
鲸骑士 2003


  佩(凯莎·卡斯特-休伊斯 Keisha Castle-Hughes饰)是新西兰海岸上古老部落的酋长孙女。母亲曾经诞下龙凤胎,但不幸她和男婴都死去了,心灰意冷的父亲远走他方,剩下孤女佩给祖父母抚养成人。   奶奶非常疼爱佩,而酋长寇罗(拉维里·帕拉特恩Rawiri Paratene饰)却一度认为孙女是不祥之人。现今更令寇罗头痛的是继承人的问题。这个部落的有着严格的信条:继承人必须是男性。而眼看自己的儿子无法继承家业,寇罗万分苦恼。他从族人中间选出壮健男子,希望可以培养成为领袖,结果很不如意。而他的孙女佩,却在练习各式武艺,一心要接过爷爷的担子。   寇罗却执意遵从族人规条,不允许女性当上领袖位置。直到一条鲸鱼搁浅在此处的海岸,事情才开始峰回路转。佩凭着出色的勇气和能力,让爷爷改变了决定。 ©豆瓣


Come Dance With Me My Love

Come Dance With Me My Love 2023


Pong Lang dancing is Plengpin's favorite thing, but her mother who's a former top Pong Lang dancer always tries to stop her from doing it. Daopradub is planning to make the Pong Lang group of E-Sarn Orn Sorn come back with a new generation of dancers. She's impressed by Plengpin's performance and offers her a chance to audition for the group. Poom, Duenpradub's son, convinces her parents to let her join after she helps him get away from ruffians. Plengpin's intention is not only to pursue her dream but also find out what happened in the past. Why are her parents against her being a Pong Lang dancer?