Borisovich's secretary Julia is going for possibly the last manicure in her life. She is very upset that her secret boyfriend has self-isolated with his family. He connects to a video call with his colleagues from the closet - the only place in the house where he can hide from his wife and children.
This is a streaming video set in Shibuya in 2036. Through the young video streamers living at the bottom of the digital society, we will reveal the problems that will occur in Japan in the future.