
十面埋伏 2004


唐大中十三年,民间涌现不少反昏君反腐官的组织,其中以打着“杀富济贫推翻朝廷”旗号的飞刀门的势力最大。飞刀门总部设在靠近都城长安的奉天县境内,为保长安安全,朝廷下令奉天县府将飞刀门成员悉数剿灭。 奉天县两大捕头刘捕头(刘德华)与金捕头(金城武)收到限期缉拿飞刀门新任帮主归案的命令。因怀疑牡丹坊的舞妓小妹(章子怡)是飞刀门前帮主的女儿,刘捕头设计将她拿下押入天牢,后又与金捕头再度设下圈套令金捕头化身义士将她救出,想骗取她的信任查出飞刀门的巢穴,但他不知的是,除了在公务上与金捕头和小妹打交道外,私情上也会与他们有番纠缠。



狄仁杰之四大天王 2018





安市城 2018


耗资215亿韩圜以及长达半年拍摄,《我的流氓爱人》青龙奖最佳新人导演金光植把高句丽以寡击众的「安市城之战」搬上大银幕,这部史剧题材的战争巨作《安市城: 被抛弃者的城》(浴血围城88天)由《金权性内幕》赵寅成、《V.I.P》朴星雄、《杀人者的记忆法》雪炫与首次参与电影的南柱赫等领衔主演,剧情以高句丽军对战企图攻陷安市城的唐朝50万大军之间长达88日的历史故事,战争场面如骑兵战、巨石射击、攻城塔精彩,磅礡震撼犹如身历其境,上映以来口碑载道,仅次于《与神同行:最终审判》成为韩国本土电影2018年度票房第二位。 故事以唐太宗(朴星雄饰)战无不克,欲征战高句丽,50万精锐大军压境安市城。仅5千人的安市城军民在城主杨万春将军(赵寅成饰)的带领下,坚守城池,88天里与唐军展开一场殊死决战。片中除了赵寅成饰演名将杨万春,雪炫扮演他骁勇善战的妹妹白荷,刘五性演渊盖苏文,南柱赫为其徒世武,还有《密探》严泰谷、《38师机动队》吴代焕、《金权性内幕》裴晟佑、《超级市长》朴秉恩等演出杨万春的得力助手,以及郑恩彩、成东镒、张光等参演。



满城尽带黄金甲 2006





杨贵妃 1955


唐玄宗李隆基(森雅之 饰)痛失爱妃武惠妃,整日愁眉不展,荒废朝政。内有高力士(进藤英太郎 饰)四处搜寻绝世美女,以求讨取皇上开心;外有杨国忠(小泽荣 饰)等希求显贵之人,不遗余力进献子女。驻守边疆的节度使安禄山(山村聪 饰)拜会杨国忠,偶然在柴房见到杨来自乡下的堂妹杨玉环(京町子 饰),惊为天人。在安禄山和高力士的举荐下,杨玉环进入宫中,赢得玄宗欢心。



狄仁杰之通天帝国 2010





蜀山:新蜀山剑侠 1983


五胡乱华时代,西蜀兵探子狄明奇(元彪 饰)幸得南海派丁引(郑少秋 饰)相救才没误入魔教,见丁引武艺高强,他大力劝其挺身而出救助天上苍生,并想拜其为师,遭丁引拒绝。丁引师弟昆仑派掌门人晓如(刘松 饰)在与魔教护法的打斗中被血魔附身,丁引决定带他到瑶池仙堡疗伤。因丁引是能让堡中冰焰 不灭的有缘人,正在闭关修行的堡主(林青霞 饰)出关救下晓余。而丁引不慎被血魔所伤后,堡主却因救晓余耗尽元气无力救助,只能将冰镜打破,冻住血魔,但众人也皆被冰封住,仅有狄明奇、晓余徒弟一真(孟海 饰)与仙堡女弟子(李赛凤 饰)逃脱。为普救天下苍生,三人决定到天刀峰寻找李亦奇女侠(翁倩玉 饰)与紫青双剑。



刺客聂隐娘 2015


寂寞天宝后,巍巍大唐辉煌告终,朝廷的威严和向心力进一步削弱。此时藩镇林立,派系迭起,在四分五裂的乱象之下李氏帝国勉强维持着不堪一击的和平与威信。河北三镇之一的魏博镇,刚愎暴戾的节度使田季安(张震 饰)野心勃勃,相机而动。会朝廷派神策兵讨伐王承宗,魏博主从各执一词,纷争连 连。与此同时,田季安自幼被公主道姑带到山上修炼剑法的表妹聂隐娘(舒淇 饰)满师归来。她谨遵师父教诲,奉行杀一人以救万人的理念,接连手刃多位大僚,而此次归来则将狙击目标锁定在田季安身上。剑术已成,道心未坚,侠女聂隐娘捷若猿猱,隐迹红尘…… 本片根据唐人裴刑的传奇小说《聂隐娘》改编,并荣获第68届戛纳电影节竞赛单元最佳导演奖。



长安三万里 2023





妖猫传 2017


故事发生在盛唐时期的长安城,白乐天(黄轩 饰)本是朝廷要官,却为了收集写诗的素材而甘愿被贬为起居郎。长安城内连连发生离奇的死亡事件,就连当今圣上也难逃厄运离奇身亡,这一切都和一只神出鬼没的妖猫有关。日本僧人空海(染谷将太 饰)本为了替皇帝解咒远渡重洋而来,却和白乐天意气相投,两人决心携手调查案件真相。 一首如怨如诉的《清平调》表明,妖猫作祟和三十年前倾国倾城的杨贵妃(张榕容 饰)之死有着千丝万缕的关联,追寻着曾经迷恋杨贵妃的阿部仲麻吕(阿部宽 饰)所留下的日记,白乐天和空海一同见证了大唐曾经的荣光,亦揭开了当年隐瞒至今的阴谋。



王朝的女人·杨贵妃 2015


少女杨玉环(范冰冰 饰)为国丧领舞,翩若惊鸿,唐明皇(黎明 饰)不觉倾心。宠妃武惠妃担心潜在的威胁,谎称杨玉环是她为儿子寿王(吴尊 饰)选定的王妃。   杨玉环成了寿王的妻子、皇上的儿媳。这个只需要情感和艺术的女子对政治毫无兴趣,然而,她的周围只有政治。武惠妃设计陷害太子谋反,致使三个皇子被浇注成三尊雕塑。很快,武惠妃阴谋败露,自刎身亡。寿王无法面对父皇对杨玉环的爱慕,下毒药致玉环流产。心如死灰的杨玉环被送入道观。   唐明皇被杨玉环拒绝,恼怒中宣布强娶杨玉环。然而,新婚之夜,唐明皇并没有勉强杨玉环。两人的感情在政治斗争的压力和宫廷日常生活中越走越近,杨玉环终于爱上了唐明皇。   “安史之乱”爆发。这场叛乱使得杨贵妃的两任丈夫——寿王和唐明皇父子和解,寿王悲壮地战死疆场;而无心政治的杨玉环也成为帝国最高政治斗争的核心……



武则天 1963


本片为1963年第二届金马奖优等剧情片,为大师李翰祥执导,王月汀编剧,由金马影后李丽华饰武则天,赵雷饰唐高宗,另有丁宁与二位导演罗维、胡金铨主演,张冲、张仲文及严俊客串。 武媚娘(李丽华)是太宗才人,与高宗(赵雷)有染,被王皇后从感业寺接入宫中,深得高宗宠幸。王皇后因武媚娘诬陷被废,武媚娘被封为皇后。武则天干预政治,迫害政敌上官仪等人,包括自己的亲生儿子李弘和李贤。上官仪的孙女上官婉儿(丁宁)与武则天有仇,但是完全被其个人魅力所折服,成为武则天的心腹。高宗病故,武则天废中宗,自己亲自执政。裴炎(罗维)谋反,被杀,改国号周,称皇帝。武氏晚年,张昌宗和张易之想造反,被武氏的气势吓住。最后,武则天病逝于宝座前。



我的唐朝兄弟 2009


盛唐某年,两个盗贼来到位于荒山野岭之间的苦竹林。他们分别是善于射弈的薛十三(胡军 饰)和鲁莽开朗的陈六(姜武 饰)。二人于村民马七家落脚,与此同时三名官兵亦来到村中。官兵之一对马七的女儿罗娘(王晓 饰)欲行不轨,薛陈二人出手相助,杀死官兵两人。村中里正(李立群 饰)谨遵大唐律法,反将二人捉拿准备见官。次日,一队官兵前来捉拿盗贼,对村民大加挞伐。原本趁夜逃走被抓回的薛陈狂性大发,再次杀尽做恶官兵。在村中盘桓期间,薛十三和女屠户鹦哥(于小磊 饰)一朝云雨;陈六则迷上罗娘,情愿过回田园生活。然而他们毕竟是沾满鲜血的盗贼,且里正仍旧一门心思依靠官府除掉他们……



大唐玄奘 2016


影片讲述历史上的唐朝高僧玄奘历时17年,不畏艰难险阻,前往天竺取经的传奇故事。大唐贞观盛世,年轻的玄奘法师(黄晓明 饰)为求佛法真谛冒死偷渡出境,一路上遭遇千难万阻,天灾人祸,却也深得民间疾苦。官兵围堵、徒弟背叛、埋身沙海、断水绝粮,玄奘法师一心求法,最终抵达印度,在印度弘扬善念静心修佛,等到从无遮大会辩论成功回国之时,已经是年逾五十的老人了。



门神 2020


  大唐年间,天下初定,世间却仍有妖孽作乱。 泾河龙王被斩,水族怨念横生,欲要大唐生灵涂炭以报灭主之仇;东瀛妖师为夺至宝,频用幻术扰人心性,夜劫龙头残害大理寺忠良,更致无辜百姓离奇身亡,一时间京城谣言四起,人心惶惶。为保天下太平,百姓重归安宁,唐皇亲设“御龙卫”并派秦叔宝暗中行动捉拿妖孽…..


Swords of Legends

Swords of Legends 2014


Set during the Tang Dynasty, a young and quiet swordsman name Baili Tusu is infected by the aura of an ancient demonic sword known as the Sword of Burning Solitude. Living with the dark energy, he grew up without family. Until one day, he meets a friendly girl Feng Qingxue along with a group of heroes, and together they wander the land to seek out destiny and bring balance to the world.


The Four Daughters of Luoyang

The Four Daughters of Luoyang 2022


The four extraordinary daughters of the Gu family are a renowned beauty family in Luoyang. After their parents go missing, the daughters unite, setting aside past grudges, to face both internal and external threats during a sudden family crisis. Together, they protect their family's secret beauty techniques, showcasing the intelligence, courage, and emotional struggles of women in ancient times.


The Empress of China

The Empress of China 2014


Based on events in 7th and 8th-century Tang dynasty and starring producer Fan Bingbing as the titular character Wu Zetian, The Empress of China is the story of the only woman in Chinese history to rule as an emperor.


An Oriental Odyssey

An Oriental Odyssey 2018


Ye Yuanan is the daughter of the Assistant Minister of Revenue during the Tang Dynasty. Somewhat of an amateur sleuth, Yuanan loves solving mysteries and is constantly in competition with Zhao Lanzhi, a police officer who is trying to do his job. Yuanan has the assistance of Mu Le, a young man she took in as a family servant after saving him from danger. But what will Yuanan do when she discovers Mu Le’s true identity?


Legend of Princess Chang-Ge

Legend of Princess Chang-Ge 2025


Shortly after astrology predicts destruction to befall the Tang Dynasty, a coup d'état led by the crown prince Li's very own brother kills him and his wife and sons. Li's daughter, princess Yongning, manages to escape, but is soon declared dead alongside her family. Full of wrath, the princess swears to avenge them as she takes on the identity of a young man, Li Chang Ge, and moves to the Shou province to advance her goals. Li Chang Ge uses her wits to gain the trust of the Shou emperor and swiftly climbs the military ranks as a brilliant strategist. Captivatingly drawn, Song of the Long March portrays the feisty girl's adolescent journey toward countless unknown adventures, faithful comradeship, as well as formidable enmity awaiting her along the way.


Legend of SouthWest Dance and Music

Legend of SouthWest Dance and Music 2013


Written by Wang Juan (王倦), the drama is a sino-burmese wuxia travelogue road drama. It is loosely based on the true account of Prince Shwenandaw who brought his renowned dance troop for a visit to Tang in 802 AD for the purposes of diplomacy. Through this mission he spread the word about Buddhist scriptures and teachings.


Stand By Me

Stand By Me 2021


Set in the late Tang Dynasty during Emperor Wenzong's reign, powerful eunuchs control the court. An attempted coup to overthrow the influential eunuch Qiu Ziliang fails, leading Qiu to order the massacre of Prime Minister Wang Yang’s family. Two granddaughters escape, but they are separated. Seven years later, the new emperor, Qi Yan, establishes the Purple Clothes Bureau to confront his godfather, Qiu Ziliang. Now grown, the sisters return under new identities: Qiu Yanzhi as Qiu Ziliang’s adopted daughter and Chen Ruoyun as Qi Yan’s sword-bearer. Although on opposing sides, both seek to dismantle Qiu Ziliang’s power and restore balance to the Tang Dynasty.


Gourmet in Tang Dynasty

Gourmet in Tang Dynasty 2021


No matter how bad things got, Xiao Xiao took comfort in knowing that food would always be there to comfort her. There’s just one problem with loving food. When you live in a world where being slim is hailed as the ultimate standard of beauty, an intense passion for food feels a bit like a curse. Which is why, on more than one occasion, Xiao Xiao has wished she could have lived during the time of the Tang Dynasty, where plump women were considered to be the epitome of beauty. Tired of being harassed about her size, Xiao Xiao wishes with all her heart that she could transport back in time. Little does she know, her wishes are about to come true! After passing out in the modern world, Xiao Xiao finds herself possessing the body of Yuan Wan Er, a painfully thin Tang Dynasty girl whose frail form has kept away all the potential suitors away.


House of Harmony and Vengeance

House of Harmony and Vengeance 2012


When street musician Tai Mingbut passes himself off as Imperial Music Bureau director Kiu Bolung in order to escape government officers, he gets pulled into a case of mistaken identity as the real Bolung lost part of his memory in a fire. To complicate things even further, they are joined by two women at the music bureau who become confused by the swap in the men's identities.


My Naughty Classmates

My Naughty Classmates 2018


The resourceful protagonist Zhang Yi (Liang Dawei) sought medical expenses for the weak and sick sister Zhang Ying (Jinmeng Yangzi), and entered the college with the purpose of finding the legendary treasure of the heavens, and met the Mohist school here. The descendant of Duanmuzheng (Zhang Ruihan), the sultry and human librarian Nantang Prince Li Yuyu (Li Wenhan), the melancholy divination of the divination girl Cui Jialuo (Zhang Xixi) and the innocent and lively Korean Princess Wang Enzhu (Ai Xiaoqi).


The King of Blaze

The King of Blaze 2018


Thousands of years ago, there was a beautiful planet amongst the stars where the deities lived. Among them, there were six powerful gods that include the God of Fire, God of Wind and the God of Mountain maintained the peace in the realms. During a dangerous battle with dark forces, the deities suffer a huge blow. Wind is nowhere to be found after rescuing Fire. In order to find an alternate energy source to save their home, Fire travels to the glorious age of Tang Dynasty where he meets a person who looks exactly like his long-lost love, the God of Wind and ignites a complicated romance between the two.


Women of the Tang Dynasty

Women of the Tang Dynasty 2013


Women of the Tang Dynasty is an upcoming Chinese television series based on events in the Tang Dynasty starting from the late reign of Wu Zetian to Emperor Xuanzong's accession to the throne. The series was produced by Lafeng Entertainment, directed by Chang Hsiao-cheng, and starred an ensemble cast from various regions. Filming for the series started in October 2011 in Hengdian World Studios.


Court Lady

Court Lady 2021


Cheng Chumo, once a shiftless young man, transforms his life after falling for Fu Rou, a diligent merchant's daughter. To win her heart, Chumo dedicates himself to studying and eventually decides to serve his country by leading a campaign against coastal pirates. Meanwhile, Fu Rou becomes a court-weaving official through a series of events, complicating their secret meetings. As she uncovers dark secrets and a dangerous plot, Fu Rou and Chumo must use their wits and skills to overcome their challenges together.



Buliangren 2016


In the late Tang Dynasty, the secret of the Dragon Spring Sword and its treasure can only be unlocked by the Li family's bloodline. Li Xingyun, the surviving tenth prince, and his childhood friend Lu Linxuan are thrust into a conflict with rival forces, embarking on a dangerous journey through a turbulent world.


Drawing Jianghu: The Degenerate

Drawing Jianghu: The Degenerate 2022


Young warrior Li Xingyun and his friends Lu Linxuan, Zhang Zifan, and Ji Ruxue enter the martial world on a secret mission to find the legendary Longquan Sword. As they face enemies together, hidden motives and the reappearance of the mysterious master Bu Liangshuai threaten to expose them. With Longquan’s secrets coming to light, the four must navigate deadly challenges to fulfill their destinies.


The Imperial Coroner

The Imperial Coroner 2021


Young girl Chu Chu came from a family of coroners. She meets Prince Xiao Jinyu, a dignified prince in charge of criminal lawsuit who appeared weak and sickly. Prince Xiao lacks reliable manpower to investigate case, while Chu Chu lacks people to stepup, take charge and be a man. Together, they manage to unravel a shocking case that has dragged on for 18 years. After solving the case, she won the Emperor's approval and is finally certified as the Imperial Coroner, fulfilling her life goal.


The Long Ballad

The Long Ballad 2021


Li Chang Ge's family was murdered by Li Shi Min, the Emperor of Tang, during the Xuanwu Gate Incident. She heads to Shuo Province under the guise of a man with hopes of raising an army to kill Li Shi Min to avenge her family's death. However, as a captain of the army of Shuo Province in Zhangzhou, she loses a siege by the Eastern Turkic Khaganate General Ashina Sun, who takes her to serve him as a personal military strategist.


Flourished Peony

Flourished Peony 2025


He Weifang, the daughter of a merchant, partners with the infamous Jiang Changyang to run a flower business, empowering women and challenging societal norms. As their bond deepens, He Weifang uncovers Jiang Changyang's true identity and is inspired to focus on ventures that benefit the greater good.