不听话的女孩 2023
20 岁的伊莉雅是一名生态环境学的学生, 一天,一家建筑公司的负责人马特维来到她的大学,讨论一个旧森林公园的开发计划,伶牙俐齿的伊莉雅毫不犹豫地将马特维的计划粉碎, 马特维被这个女孩的自信所吸引,并使用他惯用的手法——花钱“收买”她,但伊莉雅不为钱财所动,马特维开始正视这个特别的女孩,并逐渐沦陷其中....
20 岁的伊莉雅是一名生态环境学的学生, 一天,一家建筑公司的负责人马特维来到她的大学,讨论一个旧森林公园的开发计划,伶牙俐齿的伊莉雅毫不犹豫地将马特维的计划粉碎, 马特维被这个女孩的自信所吸引,并使用他惯用的手法——花钱“收买”她,但伊莉雅不为钱财所动,马特维开始正视这个特别的女孩,并逐渐沦陷其中....
M(鲁妮·玛拉 Rooney Mara 饰)和C(卡西·阿弗莱克 Casey Affleck 饰)是一对十分恩爱的恋人,在一场车祸中,C不幸死去,将心碎欲绝的M孤零零的留在这个世界之中。然而,C却并没有真正的离开,他依然以灵魂的形式留在他和M一起生活过的那幢房子里,留在M的身边,沉默而又深情的看着他生前的恋人的一举一动。 C的离开让M陷入了绝望和痛苦之中,她哭泣、抑郁、自闭,仿佛生活在真空里。M决定从房子里搬出去,可是C无法离开,他只能继续的等待着等待着,支持着C的,是M曾经留在墙缝里的一张字条。新的住客来了又走,无限的时间永恒的流逝着,某日,拆迁队将C所在的屋子拆除了,一片废墟之中,C发现,原来被困在无尽的等待中的,并非只有他一个。
小女孩欧吉蒂(又译:吉茜娜)因好奇而带着大肥猫走进座钟后的迷宫之门,在广阔的迷宫通道里追随着白衣小丑的影子,就此成为两个故事的旁观者。这两个故事一个关于世界知名的赛车受杰克?休,他汽车拉力赛中的死因成迷:另一个关于被派往444号工程传达停工命令的杉冈勉,身处大量失控机器人中的他是工程中唯一的人类,当他决定毁掉一切阻止工程的时候,上司却发来了可继续支持工程的命令……原名《Manie—Manie 迷宫物语》。是一部实验性质的动画作品,由《迷宫物语》、《狂奔的男人》、《工事中止命令》三个小故事组成,各部分风格迥然不同,情节也各自独立,因此作品整体谈不上完整的情节叙述,只以小女孩为视线贯穿鲜有对白的群片。片中的每个故事由不同的制作人员负责,因此从人物设定到表现手法及配乐都大相径庭。全间充斥着语言般的隐喻,超现实与写实的表现手法互相融合,使作品从始至终弥漫着一种迷离而诡异的氛围。此外,3个部分的映像效果都十分精美,对细节的把握也十分出色。
无论是为人父还是为人夫,道格都很称职,但是他太忙了,没有时间亨受生活。与遗传学家的巧遇让他生出一个大胆的想法,何不把自己复制几个,那不就分身有术了么。但是,想得好还得行得能,不知道格1、2、3、4、5的人生各是什么样。 Doug很累,因为他的丈夫,父亲,职员各种身份使他在不同面具之间疲于奔命,在压力大得承受不了的时候,他会随时崩溃。直到他遇见了遗传学家Leeds博士,后者告诉他现代科技昌明,可以将人复制几个副本完成不同的使命。Doug觉得这是个不错的方法,欣然克隆了Doug二号,三号,四号……问题是这些复制品从此便与原版相互独立不受牵制,慢慢地Doug发现这些分身并没有减少他的麻烦,反而产生了各种各样的问题,威胁到他自己——原版Doug——的工作,家庭,甚至差点抢走了他的老婆……
这部西班牙情色影片把男人的欲望归结为性 欲,是弗洛伊德理论最赤裸裸的阐释和表现。波尼特在失去女人后,把欲望转移到金钱和事业上,而他要建设的分明是一个高耸入云的阳*&具。而当波尼特因车祸失去性能力的时候,象征他欲望的大楼也随之倒塌了。
丰国商事在北海道纹别地区一直进行着森林采伐,作为现场监督人员的后藤裕一无意中发现了隐藏在这片森林之 中的古代遗迹并将埋藏在这片遗迹中的一枚盾牌拿了回去。 其实这片遗迹是妖精族留下来的,在此地还 封印了一个叫做帝斯基多拉的宇宙怪兽。6500万年前从外星而来的它毁灭了一切植物,导致了恐龙灭绝,而那枚盾牌正是用来封印怪兽帝斯基多拉的。 对此毫不知情的裕一将这枚盾牌带回了位于都内自己的 家并把它作为挂饰送给了自己的女儿,然后自己又返回到了采伐现场。黑色妖精贝拉贝拉飞来抢夺这枚盾牌并与对立派莫儿、罗拉姐妹展开了盾牌争夺战。在被莫儿、罗拉姐妹告知盾牌和封印的由来的后藤一家与莫儿、罗拉姐妹一起准备前往纹别。但在纹别的却出现了一块巨大的岩石。在后藤一家的协助之下罗拉姐妹夺回了盾牌,但是怪兽帝斯基多拉却从岩石中复活了。它像恶魔一样恐怖。为了打到怪兽帝斯基多拉,莫儿召唤来了摩斯拉。但是摩斯拉刚刚产完卵,寿命不长的她和怪兽之间陷入了苦战。为了助自己母亲一臂之力早产的 幼虫通过自己的丝和光线支援母亲作战。 摩斯拉不断挑战怪兽,使水库决堤成功的将怪兽逼到了对岸,但是摩斯拉拼尽了全力最终沉入了海底。在这之后,幼虫在屋久島充分吸收了森林的能量新的摩斯拉再次诞生了。于此同时怪兽也已经重新恢复到毁灭地球时的完 全状态,新的摩斯拉与怪兽再次交战,他以压倒性的力量和优势再次将怪兽封印到了地下。此后,摩斯拉让被怪 兽烧掉的已成荒芜的北海道瞬间重获绿色,并和莫儿、罗拉姐妹一起返回到了家乡。
伊朗德黑兰北部的一个建筑工地上,阿富汗工人纳贾夫摔断了腿,作为家中唯一的经济支柱,他的受伤立刻使全家陷入困境中,好心的工头梅马不忍看到惨象,同意让他的大儿子莱麦特(Zahra Bahrami)接替他的职位,不久,梅马发现莱麦特十分不适合干扛水泥的体力活,可是却会细心地布置餐桌,于是决定让他代替自己的侄子拉提夫(Hossein Abedini),负责工队的膳食。梅马此举惹恼了粗暴的拉提夫,他在嫉妒莱麦特好运的同时,不断地制造事端干涉阻挠他的工作,甚至破坏了他的厨房。不久,当拉提夫发现莱麦特原本是名叫巴伦的女孩,为了得到工作养活全家才女扮男装时,他沉默了。
位于北海道的马醉村,即将被改建为机场。少年楠木亮介(神木隆之介 饰)的父亲雄一郎(三浦友和 饰)担任机场的改建任务,亮介也跟随父亲从都市转学到了马醉村。亮介清秀的面容与质朴的乡村有些格格不入,不过却找来了女孩子们的喜欢,当然也引起男孩们的嫉妒。调皮的土田公平(笹野友间 饰)为了心爱的女孩和亮介大打出手,不过两人倒因此成为好朋友。不久他们又结识了等待UFO的神秘少女柏手绯春(大后寿寿花 饰)。这个夏天因此而变得多姿多彩。 另一方面,机场营建计划受到当地村民的抵制,大人们争执不断,并逐渐波及到孩子们的世界中来……
HISTORY’s longest-running series moves to H2. Modern Marvels celebrates the ingenuity, invention and imagination found in the world around us. From commonplace items like ink and coffee to architectural masterpieces and engineering disasters, the hit series goes beyond the basics to provide insight and history into things we wonder about and that impact our lives. This series tells fascinating stories of the doers, the dreamers and sometime-schemers that create everyday items, technological breakthroughs and manmade wonders. The hit series goes deep to explore the leading edge of human inspiration and ambition.
Extreme Makeover: Home Edition is an American reality television series providing home improvements for less fortunate families and community schools. The show is hosted by former model, carpenter and veteran television personality Ty Pennington. Each episode features a family that has faced some sort of recent or ongoing hardship such as a natural disaster or a family member with a life-threatening illness, in need of new hope. The show's producers coordinate with a local construction contractor, which then coordinates with various companies in the building trades for a makeover of the family's home. This includes interior, exterior and landscaping, performed in seven days while the family is on vacation and documented in the episode. If the house is beyond repair, they replace it entirely. The show's producers and crew film set and perform the makeover but do not pay for it. The materials and labor are donated. Many skilled and unskilled volunteers assist in the rapid construction of the house. EM:HE is considered a spinoff of Extreme Makeover, an earlier series providing personal makeovers to selected individuals, which the Home Edition has now outlasted. This show displays extreme changes to help recreate someone's space. However, the format differs considerably; in the original Extreme Makeover, for instance, participants were not necessarily chosen based on any recent hardship, whereas the family's backstory is an important component of Home Edition. EM:HE also has similarities to other home renovation series such as Trading Spaces, on which Pennington was previously a key personality.
Builder Chase Morrill is teaming up with his brother, sister and best friend to save and transform abandoned cabins buried deep in the remote woods of Maine. From historic cottages nearly a century old, to camp cabins in need of some major TLC, they'll give these properties the facelift they've needed for decades. And, you never know what you might find when you go for a walk in the woods.
The Troubleshooters is an American 26-segment half-hour adventure series starring Keenan Wynn as Kodiak and Bob Mathias as Frank Dugan. The show aired on NBC Television from September 11, 1959, to April 10, 1960. Based on events at international construction sites, the program was directed by Robert Altman early in his career. It was the first TV series offered by United Artists. It starred Chet Allen as Slats, Roland "Bob" Harris as Jim, Bob Fortier as Scotty, and stunt actor Carey Loftin as Skinner. Forrest Compton also appeared in two episodes as Davis.
Cowboys is a British sitcom that aired on the ITV network during the early 1980s. The show was created by Peter Learmouth whom would go on to create Granada television sitcom Surgical Spirit and starred Lancastrian Character-actor Roy Kinnear as Joe Jones "whose small building firm hardly seems to do anything right at all" with co-stars David Kelly as 'Wobbly' Ron, "Oscar-Winning Writer" Colin Welland as Geyser and James Wardroper with Debbie Linden and Janine Duvitski. The show is based on the British colloquial use of "cowboy" to describe a workman of doubtful professionalism e.g. a "cowboy builder".
How do you build a medieval castle from scratch? Domestic historian Ruth Goodman and archeologists Peter Ginn and Tom Pinfold make perhaps their most ambitious foray into the past as they head to France to take part in a build that has been underway since 1997. Our intrepid history adventurers join this magnificent construction at Guédelon Castle to recreate authentic medieval castle living from within its rising walls.
Seven Wonders of the Industrial World is a 7-part British documentary/docudrama television miniseries that originally aired from 4 September 2003 to 16 October 2003 on BBC. The programme examines seven engineering feats that occurred during the Industrial Revolution.
When a kitchen is so dysfunctional and ugly that every night is take-out, Spice Up My Kitchen steps in to cook up a hot new space. Designer Lauren Lake and her carpenter duo, Jeff Devlin and Mark McGraw, take kitchens that the homeowners think are outdated or ugly, tear them down and rebuild them from scratch -- providing the homeowners with brand-new kitchens. Designer Lauren Lake presents the homeowners with two design plans based on their budget and wish list. The homeowners choose a plan then before they know it, their old kitchen is transformed into a delicious new space.
Built to Last is an American sitcom that aired on NBC on Wednesday from September 24, 1997, to October 15, 1997.
12 young construction professionals compete in a skills competition that will determine the best entrepreneur in Quebec.
Kevin McCloud follows an innovative community-led regeneration scheme in Castleford.
Bryan and Sarah Baeumler share how their story began with the establishment of their Canada-based renovation company in this "prequel" to Renovation Island.
With the help of a team of experts and friends, two families compete to design, construct and decorate brand new homes over the course of just ten weeks.
A factual, fast paced, adrenalin-driven show featuring the biggest, strangest, and most jaw-dropping mishaps from the world of construction.
Guy Martin is on a mission to learn about the UK construction skills shortage. Meeting the grafters of the future, Guy will try his hand at the specialist skills that helped build Britain.
The most unique log homes on earth are custom built by master log-smiths in the small town of Williams Lake, British Columbia. Each one is handcrafted on site, then taken apart, shipped around the world, and reconstructed wherever the client wants. No one else can do it like the boys at Pioneer Log Homes. They are "Timber Kings."
Two house flippers in Boston try to refurbish and sell properties quickly.