恶棍父亲 2024
在差点搞砸一次任务后,代号 13 的天才杀手被暂停执行其他任务。这名杀手少年遇到了一个名叫蒙吉的小男孩,他的母亲被一个犯罪集团杀害。当蒙吉失踪后,13 开始走上毁灭之路,寻找她唯一的朋友,甚至不惜违抗导师和自己所属的组织“影”。
亨利•希尔 从小不学无术,跟着老大保利,靠收取保护费、走私、抢劫,他娶了美丽的妻子凯伦,有可爱的女儿,迷人的情妇,名车豪宅,生活优渥。吉米•康维 和汤米 是亨利的好朋友,三人一起经历和很多事情:杀死羞辱汤米的意大利黑手党头领比利•贝兹;策划德航劫案,并干掉同伙,私吞赃款;甚至背着老大保利贩毒。当然,他们的生活,除了享受金钱带来的权势之外,更多的,是朝不保夕的动荡:汤米因为比利•贝兹的死,被人枪杀;亨利自己因为贩毒被警方逮捕,其他人也受到牵连。凯伦想尽办法将亨利保释出来,此时他们已经一无所有,被人孤立,危机四伏。他们要想尽办法活下去,无论以怎样的方式,付出怎样的代价……
转眼间已经是 1979 年,第二代教父麦克·柯里昂到了垂暮之年,为了灵魂的救赎,麦克慢慢结束家族的黑道事业,转投正当生意。麦克的儿子托尼酷爱艺术,无意接手家族事业,迈克尔决定让大哥逊尼的私生子,火爆好色的文森继承家业,当第三代教父。麦克的爱女玛丽和文森相恋,遭到父亲的反对,父女渐渐疏远。为了使家族资产合法化,麦克通过在梵蒂冈教廷的关系网,准备投资“屹立”集团,却遭到敌人的暗中阻挠,教皇的去世也让事情更加扑朔迷离。麦克无奈之下,只能重新选择用暴力解决问题,他的亲人也被卷入了这场血雨腥风。
波士顿南部的马萨诸塞州黑社会势力极为猖獗,其中最大的团伙要数弗兰克(杰克•尼科尔森 Jack Nicholson 饰)执掌的爱尔兰黑帮。警方为了剿灭他们,决定派警校毕业生比利(莱昂纳多•迪卡普里奥 Leonardo DiCaprio 饰)潜伏其中做卧底。警官的冷嘲热讽,让曾有过底层生活的比利甚为不爽,他曾希望做堂堂正正的警察,但是在强压之下也只得服从命令,在经过烧杀抢掠的洗礼后,他赢得了弗兰克的信任。与此同时,同是毕业生的科林(马特•达蒙 Matt Damon饰)因为缉私有功,获得了上级的嘉奖,并且正在跟心仪女友筹备婚事。而实际上,他是弗兰克安插到警队的一枚棋子,两人勾结牟取私利。警匪先后发现存在内鬼,一场猫鼠博弈由此展开……本片获得第79届奥斯卡金像奖最佳影片、马丁•斯科塞斯摘得最佳导演奖。
不久之前刚刚经历丧妻之痛的约翰·威克(基努·里维斯 Keanu Reeves 饰),未曾料到磨难与折磨接二连三袭来。他那辆1964年的福特老爷车被一伙俄罗斯小混混盯上,旋即引来对方入室抢劫,心爱的狗狗被当场杀死,约翰也遭到无情毒打,那辆老爷车自然被对方抢走。偷车的混混(阿尔菲·艾伦 Alfie Allen 饰)是黑帮大佬维格·塔拉索夫(迈克尔·恩奎斯特 Michael Nyqvist 饰)的儿子,而维格在听说这件事后显得紧张非常,因为约翰有着令人胆战心惊的身份。他曾是名震江湖的冷血杀手,当年替塔拉索夫杀掉不少难缠的对手,后来却为了妻子金盆洗手。愤怒至极的约翰拒绝塔拉索夫的调解,他决定单枪匹马展开复仇……
首尔重案组马锡道(马东锡 饰)远赴越南引渡自首韩国疑犯,几经拷问下查出背后庞大的绑架阴谋,幕后黑手正是专门绑架韩国旅客的癫丧残暴杀手姜海尚(孙锡久 饰)。霸气野兽刑警马队长不惜狂追猛打,由韩国打到越南,连环使出招牌「一拳KO」,对抗刀刀要命的姜海尚,誓以极拳执法将罪犯清零!
1960年代,纽约意大利人集结的布朗克斯区。黑帮老大辛尼(查兹·帕尔明特瑞 Chazz Palminteri饰)是当地赫赫有名的帮会人物。在一宗凶杀案现场,九岁的男孩安奴(弗朗西斯·卡普拉 Francis Capra饰)目睹了这一切。为了街区的名誉,安奴拒绝供出凶手就是辛尼,此事促使他俩展开一段俨如父子般的忘年友情。然而安奴的父亲罗兰逊(罗伯特·德尼罗 Robert De Niro饰)对此却并不赞成,唯恐儿子误入歧途。八年后,十七岁的安奴(李洛·布兰卡托 Lillo Brancato饰)已经成长为一名英俊少年。辛尼的势力正在逐渐扩大,安奴对辛尼愈发崇拜,对黑帮生活也更加向往。诚实正直的罗兰逊对儿子的忧虑越来越重。 由奥斯卡影帝罗伯特·德尼罗执导的电影处女作《布朗克斯的故事》,入围1993年第50届威尼斯国际电影节金狮奖。 ©豆瓣
巴西里约热内卢的贫民窟,这里是“上帝之城”,更是魔鬼也会叹息着转身的地方。 阿炮(Alexandre Rodrigues 饰)带着我们到了这里,他见证了这里二十多年来被残暴、贪婪、复仇、野心、背叛、掠夺所裹挟的混乱生活以及最终导致的一场灾难性的黑帮争斗。虽然从小就要辗转于匪徒间求生存,但胆小怕事的性格与自我保护的本能却使他一直能平安度日。 60年代初,阿毛、阿夹和阿呆是这里的“少年三侠”,在抢劫完旅馆之后,他们三人分道扬镳,阿夹重回上帝的怀抱,而阿呆和阿毛纷纷付出了生命的代价。 70年,当年“少年三侠”手下的小弟小豆子(Douglas Silva 饰)靠着自己的心狠手辣,不停地吞并别人的地盘,成为了贫民区的“小霸王”,生意也从抢劫升级到了更为暴利的毒品买卖,和他一起飞黄腾达的还有班尼(Phellipe Haagensen 饰)。 班尼认识了美丽的安迪丽卡(Alice Braga 饰),准备归隐,在送别的晚会上,他意外被对头杀害,悲痛之下,“小霸王”集合人手给班尼报仇,帮派之间的厮杀就此开始。 此时的阿炮,机缘巧合下成为了杂志社的见习摄影师,他的相机,照下的却是孩子们持枪核弹的狰狞,和帮派间无休无止的仇杀。
《爱尔兰人》为马丁·斯科塞斯执导的传奇巨制,罗伯特·德尼罗、阿尔·帕西诺和乔·佩西主演。通过二战老兵弗兰克·希兰的视角,讲述了战后美国有组织犯罪的故事。弗兰克·希兰是一名骗子和杀手,曾经在 20 世纪最恶名昭彰的人物身边工作。该电影跨越数十年,记录了美国历史上最大的悬案之一,即传奇工会领袖吉米·霍法失踪案,以宏大的故事之旅,展现有组织犯罪的隐秘通道,其内部运作、仇敌以及与主流政治的瓜葛。
A gangster family epic set in 1919 Birmingham, England and centered on a gang who sew razor blades in the peaks of their caps, and their fierce boss Tommy Shelby, who means to move up in the world.
This comedy drama series featured Terry McCann, a former boxer with a conviction for G.B.H., and Arthur Daley, a second-hand car dealer with an eye for a nice little earner. Alongside his many business ventures, Arthur would regularly hire Terry out as a minder or bodyguard, later replaced by nephew, Ray Daley.
Los Angeles. 1983. A storm is coming and its name is crack. Set against the infancy of the crack cocaine epidemic and its ultimate radical impact on the culture as we know it, the story follows numerous characters on a violent collision course.
With the city in peril following the seawall's collapse, Oswald "Oz" Cobb seeks to fill the power vacuum left by the death of Carmine Falcone and finally give his mother Francis the life he's always promised. But first, Oz must confront his enemies and his own demoralizing reputation as "the Penguin."
Told from the points of view of both the Baltimore homicide and narcotics detectives and their targets, the series captures a universe in which the national war on drugs has become a permanent, self-sustaining bureaucracy, and distinctions between good and evil are routinely obliterated.
A successful New York entrepreneur lives a double life as the head of a drug empire that serves only the rich and influential, all while wanting to escape the underworld and keep his family safe.
Atlantic City at the dawn of Prohibition is a place where the rules don't apply. And the man who runs things -- legally and otherwise -- is the town's treasurer, Enoch "Nucky" Thompson, who is equal parts politician and gangster.
After years of blood, sweat and tears, a woman of humble origin ends up becoming a drug trafficking legend, with all that that means...
Just an ordinary boy from the Sofia suburbs becomes the first bulgarian undercover cop. Forced by his father when he was young to lie and cheat, Martin becomes the perfect liar. That skill, and also the hatred of the 'underworld' makes him the perfect match for a dangerous mission - to infiltrate the crime organisation of a rich and powerful businessman. While infiltrating and living in fear of being uncovered, Martin falls in love with the most inappropriate woman - Djaro's girlfriend, Suni. Just when he gains the trust of the mobsters, it appears that the real enemy is in the police. Martin is alone against all, facing difficult decisions.
A first-hand account of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police beat following Jake Adelstein, an American journalist who embeds himself into the Tokyo Vice police squad to reveal corruption. Based on Jake Adelstein’s non-fiction book of the same name.
During the early 1930s in Chicago, the transcontinental train, Flying Pussyfoot, is starting its legendary journey that will leave a trail of blood all over the country. At the same time in New York, the ambitious scientist Szilard and his unwilling aide Ennis are looking for missing bottles of the immortality elixir. In addition, a war between the mafia groups is getting worse. On board the Advena Avis, in 1711, alchemists are about to learn the price of immortality. Takes place in the same universe as Durarara (2010).
"If it's a request from my precious wife, then I will give you the moon and the stars." He flashes his gorgeous tattoos at me as he makes passionate love to me. This is bad! Something's coming...!!
A tough young man with a short temper and no patience for bullies gains a legendary reputation as the best street fighter in Busan.
Living in an area known for its juvenile crime, 21-year-old Makoto has become a member of a youth gang called the G-Boys. Known for his cool head and ability to get things done, Makoto becomes a key troubleshooter for the gang by diffusing tense situations and keeping his friends out of harm's way. However, the death of his girlfriend and an escalating turf war with a rival gang threaten to be more than Makoto can handle.
Two seasoned drug dealers return to the gritty street of London, but their pursuit of money and power is threatened by a young and ruthless hustler.
Shiv Prakash Shukla a 25 year age boy from Gorakhpur becomes the deadliest gangster of Uttar Pradesh in 1990s. He works for powerful politicians and involves in organised crimes. The state government felt danger from him and form STF to get him killed in a police encounter by tracking his mobile phone location.
Mishka Yaponchik was a Ukrainian gangster, Jewish, lived in Odessa at the beginning of the XX century, the military leader of two thousand of gangsters and the prototype of Benia Krik in The "Odessa Tales" by Soviet Jewish writer Isaak Babel. Born Moisei Vinnitsky, Yaponchik ("the Japanese") was an exceptional and eccentric character. Hailed as the next Robin Hood, he established his own code of conduct forbidding the robbing of the poor and professional classes.
In the crime-ridden, mafia-governed city of Ergastulum, Worick and Nicolas are two “handymen” known as “Benriya” who would take any dirty job from either police or mafia — for a good price. After an assignment from police the two met and later joined by Alex, a former prostitute who got interested in the mysterious background of the team, in particular of Nicolas’ abilities.
Set in the fictional town of Kamurocho, the story unfolds across two intersecting timelines—1995 and 2005. In 1995, four friends eager to escape their restrictive lives in an orphanage dive into the yakuza-controlled underworld of 1995 Kamurocho. Meanwhile, in 2005, their friendship is deteriorated, as tensions between the Tojo Clan and the Omi Alliance are at a boiling point.
Sakaki Makio, also known as "Tornado" is a tough 27-year-old high school drop-out. By academic standards, he's pretty dumb. His father decides to force Makio to return to high school to receive his diploma and he asks an old friend who happens to be the principal of a nearby school to admit Makio. If Makio doesn't graduate, the position of boss will be given to his younger brother, Mikio. Furthermore, he must pose as a 17-year-old during school hours and in the presence of any classmates or teachers outside of school. If his cover is blown, it would be the end of his high school career as well as his hopes to become boss. Things start out rough and tough as Makio's violent temper is tested. As the lessons and days go by he learns there is much more to school than just tests and studying.