之后3 2021
莎莉(桑德拉·布洛克 Sandra Bullock 饰)和吉莉(妮可·基德曼 Nicole Kidman 饰)是一对感情十分要好的姐妹,表面上和常人无异的她们,实则出生在一个世世代代研习巫术的魔法家庭。姐妹两人的父母皆已去世,究其原因,要归结于笼罩在整个家族之上的诅咒——家族中女人们若与男人相爱,必将死于非命。 多年后,莎莉和吉莉长大成为了充满魅力的女性,尽管被诅咒的阴影所困,但她们的内心里依然充满着对于异性和爱情的憧憬。很快,莎莉就邂逅了她的真命天子,不顾家人的反对,她毅然同他结婚生子。同时,吉莉也陷入了与浪子杰米(高兰·维斯耶克 Goran Visnjic 饰)的情感纠葛中,两姐妹就此失散。当命运的不幸让她们再度聚首之后,她们都已经饱尝了失去爱人的痛苦滋味,内心倔强的二人决定潜心研究魔法,誓要同命运一决高下
盖茨家族是出名的冒险家家族。本(尼古拉斯•凯奇 Nicolas Cage 饰)小时候就获悉了他们家族的一个惊天秘密:美国开国时埋藏国家财富的地点就藏在《独立宣言》中。尽管父亲不想盖茨家族在纠缠于国家宝藏,但本还是与电脑高手雷利(贾斯汀•巴萨 Justin Bartha 饰)一起开始了寻宝行动。本的寻宝计划很快陷入了僵局。与此同时,英国富豪伊恩(肖恩•宾 Sean Bean 饰)也盯上了这个宝藏,他派人潜入了美国国家图书找寻《独立宣言》中宝藏的秘密并密谋对付本。图书馆的艾比嘉尔博士(戴安•克鲁格 Diane Kruger 饰)获悉了伊恩的险恶用心后,决心帮助本找到国家宝藏……
这次,阴谋家贝洛福(特利•萨瓦拉斯Telly Savalas 饰)在瑞士山区建立一个疗养院,表面上这是一个普通的高级疗养院,风景秀丽、服务一流,但实际上却是贝洛福进行的一项旨在控制全球的计划的重要基地。在这个疗养院里,贝洛福开发出一种新型病毒,他企图将病毒注射到来这里疗养的女患者身上,然后通过她们传播到世界各地,达到掌握世界主权的目的。贝洛福的阴谋行动引起了英国情报部门的注意,于是007邦德(乔治•拉扎贝 George Lazenby 饰)奉命出动。邦德乔装打扮成家谱学的专家混进了这座疗养院,他必须及时查处贝洛福的阴谋,并阻止他!
故事发生在1930年的法国,马丁尼(米歇尔•塞罗Michel Serrault 饰)拜访了医生雷欧(迈克尔•加拉布鲁Michel Galabru 饰),通过检查,雷欧发现马丁尼身患绝症时日无多,但他并没有将他的病情如实相告,而是骗马丁尼他的身体并无大碍。实际上,雷欧正在策划一个阴谋。 马丁尼无依无靠,孤身一人生活在大庄园之中,雷欧和马丁尼签署了一份协议,在马丁尼健在时每年付给他一笔养老金,但作为交换,马丁尼死后,他的大庄园将归雷欧所有。可是,雷欧没有想到的是,本以为活不了多久的马丁尼,身体竟然一年比一年要硬朗,眼看着沉没成本越积越多,雷欧坐不住了。
春野一家人住在宁静祥和的小山村,他们的生活恬淡幸福,不过家族成员却各有各的烦恼。祖父(我修院達也 饰)性格古怪,行为乖张,醉心于私动画的制作;父亲(三浦友和 饰)是一位驻家催眠治疗师,他专心工作,无暇他顾;妻子美子(手塚理美 饰)总算暂时从育子的繁忙生活中解脱出来,于是决定重拾餐桌卡的绘画工作。夫妻俩鲜少交流,隔阂暗生;就读中学的长子阿一(佐藤貴広 饰)恋上新来的转校生,他徘徊犹豫,始终不敢表达;刚上小学的女儿幸子(坂野真弥 饰)总以为自己的头颅在不断变大,这个奇怪的幻想让她倍感困扰。吊儿郎当的叔叔(浅野忠信 饰)从东京回来,为这个平凡却又有些奇怪的家庭吹进一丝生气……
故事发生在美国西部大开发时期,燕西(理查德·迪克斯 Richard Dix 饰)带着妻子莎布拉(艾琳·邓恩 Irene Dunne 饰)千里昭昭来到了广袤而又荒芜的俄克纳马拉,心里怀揣着远大的理想,希望能够在这里做出一番建树。俄克纳马拉的生活环境十分艰苦和险峻,然而,夫妻两人同心协力,慢慢改善和建立着他们的家园。在日子渐渐稳定的过程中,在当地生活的牧场主们感到他们的利益受到了侵犯,他们常常会找燕西的麻烦,却又被燕西用智慧巧妙的化解。燕西十分同情在当地生活的印第安土著,与此同时,嫉恶如仇的燕西亦对压迫和剥削原住民的资本家们充满了仇恨,随着时间的推移,双方的矛盾渐渐尖锐起来。
1913年,西西里的小岛上,有一个农民家庭:母亲笃信宗教,哥哥萨尔瓦多(文森特•阿玛托 Vincenzo Amato 饰)隐忍内向,弟弟平静如水,孙子又聋又哑,他们的生活极为贫苦。某天,一个美国人来到了这里,开始传播关于新大陆的诸般传奇,这让一家人找到了寻求美好生活的方向,经过一番讨论,最终他们决定偷渡到美国。他们穿上了皮靴,穿越叫卖的集市,登上了开赴美国的渡轮。在途中,他们结识了多次赴美未果的年轻女子露西亚(夏洛特•甘斯布 Charlotte Gainsbourg 饰),萨尔瓦多对露西亚产生了好感,但是母亲极力反对,所以两人只得眉目传情。但是某天,露西亚突然找到了萨尔瓦多,提出了一个令他意想不到的建议……
这是鲍尔(马修·麦克费登 Matthew Macfadyen 饰)这十几年来第一次踏上故乡的土地,他来这里不为了别的,只为了参加父亲的葬礼。作为鲍尔的兄长,安德鲁(科林·莫伊 Colin Moy 饰)对于兄弟的来访却并不高兴,时间使人们变得陌生,迥异的个性又为他们制造了矛盾。在安德鲁的强烈要求下,鲍尔来到了父亲曾经呆过的小屋,清算父亲留下的遗产,没想到,在小屋里,鲍尔遇见了一位名叫西莉亚(艾米丽·巴克雷 Emily Barclay 饰)的少女...
Virat sacrifices his love to honour the promise he made to a dying man. Trapped between the past and the present, will he find love beyond the chains of duty?
Al fondo hay sitio is a Peruvian TV series created in 2008-2009 by Efraín Aguilar. It deals with the problems of social differences and economic status. It's one of the most popular shows in Peru and is now being shown in Ecuador, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay.
Follow the hopes and dreams of four generations of a Korean immigrant family beginning with a forbidden love and crescendos into a sweeping saga that journeys between Korea, Japan and America to tell the unforgettable story of war and peace, love and loss, triumph and reckoning.
All Imlie wanted was to create a name for herself in the city. But upon her arrival, she finds herself caught in the middle of Aditya and Malini's love story.
The epic tale of celebrated Pulitzer-prize winning author Alex Haley's ancestors as portrayed in the acclaimed twelve hour mini-series Roots, was first told in his 1976 bestseller Roots: The Saga of an American Family. The docu-drama covers a period of history that begins in mid-1700s Gambia, West Africa and concludes during post-Civil War United States, over 100 years later. This 1977 miniseries eventually won 9 Emmy awards, a Golden Globe award, and a Peabody award, and still stands as the most watched miniseries in U.S. history.
After the death of an unknown uncle, a woman inherits a burial ground and finds herself in the center of a string of murders and dark secrets.
In the early years of the Republic of China, there was Xiangmu Town. The Geng Family, who is famous for their dusters, is the head of the town on the west side of the Xiangxi River. The duster is made of chicken feathers, an ordinary handicraft, which has become famous through the hands of the Geng family. During the Guangxu period, the Geng family's red light duster cost the palace 200,000 taels of silver. The reputation of the duster has not diminished, and dignitaries outside the mountains have to line up to invite them.
The death of a matriarch brings forgotten secrets out into the open and causes a prolonged battle for the family inheritance.
The owners of a dive bar in Brooklyn, Horace and Pete, along with bar regulars share their experiences and lives with each other while drinking or working at the bar.
In this four-part documentary series, leading Hollywood actors undertake a fascinating journey into their family's past by re-tracing the footsteps of their grandparents during World War Two. We follow the moving, personal stories of Helena Bonham Carter, Mark Rylance, Kristin Scott Thomas, and Carey Mulligan as they travel to historic locations, from the beaches of Dunkirk to prisoner of war camps in Asia, to learn about the war their grandparents experienced. All of the actors have unanswered questions about the scars war left on their grandparents, and in each episode one of the actors explore how six years changed the lives of their family and the world forever while learning about the life and death decisions that their grandparents faced.
Exile is a British psychological thriller television series dealing with the topic of Alzheimer's disease against a background of corruption. It stars John Simm and Jim Broadbent and was broadcast on BBC One. The series received varyingly positive reviews. John Simm received a BAFTA nomination for his role as Tom Ronstadt, as did the director John Alexander.
Pete, a handsome businessman was ordered by his grandmother to go look for her missing heir. Due to an inevitable circumstance, Pete was forced to hire a kid to pretend to be his grandmother’s lost grandson. Chaos over this scheme then began…
1949. Grafenberg in Brandenburg shortly before the foundation of the GDR. Here lives Michel Hollmann and works in roadmaking. His purpose in life are his wife Lotte and the two children Gerda and Heinz, for whom he is reconstructing a summerhouse into a “nest”. In Grafenberg, his siblings are living as well: His brother Karl, the mayor, and sister-in-law Edith, who works in a textile factory, with their son Jürgen. Edeltraut, his sister, has married the lamp fabricant Berthold Bennert and leads a well-off life. They as well have a son: Harald. Part of the family are further sister Hanna and brother-in-law Hermann, who is a fisherman on one of the local lakes and conducts a tenacious private war against old Stegewald and his presumptive prince-electoral rights. They are living their lives with their large and small conflicts, with different intentions, and yet remain connected always.
Revolving around the life of un-produced screenwriter Barnum Nilsen, The Half Brother is a dramatic family saga that offers an historical parable of 20th century Europe. On V Day, May 1945, as a continent emerges from war, Barnum’s mother Vera is raped in her attic in Oslo by an unknown man, leading to the birth of Barnum’s half brother, Fred. When Barnum is born five years later, to the man that Vera has since met and married, the Nilsen family, like Europe, is already splitting in two. Growing up together during the Cold War – Barnum with his father, Fred searching for his – the half brothers become estranged and Fred eventually disappears. At the film festival in Berlin in 1990, as the Wall is still coming down, Barnum learns that Fred has returned. Finally, as the true identity of Fred’s father comes to light, the two half brothers may once again be reunited.
Coen Verbraak talks to his guests about life themes that we all experience.
Ariana, who has been in a relationship for quite a while with Galvin and finally decided to get married. On the day of the bachelorette party, a tragedy occurred between Ariana and Choky until Galvin decided to cancel the wedding.