神话 1985
红毛猩猩不仅是我们的近亲之一,与任何其他类人猿相比,它们或许各方面都与我们更加类似。这部电影由大卫·艾登堡担任旁白,讲述了苏门答腊岛原始丛林中一群非凡的红毛猩猩的故事,故事的中心角色是 8 岁的伊登 — 她即将迎来猿生中最具挑战性的时刻。
莫格利小时候在丛林中迷路,被狼养大,几年后偶然发现了他的人类村庄,并与那里的居民重新建立了联系,包括他寡居的母亲。 继续保持与丛林的关系,冒险就会随之而来。
《地球改变之年》本片为 Apple TV+ 与全球超过 160 个团体、研究组织合作,取得从未公开过的学术报告,以崭新视角勾勒生态观点,带领观众认识“疫后”新世界,截然不同的自然亲密接触也谱出了各种振奋人心的故事。 沉寂的城市传来鸟鸣、鲸鱼有了新沟通方式、水豚出没于南美洲郊区,世界各地的人以前所未见的方式接触大自然。本片将展示人类的行为改变可为大自然带来实实在在的影响,诸如减少邮轮交通、每年关闭沙滩数日、找出人类和野生动物和谐共处的方法等。这部纪录片是一封献给地球的暖心情书,著重呈现大自然的复甦能为未来带来光明希望。
《非洲猫科》是一部讲述发生在非洲平原上的一个有关野生动物的真实故事的影片。由塞缪尔·杰克逊担任旁白。 影片的主角是两个家庭,三只大型猫科动物,分别是未成年的母狮玛拉、成年雄狮毒牙以及雌性非洲猎豹希塔。他们在非洲平原上的爱、对族群的忠诚、猎食、离家、成长以及争斗和死亡组成了一部波澜壮阔的野生动物的史诗。 玛拉是一只未成年的小母狮,只有6个月大。它的母亲莱亚正在用尽浑身解数照顾自己的女儿。玛拉活泼好动,是河岸狮群中的乖宝宝,它的母亲莱亚是狮群中最有经验的猎手。不过一次意外的负伤终结了莱亚“捕猎能手”的地位。母亲的地位岌岌可危,形单影只的玛拉也暴漏在了狮群的危险之中。而玛拉也只有尽快学会捕猎才能巩固自己在狮群中的地位并且填饱雄狮和自己的肚子。可是时日无多,母亲身负重伤,它未来的生活还是一个问号。而且,另一个狮群中的雄狮在就开始算计着这对母女了。 成年雄狮毒牙是狮群的首领,它得此名称的原因是在一次打斗中,它失去了自己的一颗犬齿,现在只有一颗犬齿孤零零地留在它的嘴里。不过这并不是毒牙最大的心患,他的首领地位正在受到另一个狮群的觊觎。觊觎毒牙狮群和地盘的是凯利,它和它的同伴们住在河流的北岸,虽然有属于自己的领地,但是大型猫科动物的一个特性就是争夺地盘。它们一次一次地试探毒牙的实力,一次一次地妄图扩张自己的版图。在崇尚绝对力量的自然界,软弱、负伤的毒牙还有保护自己狮群的可能性么?它虚弱的肢体是不是正在一步一步地把狮群推向险境的边缘? 希塔是一只漂亮的非洲猎豹,它是一个单亲妈妈,膝下有几个孩子。尚未成年的这些小家伙还没有意识到自然界的危险。而希塔只有孤零零地复杂打猎和照料自己的孩子。为了找到吃的东西,它不得不长途跋涉去找食物。可能离开家太久、太远,对于并不擅长长跑的猎豹而言并不是一个好主意……
爱因斯坦曾预言:“如果蜜蜂从世界上消失了,人类也将仅仅剩下4年的光阴”。用花的主题很好,也带动了画面的美感。Meryl Streep显得很年轻又很有深度。 Meryl Streep旁白很优美,还有,原声非常貼切。迪斯尼自然2011年年度巨制,不可错过!
最近,数百只大白鲨出现在美国最受欢迎的旅游目的地之一的门口,它们以前所未有的方式捕猎。 为了了解鲨鱼为何出现在这里以及这对科德角意味着什么,一组科学家正在研究这一新现象,以确保人们的安全。 鲨鱼正在改变自然生态系统……还是正在恢复它?
Consistently stunning documentaries transport viewers to far-flung locations ranging from the torrid African plains to the chilly splendours of icy Antarctica. The show's primary focus is on animals and ecosystems around the world. A comic book based on the show, meant to be used an as educational tool for kids, was briefly distributed to museums and schools at no cost in the mid-2000s.
Discover the clever and creative ways animals navigate life’s most extraordinary challenges, from leaving home to finding a partner.
There is nowhere more powerful and unforgiving yet more beautiful and compelling than the ocean. Join us and explore the greatest yet least known parts of our planet.
This docuseries showcases nature's lesser-known tiny heroes. Spotlighting small creatures and the extraordinary things they do to survive, each episode is filled with surprising stories and spectacular cinematography.
El hombre y la Tierra is a 1974 television series produced by Radio Televisión Española.
This stunning nature series narrated by Cate Blanchett explores the intelligence, resourcefulness and interconnectedness of life on our planet.
Tom Hardy narrates this thrilling natural history series following five apex predators facing the ultimate test of survival in drastically changing environments across the globe.
Immersive audio reveals the unexpected, unfamiliar, and untold ways in which animals communicate around the world.
Budding environmentalist Jane is a 9-year-old on a quest to save endangered animals. Using her powerful imagination, Jane takes her best friends David and Greybeard the chimpanzee on epic adventures to help protect wild animals all around the world.
This is a planet on the move - animals in every landscape are embarking on epic migrations in search of food, shelter, and love.
Bill Pullman introduces and narrates this four-part documentary on the world's first national park, Yellowstone.
100 miles south of Atlanta, Dr. Hodges and Dr. Ferguson are two longtime friends who own and operate Critter Fixer Veterinary Hospital. Together with their loving staff, Drs. Hodges and Ferguson treat and care for over 20,000 patients. Between emergency visits to the office, and farm calls throughout rural Georgia - the Critter Fixers are constantly bombarded with unique cases you only see in the country.
Exploring some of the world's most isolated and iconic tropical islands.
Go deep beneath the waves – on a spy mission to the depths of the ocean. Amazing hidden cameras give incredible perspectives on the ingenious creatures that call it home.
Traveling to the far corners of the world, we discover the extraordinary ways animals are adapting to our rapidly changing planet. We witness nature’s remarkable resilience, as our perception of evolution and its potential is forever transformed.
India's biodiverse landscapes range from vast deserts and dense forests to towering mountains, each contributing to the country's rich tapestry of life. The Himalayas, standing tall in the north, shelter rare and iconic species such as the elusive snow leopards and Himalayan brown bears. Among the dense canopies of the Western Ghats in the south, endangered lion-tailed macaques scour the trees for jackfruit. And lying in the heart of southern India, one of its largest protected woodlands harbours Indian elephants and Bengal tigers. Then finally transitioning to the west, the Thar Desert unfolds, challenging life to adapt to extreme arid conditions. Here, blackbuck antelope and Asiatic lions navigate the vast, sandy expanses in search of food. A tapestry of ecosystems, all within one country.
We travel the globe to meet different families of elephants, each with their own set of remarkable cultural behaviors which they’ve adapted to suit the environment in which they live.
Take the plunge into a fantastic world of incredible creatures. Academy Award winner Linda Hunt narrates this mesmerizing, breathtakingly photographed series that explores the mysteries of the ocean depths. Seven-time Emmy-winning underwater filmmakers Howard and Michele Hall are your guides to an incredible world of fascinating and fearsome creatures. Gaze in wonder at spectacular scenes, compelling sights and exotic behaviors never before filmed.