萨拉尔 2023
早坂紫是升学名校的学生,她的高中生活没有梦想也刺激,在提高成绩和暗恋毫无进展的烦恼中,紫升上了三年级。 一成不变波澜不惊的日子突然有了插曲。矢泽艺术学院的学生永濑岚在接上遇到了紫,邀她出任校庆时装表演秀的模特。紫跟着岚来到工作室,在那里遇到了岚的女朋友樱田实和子、女装丽人伊莎贝拉,满脑子大学考试的紫不为所动地说:“我没空陪你们玩!” 次日,岚等人的领头人小泉让二闯进紫的教室,强行把她拉进了矢泽艺校,请学校的顶级造型师如月星次给她做头发。表演秀是一场竞赛,被称为学园第一天才的让二和努力勤奋型的麻生香都想获得优胜。工作室的众人根据让二的设计分头做裙子,工作室有自己的时装品牌——“天堂之吻”。他们的热情渐渐打动了紫。 紫把生活中的不顺利都归咎于严厉的母亲。让二问:“你自己的意志又在哪里?”一句话戳中了紫的痛楚。为了争口气,紫答应出任模特,她决心找到自己的梦想。这一选择让紫的人生发生了翻天覆地的变化。她和母亲大吵一架离家出走,暂时借助让二的豪华公寓,她自说自话的休了学,开始找工作自立。让二给她介绍了一份杂志模特的差事,在全是一流职业人的现场,沐浴着闪光灯的紫终于发现了属于她的梦想。 “就算你下地狱,对我也没半点不利。”说话毫不留情面但又全力支持着她的让二令紫心动。让二告诉大家,他毕业后会解散“天堂之吻”去巴黎学习。 时装表演秀的日子临近了。紫在排练时总走不好T台。让二非常生气,紫流下了不甘的泪水。伊莎贝拉鼓励她,告诉她美丽的魅力能带来勇气。表演正式拉开了帷幕。准备登台的紫听到背后让二的高喊:“走不直也不没关系,要用自己的脚走。”她在心中默默决定,表演结束后就接受离别。紫迈开了脚步,聚光灯下等待着她的将是什么?
距今2500年前,古老的印度大地战祸不断,生灵涂炭。强大的拘萨罗王国所向披靡,不断吞并周边小国。在战争阴影下,宁静的释迦国即将迎来一个伟大的生命。净饭王(観世清和 配音)的爱妃摩耶夫人按照习俗回国待产,途中生下了相貌端好的男婴,得名悉达多。悉达多自幼心地善良,美食盛筵、轻歌妙舞完全无法让他动心,而世间的生死疾苦则成为久久困扰这位华贵王子的命题。另一方面,首陀罗出身的查普拉(堺雅人 配音)发誓改变自身的命运,他抓住机遇成为拘萨罗王国布达依将军(玄田哲章 配音)的养子,最终成长为一名所向披靡的勇士,可是既定的命运难以改变。佛陀成道的前夕,黑夜初现光明…… 本片根据漫画家手塚治虫的原著《佛陀(ブッダ)》改编,为“手塚治虫のブッダ”三部曲的首部,简介中所有人名以汉地经典中的译名为准。
Rajveer Singh (Saif Ali Khan饰)是一个赛车队里的修车工人,并很希望驾驶赛车,后被队里的经理 Harry (Jaaved Jaaferi饰)发掘.就在同一天他邂逅了一个音乐系学生---Radhika (Rani Mukerji饰),并且爱上了她.
独力经营清洁公司的窄哥(张继聪 饰),面对疫情来袭,百业萧条,遇上失业的年轻单亲妈妈Candy(袁澧林 饰)前来求职。看似不务正业的 Candy竟能化解窄哥工作上的困难,正当二人以为生活渐入佳境,疫情变成生活一部份时,清洁公司遭人投诉,同时窄哥家中又遭逢巨变。尽管人如微尘,也能在窄路遇上稍作依偎......
这是圣诞节前夕,在大城市芝加哥和维持治安的警察尼尔斯Scroogesen是没有心情庆祝 - 你可以采取银行。
A South African Afrikaans soap opera. It is set in and around the fictional private hospital, Binneland Kliniek, in Pretoria, and the storyline follows the trials, trauma and tribulations of the staff and patients of the hospital.
Kelders van Geheime (Cellars of Secrets) is a South African, Afrikaans-language telenovela based on the wheeling's and dealings of the community that lives on Soebatskloof (a wine farm in the Cape). The series focuses on three families: the Abrahams, Syster and Marais households. These families will have to stand together, agree (or agree to disagree), and work together to earn their bread and butter – and a glass of wine.
A South African, Afrikaans-language telenovela which takes place in and around a competitive swimming club, Die Swartmarlyne.
A rising politician and his mute wife's tense marriage begins to unravel after a call from a kidnapper turns their lives upside down.
Greek television series
Yoo Eun-ho, a single dad armed with perfection, becomes the secretary of Kang Ji-yoon, the CEO of a popular headhunter company, who doesn't do anything except work.
When Ruby unwittingly witnesses an explosive secret at Maxton Hall private school, the arrogant millionaire heir James Beaufort has to deal with the quick-witted scholarship student for better or worse: He is determined to silence Ruby. Their passionate exchange of words unexpectedly ignites a spark...
The Legend of Qin follows the Qin dynasty from when the Emperor of the Qin, King Zheng conquered the other 6 nations and unified China, to the rise of the king of Western Chu, Xiang Yu, who capture the capital city, Xianyang.
They're rowdy, they're ragtag, they're misfits turned mercenaries for hire. Vox Machina is more interested in easy money and cheap ale than actually protecting the realm. But when the kingdom is threatened by evil, this boisterous crew realizes that they are the only ones capable of restoring justice.
The fierce survival and success of a female slave in the Joseon Dynasty, and the story of a woman whose name, identity, and even her husband were all fake.
A woman from a prestigious family helps her husband become king, but their relationship deteriorates as he takes many concubines. Tensions rise as the king seeks to control her and her family.
As a professional billiards player, Yin Guo has become quite a notable athlete. After receiving an invitation to play in a tournament in Hel, Yin Guo eagerly accepts. Little does she know that meeting former professional billiards player, Lin Yiyang, in Hel will change her life forever.
The customer is king at Joseon's largest inn where four interns from different walks of life share experiences and become friend.
An adventure begins with a mistaken identity after a nobody pretends to be the illegitimate daughter of the Murong family. Ever since Murong Zhuwan faked her identity to pretend to be from a prominent family, she is pulled into bloody disputes in the pugilistic world. Clueless about matters of the heart, she becomes enamoured by martial arts genius Murong Chong and also meets the gentle Fu Hong, whose love has turned to hate after thinking that he's been betrayed. Their experiences allow them to grow into chivalrous heroes who fight for the people.
The resourceful protagonist Zhang Yi (Liang Dawei) sought medical expenses for the weak and sick sister Zhang Ying (Jinmeng Yangzi), and entered the college with the purpose of finding the legendary treasure of the heavens, and met the Mohist school here. The descendant of Duanmuzheng (Zhang Ruihan), the sultry and human librarian Nantang Prince Li Yuyu (Li Wenhan), the melancholy divination of the divination girl Cui Jialuo (Zhang Xixi) and the innocent and lively Korean Princess Wang Enzhu (Ai Xiaoqi).
A director's cut version of the heart-throbbing ♡ work and love comedy about an ordinary girl in the editorial department of a fashion magazine, with her super sadist boss and the handsome puppy-like heir.
Tamás and Rajmund grew up in a children's home, but their lives took a completely different direction after that. Tamás became an outcast from a police officer, while Rajmund made his fortune as a criminal. They both fall in love with the same woman. Rajmund doesn't take kindly to this, so he does everything to drive Tamás out of the city. A story about love, family and redemption...
Former producer Kang Soo-hyun and discarded trainee Yoo Jin-woo join forces, each pursuing their dreams amid challenges and new opportunities.