排球少年!!垃圾场决战 2024
剧场版描述了原作中最受欢迎的故事之一。乌野高中对阵音驹高中,俗称 "垃圾场决战"。现在,在约定的地方,一场没有"再来一次"的比赛开始了——
剧场版描述了原作中最受欢迎的故事之一。乌野高中对阵音驹高中,俗称 "垃圾场决战"。现在,在约定的地方,一场没有"再来一次"的比赛开始了——
《排球少年》第一季总集篇前篇 小时候,日向翔阳从电视上看见排球比赛,乌野高中的一名小个子在球上的英姿,简直就是个“小巨人”。他对此印象非常深刻,并开始迷上排球,一直想成为“小巨人”一样的人。初中时排球部不够人数,他只好默默等待,后来在终于有新成员加入后,参与了第一次也是最后一次的比赛,然而他们不幸与最强队伍对决,结果当然落败了。单凭自己的话,是绝对没办法看见那景色的,不是自己一人的话,或许就能看见了。为了能够打出“胜利”的比赛,翔阳努力考入乌野高中,为实现成为“小巨人”的排球梦想而努力着!
芝崎高校2004年第34届文化祭开幕在即!几名女生为最后一天的演出而组建乐队,却因成员身上发生的意外临时换人,日语不甚灵光的韩国学生宋(裴斗娜 饰)被拉进队中任主唱一职,演唱歌曲也终于确定为THE BLUE HEARTS乐队的《LINDA LINDA》。自此孤傲冷艳的吉它手立花惠(香椎由宇 饰)、温柔的鼓手山田响子(前田亚季 饰)、闷声的贝斯手白河望(关根史织 饰)在业余时间勤加练习。平静的日子中不时有宋遭遇日本男生用蹩脚韩语表白,惠在前男友面前束手束脚等轻快的情节点缀,看似散漫的学校生活里记录下了年轻人的误会与默契,复合与分裂。乐队终于在大雨中登台,女孩们奉献出了心底的音乐…… 本片获2004年《电影旬报》十佳电影第六名。
炎热的暑假,女生们还要在学校补课,早就坐不住的她们自动请缨去送午餐给为棒球队打气的管乐队。一路上嘻嘻哈哈的她们快到终点才发现因为天气炎热饭盒早就变坏了,而管乐队队员毫不知情地吃下去,随之而来的身体不适让而唯一没有吃饭盒的中村要求女生们负责,组成爵士乐团。可是女生们不懂得演奏乐器。 艰苦的训练开始了,可是痛苦中也带着甜蜜。
《排球少年》第一季总集篇后篇 小时候,日向翔阳从电视上看见排球比赛,乌野高中的一名小个子在球上的英姿,简直就是个“小巨人”。他对此印象非常深刻,并开始迷上排球,一直想成为“小巨人”一样的人。初中时排球部不够人数,他只好默默等待,后来在终于有新成员加入后,参与了第一次也是最后一次的比赛,然而他们不幸与最强队伍对决,结果当然落败了。单凭自己的话,是绝对没办法看见那景色的,不是自己一人的话,或许就能看见了。为了能够打出“胜利”的比赛,翔阳努力考入乌野高中,为实现成为“小巨人”的排球梦想而努力着!
乌野高中接连击败了一所所实力雄厚的学校,并打入了春高赛半决赛,距离赢得这场比赛只有一步之遥,这场比赛将使他们获得全国队的入场券。 乌野与青叶城西对抗,后者也有进入总决赛并淘汰白鸟泽的相同意图,并且没有任何退缩的打算。
全国大赛开幕在即,渴望一鸣惊人的樱木花道却因为底子太薄,连续三次被赶出球场,且一分未得。即使在晴朗明媚的日子里,樱木的心情也超级差,连续对他的死党和任何挡在面前找麻烦的人使出头槌。他希望私下里请木暮帮他集训,又不愿让大猩猩知道。当他和伙伴们路过某个球场时,刚好看到赤木晴 子在这里练习投球。就在此时,一台机车飞驰冲入球场,头戴安全帽的骑手腾空而起,绝杀灌篮。此人是津久武高中篮球部一年级新生南乡桄一郎,他不仅对樱木的头槌无动于衷,更具有令众人无法轻视的实力。接下来一场,湘北篮球队遇上了强劲对手津久武……
将会在全国大赛上出场的,是我们北宇治高校吹奏乐部。 告别酷暑,凉意渐浓,金秋的脚步越来越近。 “前辈可能会退部...” 突如其来消息的袭向我们,笼罩在大家心头的是无法轻易消去的不安。 长得迷人而又善于领导,高超的上低音号奏者,那位深受大家信赖的“特别”的前辈。 只是,那如冰山一样不流露分毫的表情,那拒人于千里之外的瞳孔,分明又是位拒绝让任何人看透自己的前辈。 "想要参加全国大赛",明明比谁都更想去,明明只是高中生,却硬是要装作大人的前辈。 这样的前辈,明明是我不擅长对付的... 非要说的话,我也许不那么喜欢她 这样的我, 为什么会——
松籁第一高等学校,星期五放学后的闲暇时光,一股不安的气氛在校园肆意蔓延。传言排球部明星球员桐岛退部,他的举措使稳固的校园金字塔发生不小的撼动。黄昏的校园内,排球部的众人、羽球部的东原霞(桥本爱 饰)、桐岛的女友——校园美女梨纱(山本美月 饰)以及他的密友菊池宏树(东出昌 大 饰)莫不感到诧异,他们四处寻找桐岛的身影,最终一无所获。在这片混乱中,生活在金字塔最底层的电影部部长前田凉也(神木隆之介 饰)以及管乐部部长泽岛亚矢(大后寿寿花 饰)似乎并未受到太大的影响。身处校园夹缝中的他们默默从事本部活动,默默深藏心中对某个人的爱慕。不到一周的时间,少男少女的内心发生巨大的变化……
The series follows the hilarious everyday routines of four girls in the Kameido High tennis club who, on occasion, actually play some tennis.
Ryoma Echizen is a young tennis prodigy who has won 4 consecutive tennis championships but who constantly lies in the shadow of his father, a former pro tennis player. He joins the Seishun Gakuen junior highschool, one of the best tennis schools in Japan, and there along with his teamates he learns to find his own type of tennis in an attempt to defeat his biggest obstacle of all: his father as well as himself.
In the story, Kagami Taiga has just enrolled into Seirin High School when he meets Kuroko Tetsuya of the school's basketball team. Kuroko happens to be the shadowy sixth member of the legendary Generation of Miracles basketball team. Together, Kagami and Kuroko aim to take their team to the inter-high school championship - against Kuroko's former teammates.
Mamoru Endou is a cheerful goalkeeper in Raimon Jr High, with six other players in the team. But there was a day when the team was almost lead to disbandment by Natsumi unless they are able to win the match against the Teikoku Gakuen, currently the best team in Japan. He tried to save the club by gathering four more players to join the team.
Onoda Sakamichi is a rather timid, anime-loving first-year student at Sohoku High School. Upon entering high school, he tried to join the anime research club, but after meeting Imaizumi Shunsuke, a renowned cyclist since middle school, and Naruko Shoukichi, who swept the Kansai cycling championship, he ended up joining the competitive cycling club.
Inokuma Yawara is just another young high school girl. Well, not quite - for Yawara is being raised by her grandfather, 7th dan Judo master Inokuma Jigorou, to be Japan's great hope for the women's Judo competition at the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona. All the same, Yawara just wants to live a normal life...
The Sakuragoaka Girls' Academy curriculum traditionally focuses on the three "R"s of reading, writing and arithmetic, but Ritsu Tainaka wants to add two more "R"s: Rock and Roll! To do that, however, Ritsu has to save the Light Music Club from being shut down due to little problems like not having any other members or a faculty advisor. After strong-arming her best friend Mio into joining and convincing Tsumugi Kotobuki to make it a trio, Ritsu's would-be rockers are soon only one talented guitarist short of the quartet they need for school approval. What they get, unfortunately, is Yui Hirasawa, who's never held a guitar in her life, but she's determined to learn! Will the school halls come alive with the sound of music?
Chihaya Ayase has spent most of her life supporting her sister’s model career. When she meets a boy named Arata Wataya, he thinks Chihaya has potential to become a great karuta player. As Chihaya dreams of becoming Japan's best karuta player, she is soon separated from her karuta playing friends. Now in high school, Chihaya still plays karuta in the hope that she will one day meet her friends again.
Sakuragi Hanamichi is a junior high punk used to getting into fights and being rejected by girls but upon entering high school he meets the girl of his dreams, Haruko Akagi. He will do anything in order to win her heart including joining the school basketball team that is aiming to conquer the nation lead by Haruko's brother. The problem is that Sakuragi has never played basketball before and a freshman sensation is stealing the spotlight and Haruko's affection from him.
Eijun Sawamura is a pitcher who joins an elite school with a brilliant catcher named Kazuya Miyuki. Together with the rest of the team, they strive for Japan's storied Koushien championships through hard work and determination.
Inspired by a small-statured pro volleyball player, Shouyou Hinata creates a volleyball team in his last year of middle school. Unfortunately the team is matched up against the "King of the Court" Tobio Kageyama's team in their first tournament and inevitably lose. After the crushing defeat, Hinata vows to surpass Kageyama. After entering high school, Hinata joins the volleyball team only to find that Tobio has also joined.
Twins Kazuya and Tatsuya, and their neighbor Minami have played together since they were children and built an unbreakable bond. But with puberty, the twins realized something: Minami is a girl, and three is a crowd. As the trio tries to preserve their relationship, Kazuya's pledge to make Minami's dream come true by taking her to Koshien with his baseball pitching skills makes the slackerish Tatsuya wonder about himself, and his own goals. But Minami has another dream she wants fulfilled, and as the twins continue to push themselves, with Minami in the middle, a life-changing tragedy leads one twin down a path he once never would've considered...
After swearing off music due to an incident at the middle school regional brass band competition, euphonist Kumiko Oumae enters high school hoping for a fresh start. As fate would have it, she ends up being surrounded by people with an interest in the high school brass band. Kumiko finds the motivation she needs to make music once more with the help of her bandmates, some of whom are new like novice tubist Hazuki Katou; veteran contrabassist Sapphire Kawashima; and band vice president and fellow euphonist Asuka Tanaka. Others are old friends, like Kumiko's childhood friend and hornist-turned-trombonist Shuuichi Tsukamoto, and trumpeter and bandmate from middle school, Reina Kousaka. However, in the band itself, chaos reigns supreme. Despite their intention to qualify for the national band competition, as they currently are, just competing in the local festival will be a challenge—unless the new band advisor Noboru Taki does something about it.
The story follows teacher and veteran solo camper Kensuke, who forms a camping group with four girls.
Nadeshiko, a high school student who had moved from Shizuoka to Yamanashi, decides to see the famous, 1000 yen-bill-featured Mount Fuji. Even though she manages to bike all the way to Motosu, she's forced to turn back because of worsening weather. Unable to set her eyes on her goal, she faints partway to her destination. When she wakes up, it's night, in a place she's never been before, with no way of knowing how to get home. Nadeshiko is saved when she encounters Rin, a girl who is out camping by herself. This outdoorsy girls story begins with this first encounter between Nadeshiko and Rin.
Rei is a 17-year old professional shōgi player, who lives by himself, not having a real family, and has scarcely any friends. Among his acquaintances is a family, which consists of a young woman, Akari, and two young girls, Hinata and Momo, and who also keep a numerous number of cats.
A stout, weak, yet highly passionate Sora Kurumatani enters Kuzuryuu High School with hopes that he’ll fulfill his mother’s wishes to dominate his first high school tournament. However, the basketball club—turned den for delinquents—does anything but play basketball! Its club members, Momoharu Hanazono, a skilled blocker who can do power jumps but is horrible at shooting, and his twin brother Chiaki, a talented point guard, has also lost interest in the sport. With just one game overwhelmed with adrenaline rush and excitement, and Sora’s pure love for the game, the youth’s burning out spirit for basketball rekindles.
On her first day attending the all-girls Nanamori Middle School in Takaoka, Toyama Akaza Akari oversleeps, to be awakened by her one-year-senior childhood friends: the level-headed Funami Yui and the often self-centered Toshinou Kyouko. Planning on exciting club activities at school, Akari joins the club her older friends have set up. But as it turns out Kyouko and Yui simply took over the former room of the now defunct tea ceremony club for their own Amusement Club. In regard to what the club does, Kyouko explains: "We just hang out and do whatever we want!" This is not exactly what the helpful and energetic Akari had hoped for. Surprisingly a few days later Yoshikawa Chinatsu joins the club even though she mistook it for the former tea ceremony club. And so the four fun-loving girls could enjoy spending their spare time at the club were it not for the student council, in person of vice president Sugiura Ayano, who does her very best to shut down this unauthorized club.
In Tokyo, a weak, unassertive boy named Sena Kobayakawa enters the high school of his choice, Deimon Private Senior High School. Sena's only remarkable physical abilities are his running speed and agility, which are noted by the school's American football team captain Yoichi Hiruma. Hiruma forces Sena to join the Deimon Devil Bats football team as its running back. To protect his identity from other teams who want to recruit him, Sena is forced to publicly assume the role of the team secretary and enter the field under the pseudonym of "Eyeshield 21" wearing a helmet with an eyeshield to hide his features.
The story revolves around Haruka Nanase, a boy who has always loved to be immersed in water, and to swim in it. Before graduating from elementary school, he participated in a swimming tournament along with his fellow swimming club members, Makoto Tachibana, Nagisa Hazuki, and Rin Matsuoka. After achieving victory, each of the boys went their separate ways. Time passed, and in the middle of their uneventful high school lives Rin appears and challenges Haruka to a match, showing Haruka his overwhelming power. Not wanting it to end like this, Haruka, gathers together Makoto and Nagisa once again and brings a new member named Rei Ryugazaki to create the Iwatobi High School Swimming Club in order to defeat Rin.