
楚门的世界 1998


楚门(Jim Carrey 饰)是一个平凡得不能再平凡的人,除了一些有些稀奇的经历之外——初恋女友突然失踪、溺水身亡的父亲忽然似乎又出现在眼前,他和绝大多数30多岁的美国男人绝无异样。这令他倍感失落。他也曾试过离开自己生活了多年的地方,但总因种种理由而不能成行。 直到有一天,他忽然发觉自己似乎一直在被人跟踪,无论他走到哪里,干什么事情。这种感觉愈来愈强烈。楚门决定不惜一切代价逃离这个他生活了30多年的地方,去寻找他的初恋女友。 但他却发现自己怎样也逃不出去。真相其实很残忍。



邻里美好的一天 2019





惊爆银河系 1999


《银河探险》是一套二十年前讲述太空NSEA保护者故事的电视科幻剧集,1982年停播,接近二十年后,饰演指挥官的贾森 ,饰演博士的亚历山大,以及格温 等几位演员再度聚首,参加一系列粉丝见面会和商业活动。期间,一群自称塞米安人的怪诞粉丝跟随贾森到他的家里,疲惫的贾森发现这群塞米安人并非疯狂粉丝,而是真正的外星人!没有欺骗能力的塞米安人在收看《银河探险》后以为贾森等人是真正的太空英雄,他们在和宇宙恶徒萨里斯的对决中节节败退,于是远赴地球寻求保护者们的帮助,贾森和亚历山大等船员假戏真做,帮助塞米安人对抗宇宙邪恶势力……



情不自禁爱上你 2007


  作为一个单身母亲,罗西(米歇尔·菲佛 Michelle Pfeiffer 饰)一直都坚守着自己做母亲的职责,长年累月的单身生活虽然寂寞,但有可爱的女儿伊莉(西尔莎·罗南 Saoirse Ronan 饰)陪伴在身边,也尚可苦中作乐。可是,眼看着伊莉的年龄越来越大个性越来越叛逆,罗西第一次感到了力不从心,也第一次格外渴望能够有人向她敞开怀抱。就在这个当口,一个叫亚当(保罗·路德 Paul Rudd 饰)的青涩男孩出现在了罗西的面前。   亚当的真诚和幽默不断的吸引着罗西,而当罗西发现时,她已经无法自拔的陷入了情网。面对着这个比自己小十几岁的男孩,罗西该做出怎样的选择?又该如何向伊莉交代? ©豆瓣



魂飞胆破8:血之幽灵 2018




Eurovision Song Contest

Eurovision Song Contest 1956


The Eurovision Song Contest is an international song competition, organised annually by the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) and featuring participants representing primarily European countries. Each participating country submits an original song to be performed on live television and radio, transmitted to national broadcasters via the EBU's Eurovision and Euroradio networks, with competing countries then casting votes for the other countries' songs to determine the winner.



WandaVision 2021


Wanda Maximoff and Vision—two super-powered beings living idealized suburban lives—begin to suspect that everything is not as it seems.


El amor no tiene receta

El amor no tiene receta 2024


Paz Roble, a kind, hard-working and honest woman from whom her husband, Fermín, takes her newborn daughter. Fermín has a large debt with some lenders and to pay it he decides to sell his daughter to Mauro Nicoliti. This plagiarism is orchestrated by Geneva, Mauro's adoptive sister. She lost her first-born daughter in childbirth and does everything to replace her dead daughter and keep her husband's fortune. On the other hand, Esteban Villa de Cortés loses his wife and becomes a widower with his three children. Elvira Moncada, Esteban's mother-in-law, holds him responsible for the death of her daughter. After a series of unexpected events, Esteban and Paz meet in the neighborhood where she lives with her family. The chemistry and great understanding that exists between them makes it inevitable that they will fall in love.


Tozkoparan: İskender

Tozkoparan: İskender 2021


If Iskender, a 12-year-old archer with extraordinary abilities, does not return from 2020 to the time he lived, the course of history will change.


Golpe de Suerte

Golpe de Suerte 2023


"Golpe de Suerte" tells the lives of three families from different social classes. First there are the Pérez Flores, who live in Neza and are made up of Ignacio, Julia and their children Ronaldo and Wendy. The second family is made up of Miranda Ortiz and her little son Diego; They live in the Roma neighborhood in the house of César Traven, a generous elderly antiques dealer. And finally there are Brenda Uriarte, her brother Tony, her stepmother Constanza and her stepsister Sabrina, an upper middle class family. Each of these families will experience a radical change in their lives the day they win two hundred million pesos.


Toledo, cruce de destinos

Toledo, cruce de destinos 2012


The story is settled in the Middle Ages when three monotheistic religions coexisted and fought for power in the Spanish Peninsula: Christians, Muslims and Jews. The series mixes action, intrigue and love in the Castilian capital of Toledo. It shows us about all those who lived in the walls of a city full of ups and downs, labyrinths and shady hiding places.


Kleur Wonder

Kleur Wonder 2023


Channel One 31 presents a very special program, Kluea Wan Der, a variety comedy talk show that is so much fun that you won't want to get up from the screen! Hosted by Channel One's number 1 funny host, "Kluea-Kitti Chiewwongkun", who is outspoken, funny, cute, and heartfelt. It's fun and entertaining beyond your wildest dreams!!


We Need to Talk About Cosby

We Need to Talk About Cosby 2022


During his nearly 50 years in show business, Bill Cosby became one of America's most recognizable black celebrities: his career was a model of excellence for millions of Americans, until the painful testimonies of dozens of women uncovered the sinister grimace behind the smile of the so-called America's dad.


A Free Meal Chance. May Pepsi Treat You?

A Free Meal Chance. May Pepsi Treat You? 2023


Gemini-Fourth invite you to open a party and eat for free for the whole table! with the program 'Win delicious food for free Pepsi, can I have a treat?'


DMD Friendship The Reality

DMD Friendship The Reality 2023


A group of eight Domundi artist trainees come together in this reality show where they'll develop their skills and compete in a series of missions. All the while, they'll be working on their chemistry in the search for a partner they'll be compatible with both on and off screen. The prize is a the opportunity to perform as the lead couple in a new Domundi Y series.


Food Truck Battle

Food Truck Battle 2019


Two Teams compete against each other on food trucks while representing their countries: Korea for Yeeun and Taehyun, Thailand for James and Kitty.


School Rangers

School Rangers 2018


The Rangers are made up of fifteen GMMTV artists whose appearances rotate. Often joined by celebrity guests, they separate into teams to compete in themed games. With nothing more to win than bragging rights, the true motivator is to avoid the surprise punishment that comes with last place. Typically, episodes are hosted at different schools throughout Thailand where students get to show off their skills. However, the onset of the coronavirus pandemic necessitated that the show find new venues that would limit their exposure. It wasn't until 2023 that episodes began to take place in schools once more.