红色天空 2023
一个炎热、干燥的夏日,如同过去几年一般。森林火灾是无法控制的。四个年轻人在离阿伦斯霍普不远的波罗的海度假屋里相遇。慢慢地,不知不觉中,他们被火焰筑成的围墙所包围。红色的天空笼罩着他们。他们充满怀疑,他们满是害怕——但却不是因为火灾。是爱让他们害怕:“谁会在坠入爱河时死去 ……!”他们越来越亲近,他们渴望着,他们相爱着。然而熊熊火焰已无限逼近。
一个炎热、干燥的夏日,如同过去几年一般。森林火灾是无法控制的。四个年轻人在离阿伦斯霍普不远的波罗的海度假屋里相遇。慢慢地,不知不觉中,他们被火焰筑成的围墙所包围。红色的天空笼罩着他们。他们充满怀疑,他们满是害怕——但却不是因为火灾。是爱让他们害怕:“谁会在坠入爱河时死去 ……!”他们越来越亲近,他们渴望着,他们相爱着。然而熊熊火焰已无限逼近。
一位新近成為孤兒的九歲男孩跟著奶奶來到英格蘭,當祖孫倆在一間旅館過夜時,卻不幸碰撞見一場由高階女巫(安潔莉卡休斯頓,「現代教父」)領導的巫婆集會,聽到她們陰謀計畫將全英國的小孩變成老鼠!男孩雖然被女巫變成一隻老鼠,卻還是努力設法要阻止這些巫婆的邪惡計謀得逞;這部既有趣又嚇人的現代童話是改編自羅德戴爾(Roald Dahl)的知名作品,亦是"大青蛙"創始人吉姆韓森(Jim Henson)最後一部擔任製作的電影。
故事发生在位于地中海沿岸一个偏远的废墟中,疯癫癫的女艺术家卢斯(埃琳娜·勒文松 Elina Löwensohn 饰)长居于此,过着与世隔绝的生活。近一段时间,作家马特·贝尼埃也来到废墟,时不时和卢斯开起晒尸体派对。艳阳高照,百无聊赖。这一天,四个劫匪劫持了250公斤黄金,他们非别是首领里诺、胖子、阿莱克斯以及律师布里索尔格耶。他们驱车狂奔,结果半路上搭在了名叫梅拉妮的女子及其家人。梅拉妮是贝尼埃的妻子,两人正闹离婚,于是她带着保姆和孩子千里迢迢来寻找同床异梦的丈夫。到了废墟,抢劫团伙中有人试图独占黄金,而就在此时,两名巡警也来到了这里。 枪战遽然发生,一切朝着不可预测的方向发展……
吉恩·蒂尔尼饰演一名个性倔强的寡妇,在她丈夫亡故后坚持带着女儿独立生活,并且偏偏要搬入一家鬼屋居住。此屋原来真是有个船长的幽灵居住其中,船长因意外窒息死亡而 被人传为自杀,心有不甘,乃继续占住旧居,希望可以“扮鬼”将人唬走。不料寡妇未但没有被唬走,还在船长的 幽灵协助下成为畅销小说家。可惜她后来提早掉入花心作家的圈套而跟船长分手,直至她年老逝世的一刻两人才破镜重圆。这部人鬼恋的故事拍得既风趣又浪漫,男女主角个性鲜明,形成了相当吸引人的戏剧张力。雷克斯·哈里森饰演的船长和当时为童星的纳塔利·伍德饰演的女儿都表现精彩,摄影与配乐亦有很高的水准。
故事发生在位于英格兰伯恩茅斯的一家酒店之中,在酒店里,有些客房是长期被租住的,因此,这里汇聚了一批酒店的“老客户”。西比尔(黛博拉·蔻儿 Deborah Kerr 饰)是一个老姑娘了,她的性格乖僻,终日生活在她那控制狂老妈莫德夫人的掌控之下。实际上,西比尔偷偷的爱慕着名叫大卫(大卫·尼文 David Niven 饰)的男子,但是,害羞的她选择将这份爱慕深深的埋藏在心底。一天,一位名为安(丽塔·海华斯 Rita Hayworth 饰)的神秘女子入住了酒店,让帕特(温蒂·希勒 Wendy Hiller 饰)没有想到的是,这并不是自己第一次见到安,她和安之间,有这一段不得不说却不能说的往事。
简介 辛辣而有趣的英国式喜剧,故事背景是二次世界大战后的英国小市镇。当地民风保守,但却出了一个突破传统禁忌的少女艾蜜莉。她的母亲早逝,父亲也早就放弃对女儿的管教,以致早熟的艾蜜莉养成率性而为的生活方式,衣着暴露,行为乖张,引至不少男孩子心痒难熬。艾蜜莉做过好几份工作都因心不在焉而搞砸了,后来跟父亲的中年朋友交往,并因此怀了孕
这是关于WC Boggs盥洗室工厂的劳资纠纷的故事。Vic Spanner是工会代表,他立即呼吁罢工;最终每个人都受够了他。这也是一个理想的机会,有很多厕所笑话。。。
主人公Maloin(米罗斯拉夫·克罗博特 Miroslav Krobot 饰)是一个港湾铁路扳道工,某个夜里,他在高高的控制室内目睹了一桩可怕的谋杀案。一个来自伦敦的男人上岸,把一个皮箱交给另一个男人,随后二人在码头旁发生了冲突。在争吵打斗中,其中一个男人与皮箱一起跌落海中。扳道工Maloin随即打捞皮箱,打开后发现里面装有大量现金。他既没有报警也没有告诉别人,像往常一样工作生活。然而,自此之后这个扳道工的生活为之偏离了原来的轨道……
为了提高效率,一家高档海滨餐厅的厨师和他的助手对公司造成了严重破坏。 强盗的到来使事情更加复杂。
摄影师Tom Beard构思筹备六年的银幕处女作Two for Joy将讲述一名少女与卧床不起的母亲和任性的弟弟之间艰难的家庭关系。
A big-city dentist opens up a practice in a close-knit seaside village, home to a charming jack-of-all-trades who is her polar opposite in every way.
Squid Girl has come to the land from the depths of the sea to conquer humanity in revenge for pollution of the ocean. Unfortunately she ruins the first house she uses as an invasion base and has to work to pay for repairs. Of course, she can't overcome the Aizawa sisters who manage the house, so who knows whether she can subjugate humankind.
Hoon-Nam knows about love theoretically, but he rejects falling in love. Jung-Eum wants to fall in love, but, due to her difficult situation, she gives up on finding love. Hoon-Nam and Jung-Eum meet and develop a relationship romantically.
Girls with music genes formed the band, and in 21 days, came to start a music restaurant. They will do all the work in the restaurant and heal the guests each night with their music. And all of their living expenses will come from the income of the restaurant. In addition to laughing, they will present a gentle and powerful comeback against all the difficulties.
With her son grown up, single mom Pearl Nolan decides to pursue her lifelong dream and launches a private detective agency, which she runs from her family's restaurant in the coastal town of Whitstable. Drawn by her caring nature, locals soon flock to her with all manner of cases. But when an old friend dies suspiciously, Pearl finds herself in conflict with gruff new cop in town, DCI Mike McGuire.
Jang Yoon-Ha is the youngest daughter of a chaebol. Even though her family is extremely wealthy, she holds a part-time job at a food market. She hides her background as an heiress and attempts to find a man that loves her for herself.
A group of young individuals with different backgrounds come together at a pension located in Jeju. They rediscover their love and friendship through the mystery of "Sound Candy."
A teen romantic comedy that tells the story of a chef named Sung Jun who is the best at his craft and has no flaws in the eyes of others, but he is simply hopeless when it comes to love. But when he meets a girl who eats everything deliciously, he falls in love at first sight.
Two childhood best friends enjoying their final seaside summer as they prepare for film school meet an aspiring athlete who ignites unfamiliar desires.
Coach driver and single dad Peter Green leads a life of ordinary routine until the discovery of a dead body on the docile Bognor shoreline and an unsettling meeting with a new arrival in town throws his life into chaos.
Nagisa is 17 years old and attends second grade in high school. He is apart from his parents and lives alone in the seaside town of Fujisawa in Kanagawa. He is passionate about surfing and works at a bathhouse in a hostel on the island Enoshima linked to Fujisawa. Shun is the same age as Nagisa and visits Fujisawa for spring break. They meet and develop a relationship more than friendship. However, the surfing equipment store owner's daughter, Chika, has been secretly in love with Nagisa.
It tells the romance of Yu Ra a web novel writer who planed her new romance novel when she saw by chance the photographer Jung Woo but ended up being the main character of the story.
Two women's paths cross when they are both in the middle of their personal crossroads. Will they find love when they need it the least? Devastated by a break-up, the naturally bubbly and outspoken Sophie wants to disconnect from the world. After deactivating her social media accounts, she escapes to her beach front AirBnB house, also meaning to rehabilitate it. But everything she does is turning out to be a disaster. In fact, Sophie believes that in all her 25 years of existence, she has not done anything right. But when Abi arrives in her house and walks into her life, it all feels just right.